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Everything posted by BMagann

  1. Hey thanks for that info! It sounds like just what I am looking for to manage the workload in the PMDG 737.
  2. I am thinking about buying one of the FS2Cew products, and I have a very basic question: Does the virtual co-pilot throw the switches when you work the checklists, or just read them out? Thanks, Bill
  3. For me, the graphics are already good enough. We all want infinite frame rates, but I can live with what I have now. How about realistic ATC right out of the box? Nothing would add more to the program as a simulation than that. Then a better standard of flight modelling in the stock planes would be great.
  4. I would have preferred something different as well. I guess it is a slightly different class of plane, and I'm sure they will do a great job with it.
  5. I am in complete agreement with you. I like P3D, but P3D snobs are just the worst. I suspect 99.9% of P3D users are just like your friends, and I am one of them!
  6. ^_^ That is actually my name when I play WoW, a community in which I am truly an old man.
  7. So it's either "very close" or "days or weeks"? The wonderful world of software development.
  8. You could very well be correct. I still fly FSX more than P3D. Plus we are an aging group who are more likely to stay satisfied with what we already have. But I can dream!
  9. After a year I had hoped that P3D would become the undisputed champion. That it has not is indicative of it's teething troubles. But it will get there.
  10. Or not. They pushed it back another week.
  11. Their forums are down, and they said they would close and be re-set just before the update was released. I guess they are on target for tomorrow as planned.
  12. And with this response you expect them to give a damn what our community thinks?
  13. I run Aerosoft Manhattan and the KLGA you are looking at. I had a VAS problem when I also used their KJFK, but have not had a problem since I removed that. The frame rates can be bad, but I also use Fiber Accelerator and that makes everything run well.
  14. Then 99% of us are using it wrong lol.
  15. The academic license was clearly aimed at people who are studying to get their pilot's license. I think it is pretty baroque to say that it was a training platform for future drone pilots. That certainly isn't implied anywhere in the license terminology. It might turn out to be the case by accident, but that really doesn't seem to have been the intent.
  16. Here we go again! I bet there are thousands of pilots out there training on the Constellation! :rolleyes: Good lord, I suspect that they sell 50x more units to hobbyists than they do to "professional training" types. And if the Air Force is using this to train its fighter pilots, God help the USA. Sorry. I'll be good now.
  17. I got the two extra monitors on sale as a Father's Day present . Good luck with the flight lessons! It is challenging but very rewarding.
  18. I run it on Nvidia surround and three 27" monitors, 5902x1080. I used to run it on a single 580GTX , now on a 780Ti. It has surprisingly little effect on frame rate. Not none, but not nearly as much as you might expect. If you do it I suggest putting the view in wide aspect ratio. Angle the outer monitors in towards you and it is a great experience.
  19. Can you imagine getting those frame rates on a desk-top computer? Me neither...
  20. They tell you to tweak right in the "Learning Center". Tweak away if you are so inclined!
  21. Their website says that Boeing is using it in their flight simulators, so who knows where it might lead.
  22. If you want to see what is possible with great programming try Aerosoft's Thessaloniki scenery. I can run that with everything turned full blast and it runs over 25fps. There are hundreds (thousands? lol) of buildings in sight at any time and it is still butter smooth.
  23. Just a nod in agreement about road traffic being huge frame rate factor. But there are other areas that are killers, especially Seattle. Some urban areas are very FPS friendly, but others are not.
  24. Just flew VFR in a Virtualcol ATR 72 from Bozeman to Jackson Hole over Orbx scenery. Totally unrealistic flight of course. I don't think there are any 72's still flying in America, though I could be wrong. The Virtualcol 72 is quite simple compared to a PMDG bird or the Majestic Dash 8 (which I own and love), and it would never fly via VFR any way. But my point is that this was FUN. I fear we spend too much time trying to be completely accurate, or to prove which sim is better than which, and forget to just enjoy ourselves. There is no wrong way to enjoy the hobby, just right ways.
  25. This link works for me: http://www.saitek.com/uk/supp/yokefsx3.html
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