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Everything posted by BMagann

  1. I hope this isn't one of those questions the administrators hate, but did the Comanche install with the default P3d v2 installer?
  2. It really must do a much better job of off-loading tasks to the GPU than v2.5 did. I have had the same experience of turning up the detail and seeing only a small decline in performance.
  3. I am willing to install the A2A Pipers via the old installers and suffer the consequences when it is time for P3D v3.1. The default GA planes are just so blah!
  4. I am someone who was roundly critical of the first few iterations of V2, so I thought I would give my intitial impressions of v3. First, and this is not intended as an insult, this is much closer to what I thought v2 would be like. I had no problems with startup, the throttle wasn't roaring at full, and they give you a much nicer way to begin via a screen where you can select preferences before the sim drops you into a scenario. I know you could make that change in v2, but that isn't how you encountered the sim the first time it loaded. All of my Saitek panels and controllers seem to work correctly without having to make any adjustments to the .exe or .cfg files. I haven't tried to use my GoFlight controllers yet. With my rig the basic program and aircraft offer essentially unlimited performance. I turned everything up to either ultimate or in the case of shadow distances 3/4 full and my frame rates never dropped below 60. For comparison that is about 20% better than the "equivalent" settings in FSX:SE (and yes I know that they aren't actually equivalent :smile:)​. I did not have 2.5 installed on this machine so that is the best comparison I can make about fps. I get no stutters. Since I haven't ported over any add-ons I can't comment about their impact on fps or VAS. On the whole the package feels much more "finished" than v2 did. If v2 had shipped in this condition it would have saved a lot of bad feelings. Is it worth it? That is up to everyone to decide for themselves. I can't find anything to criticize at this point, so I am happy with the purchase. I will start loading in the add-ons and see how that goes. Bill
  5. Well played. I almost typed that myself!
  6. Deja vu. Some people get good performance, some people don't. The ones who do accuse the ones who don't of being either haters, incompetent, or people out to screw LM. I paid my $200 and will download it tonight. I am lucky enough to have the cash so why not give it a try? I have an outstanding rig now, so I am hoping to get outstanding results tomorrow morning. If I don't I am prepared to be called all of those names lol.
  7. That is my hope, although it really isn't clear. In defense of the Topic Starter, if what the CEO of Orbx says about P3D 3 isn't news, I don't know what is.
  8. If they are going to charge $200 for it I certainly hope it is more than 2.6! Time will tell on both the price and the new features. And maybe what he means is that the FILE structure isn't that different, just like a regular upgrade in that regard. We can hope!
  9. I just got a new computer, going from a 4770 and 780Ti to a 6700 and 980Ti, and the increase is astounding. I know a new install and Windows 10 are playing a part, but I can now fly the A2A 180 through Aerosoft Manhattan and never dip below 40fps, staying above 50fps most of the time. Previously I was getting 20-24fps there. The fps on Orbx scenery like Blue Canyon or Squamish is even higher. I get virtually no stutters. I am using FSX:SE. Your mileage may vary, but I am very, very pleased.
  10. One ruling among many. Until the Supremes rule it is unsettled. And governments will always be able to get that warrant when they want it. Not saying I agree that is right, but it is the way it is.
  11. It is my understanding that courts have ruled email is not covered by the fourth amendment.
  12. It has always been my understanding that email and text messages have always been something that the government has had legal access to if they wanted it, just as they have legal access to your phone records. I think the assumption of privacy has always been far greater than the actual fact.
  13. DDR4 3600 is about four times as much as DDR4 3000. I wonder if it is worth the price? In any case the faster RAM does bring out a better Skylake.
  14. I read that one and a few others that seem to agree on about that 6% number on the IPC increase over Haswell. If there are others that show a bigger jump I would be eager to see them. (Not being sarcastic, I really would!)
  15. But some of the same frequency to frequency tests only show a very tiny difference between Haswell and Skylake, so it really does boil down to increased frequency when comparing the two. But of course if it is upgrade time Skylake is the best choice.
  16. I'm already running at 4.4 with my Haswell so even 4.8 is not a big improvement, and I have seen testers that can't get it stable above 4.7. Perhaps as more testers use different methods we will see higher over-clocks. No doubt it will be in my next system, but there is no need to upgrade to go from 4.4 to 4.7.
  17. Yes, not impressive at all. Very small improvements if any and one review says not to expect over-clocking past 4.8 although it was unclear to me if that meant with just air cooling or included water cooling. Bummer. The negatives were right again!
  18. So many folks are negative about every new development. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens. If it is true that you can get 5.0 with air cooling, what will we see with water cooling? 5.5 would make FSX really sing.
  19. I can confirm that it isn't caused by lowering the gear above the recommended speed. That was one of the first things I checked for. The warning sounds no matter what the airspeed is when the gear are lowered.
  20. The GTN manual says that is no longer necessary, but perhaps it is worth a try.
  21. I did the same thing and found that with zero GTN's I got no stutters, with two the situation was at it's worst. It is possible that I just hadn't noticed the stuttering in the aircraft with only one GTN 750 installed before because it is much less obvious. Any suggestions as to how top stop the stuttering? I realize the topic has now shifted somewhat. :unsure:
  22. It is otherwise such an excellent plane that it is very disappointing indeed.
  23. The instruction manual (bottom of page 4) says that this is now done automatically. Is that not correct?
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