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Everything posted by BMagann

  1. I have had mostly positive experiences with it as well. However yesterday for the first time the program locked up twice near the end of long flights. That was not fun at all! Has anyone else had that experience? Do anti-virus programs have any impact on this version? I have never had that problem with the boxed edition but I can't figure out what caused the crashes this time. OOM's should not have been the problem.
  2. In addition to what you mentioned it works better under Windows 8.1, and hopefully will bring in many new simmers. Some people claim improved VAS with fewer OOM's. Other than that it is pretty much identical.
  3. Yes you can. My Steam folder is on my E: drive.
  4. Ahh, that is what I was getting at. It will still be necessary to run a registry cleaner no matter what. Thanks guys, as always AVSIM provides the best answers to any flight sim related question.
  5. Thank you MichaelTurner for your reply. By doing that will the re-install of FSX:SE then remove anything that the original FSX installation left in the registry that might confuse installers? That is what has to happen to avoid problems, correct?
  6. I installed SE on my computer alongside my existing boxed edition. It is becoming clear that soon I won't require two installations because I am very pleased with the Steam Edition. As soon as the PMDG and Orbx issues are resolved that is the way I am going to go. My question is, what do I have to do to make sure that once the boxed edition is removed installers like the one for Orbx products find the SE installation and do not try to install to the removed boxed edition? Will the uninstall remove all the necessary registry entries, or will I have to do that manually? If so, will it be easy to use a registry editor to remove what needs to be deleted, or is it hard to find and identify the necessary files? Thanks for any advice and guidance you can provide.
  7. That is exactly why I have never joined VATSIM lol. I already know that I am an old screw-up. I don't need anyone else to tell me.
  8. In a year many of these newbies will be better simmers than many of us. Kids pick things up quickly!
  9. I have also failed so far. Anyone out there smarter than me who has succeeded?
  10. I already have all of the North American airports that have the triple installers lol. I just wish that they would give us some idea if and when the rest will be available. It is a sin that Jackson Hole hasn't been made available yet.
  11. I agree with what a lot of folks have said. The soft clouds look nice from above but not so much from below. And they don't solve the 2d spinning cloud issue in P3D v2.
  12. Is there any info anywhere about when various airports will be updated for P3D v2? I check the product descriptions periodically but that is a very inefficient method! Will the migration tool allow you to install them in P3D v2 without any problems? I also have FSX installed and won't be uninstalling it any time soon, so if that is an issue it would be a deal breaker. Thanks.
  13. That is in fact the way it was back in the day on CompuServe. It did keep people honest lol.
  14. Anyone who wants to can spend the small amount of money and find out for themselves whether it helps eliminate OOM's. I am very happy to see these test results and believe that they are 100% genuine. No one will know for sure if FSX:SE will eliminate OOM's in your own specific setup. I also don't understand why some people seem actually threatened by FSX:SE. If your FSX is working perfectly why change? No one will force you to. If others are happy with the new install, be happy for them, don't tell them how stupid they must be to feel that way. And that IS how a lot of this comes across.
  15. Is this now the policy for all of Avsim or only for the PMDG support forum?
  16. That looks like it is worth the $10. Off to the REX store.
  17. Well, that is the way it is for us. Others may have a different experience.
  18. I also get a huge frame rate hit using the Taburet lighting. It is beautiful, but it really effects my frame rates. It can literally fall to 1 fps around NYC at dusk.
  19. People who didn't want to like it aren't going to be swayed any time soon. That is just the way it is. They will see what they want to see. People who wanted to love P3D v2 saw it as perfect when it came out even though it was riddled with ridiculous bugs. Now people who hate Dovetail will see all the faults of the SE. I just wish they wouldn't always jump in unless they have a specific bug to point out or complaint to make. At $4.99 no one can complain that they were ripped off!
  20. I wonder how the results break down when "Hates Dovetail" vs "Doesn't Hate Dovetail" is factored in? I bet that might figure into it. Personally I don't hate Dovetail, but I haven't downloaded FSX:SE yet, so I can't be part of the experiment.
  21. I think he wanted to move in smaller steps.
  22. To quote the Scarecrow, "If I only had a brain." Thank you for your prompt and helpful answer.
  23. I have all of the FTS NA regions, and I recently purchased FTX Global Base. When I run FTX Central should I select North America when I am flying in those regions, and Global when I am flying anywhere else in NA? That's what I assumed, but I'm not really seeing differences when I fly in NA outside of the NA regions. Does it leave the Global up everywhere other than the NA areas when NA is selected in FTX Central? Sorry if this is a silly question, but I would appreciate direction on this issue! Thanks, Bill
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