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About sdirand

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  1. Like Christopher, never heard about this one before today. Anyways, Inibuilds seems better and is cheaper.
  2. I like how Inibuilds found a nice compromise between quality and development time: the sceneries are good enough (to my taste) and they can produce many airport during a one year period. Add to this, that they have many huge sales during the year so if you are a little bit patient, you can buy a nice collection of nice airports at a fair price.
  3. I bought the aircraft when it was on sale two days ago. Made one flight so far and yes, the porpoising when it capture the GS is insane. Will try to make another flight today and check if it's the same.
  4. Bought it on sale last night. At this price, it is a steal.
  5. You know in this century, you can find warning on coffee cups about the fact that coffee can be hot and warnings on a pizza box that you need to open the box before eating your pizza. So nothing shock me anymore. About this PMDG drama, history repeat. We had the same debate at the end of Fs9, FSX. It's now on P3D and in a few years, we will have it again when msfs will reach the end of the road. Each time, we faced the same dilema. We can stay with the current sim, still enjoy it, but we know that developers will soon or later leave the camp and products will become outdaed, not available anymore etc. Or we can follow the new kid in town but we will have to say goodbye to the hundred or thousands of $ we spent on our former sim. Like we say in France, you can't have the butter, the money for the butter and go out with the creamer.
  6. Honnestly it is just as bad in msfs if that can make you feel better.
  7. So what is the feeling from the first users? I hear that the exterior textures and even the flightdeck textures are quite low quality? Is it right? If so, it is a dispointment, especially at that price. But I was fearing the worst when they announced that they would release a P3D version too. Ok it's nice for the remaining P3D users but we can fear that some parts of the aircrafts are probably only a P3D port. I will wait for the first reviews and how this aircraft evolve before buying. I really want a MD-11 but the price is quite high so I expect to have something nice for my money.
  8. They stated that the products will still be available on their servers for the existing users as they said even the fsx products are still available. If they don't come back, it is just that they will not be available anymore to new custumers. About fixing issues, well, don't count on it. Does someone really believe them when they said that they will fix and update their P3D products once their full line of products will be available in msfs? If it was not done one year ago when P3D was already in full decline, who really expect it to be done in a year or two from now?
  9. Cmakris from PMDG already answered that question today: . So it makes me thing it is not related to space of their servers. As someone said, probably because they don't want to deal anymore with new custumer services on those old products. We will see if those products come back in a few days. If not, well it really caught everybody by surprise even if it makes sense for them to do it.
  10. They did the exact same thing when the msfs 737 was released. It seems that some people were confused and ordered the 737 for the wrong sim. They don't want to repeat with the 777. Would be a little bit surprising if the P3D products wouldn't be back online. Yes, the P3D sales of their products might be negligible in 2024 and we don't know for sure the costs associated with such sales. Don't know if it is a problem with costs like Mathijs said or if it the fact that they don't want to deal with custumer service, especially with P3D 6.0 Mathijs answer might be rude but sorry Ray, you were very insistent in your demands with a lot of messages and it seems with the goal to place twice the Ifly brand in their forums.
  11. I love them even if they are sometimes quite heavy on performance. Very detailed, I love the atmsophere, they can release them quickly compared to some others designers and as a bonus have many huge sales during the year. Honestly when you buy them on sale, the value for your money is really great.
  12. Just purchased it a few minutes ago, so... 20 hours after release. Made the purchase in 30 seconds and received the email 30 seconds later. Downloading right now. People just have to avoid jumping on purchase page like a nest of bees as soon as it's available. So I'm going to start playing 21 hours after release? What a big deal considering we were waiting for it for the last 2 years and will be able to fly it for at least the next 5 years. What I missed yesterday what mainly a big headache and a lot of frustration.
  13. Like Flight Factor would love to achieve such sales. But we know, it will not happend.
  14. And let all be honest, if you fly a lot, I mean at least a few flights a week, the price per flight becomes peanuts for a product we will probably use for the next 5 years. I can't count my Fenix and PMDG 737 flights till now. But I have already a lot under my belt. The price of an aircraft is well better priced than a scenery for exemple. Because you can fly your PMDG 777 almost everywhere while you will only use your $20 scenery when you fly from/to that airport.
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