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About andreh

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  1. Are you arming the spoilers before landing? If you don't, they will deploy anyway in the manner you're describing as failsafe, but the proper procedure is to arm them as part of your landing configuration.
  2. EKCHEGSS or EKCHEGKK in the 738, 737, or sometimes the Fenix A320 because they are flights I'm often on in real life (as a passenger). I use to test the sim after updates and sometimes just fly to compare RL to MSFS.
  3. If I've understood it correctly, the order in which to cut thrust and flare is the exact opposite in the A320 vs. 737. A320: at 20-30 feet: flare then Idle (when the plane calls you a retard.) 737. at 20-30 feet: idle and then flare. And don't fly the approach with the AT on. If you do it incorrectly, you will botch the landing. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong about this. 😀
  4. There is a certain "feel" to PMDG addons that other addon makers can't seem to replicate. I can't say for sure what it is, but it is. For that reason, I prefer the PMDG. That being said, the Fenix is also a great addon. The PMDG also has a BBJ variant, so I can pretend it's mine. Hehe 🙂 I appreciate the EFB on the Fenix, being a VR flyer because once you're on the flight deck, you don't have to leave it for any reason. In the PMDG, I have to bring up the desktop to see plans and weather, so that is an advantage for the Fenix. But I have both, and I will continue to fly both.
  5. I have performance issues with the Origami EGKK in VR, depsite a formidable machine. Might be ok for 2D flying, though.
  6. London is photogrammetry so any scenery enhancements are (probably) redundant.
  7. To the op: There are some tips and points to take in over at the pmdg forums in the identical thread you posted there. If you haven't checked it out, do so.
  8. There haven't been any comments on the PMDG forums that the plane has problems capturing the localizer. I have not encountered this problem myself while flying it (without FSiPlanel). There are lots of factors involved here, and there's not enough information in this thread to come to a conclusion. It could very well be that the PMDG does it realistically, while the Fenix is unrealistically agile. Consider what speed you're making the turn. If you're too fast, you might overshoot. It could also simply be that FSiPlanel interacts with the PMDG in some way that results in this. Edit: PMDG implemented a brand new LNAV system a few months ago so some comments made above may be outdated.
  9. As a non-native speaker of American English, I first came across the word "bespoke" when I moved to the UK. I had to look it up. Turns out it means "custom-made".
  10. Assuming it works the same as with the Rift S, that's exactly how you do it. To the right in the navigation bar there's a plus sign. Click it and add whatever program you like. (It has to be open to appear in the list). In the new window that pops up, click the pin symbol to the lower right. Resize it and move it where you want it. Close Oculus home. The window should now be with you in VR.
  11. Depends on what head set you have. In oculus you can do it natively in the home software by pinning an open application. It will then appear in VR with you. I don't know how this works for other headsets, though.
  12. You can bring Vpilot in as window in VR and assign all buttons you need to something easily reachable without looking, but taking notes is difficult. I'm not aware of any app that facilitates that. I suppose if you plan your flight well, the readback and other instructions will be what you expect them to be so maybe you can just remember it without notes?
  13. You can use your VR headset's function for brining external windows into VR, if nothing else.
  14. As far as I know, the 2D screen being on while in VR has minimal or even no performance impact. Getting rid of it does nothing. You'll just have the bite the bullet and turn down the settings. You can however tune the settings quite a lot so that reducing some settings have minimal quality impact. There are plenty of VR graphics guides out there. I've personally found that many settings have little to no visual difference above medium.
  15. Go easy on the MSFS graphics settings. They will have to be signficantly lower than your 2D settings. A lot simmers push settings way above what you would be able to see in real life in terms of seeing detail in the distance, for instance, to be able to see scenery details far off in the distance in outside views, which would be totally unrealistic in real life. A rule of thumb is therefore, if you can't see it in real life, no need to do so in MSFS in VR either. Many settings also only bring marginal quality improvements, at the price of severe performance penalties. Rule of thumb, If you can't see the difference, keep the lower setting. I'm also not convinced that a previous poster's comment about ASW is correct. I use it at 30hz on the Rift S and it works just fine. Different headset, but an Oculus nevertheless but I suppose that could be the difference. The Fenix itself works fine in VR, provided that you don't overdo it with the graphics settings. You can use the mouse to control buttons and knobs. It works just fine. I don't know if VR controllers are supported, but you don't need them, at least. I personally prefer the mouse anyway.
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