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Peter Memmott

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    Yorkshire, England

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  1. Thanks for the review. I will be ordering mine as soon as they are commercially available. I briefly tried one with Elite:Dangerous and it was an amazing experience. I did not want to take it off. Whether I can sustain it for long periods, we will soon see, but it is still worth getting as an alternative way to experience FSX.
  2. In 2006 you could get a 2.5GHz CPU. My "new" CPU bought last year is 3.4GHz. In the preceding decade speeds went up ten fold. Hardly surprising then that FSX does not improve with age.
  3. I read yesterday that fiber_frame_time_fraction has no effect at all on multi-core CPUs, so basically it won't work on any modern PC.
  4. Creative Gigaworks T40. They sound a whole lot better after I upgraded my motherboard.
  5. Rockliffe, in your video you mention having problems using the Saitek combat pedals for braking. Mine were also acting funny until I found that I had to tick the 'reverse axis' button in the control UI. They work perfectly now.
  6. I'm completely new to the world of aviation, but I've been exploring Iceland (OrbX+vector) in the A2A Cherokee. I'm still learning all about navigation and how to use the radio and GPS. Once I've done that I'd like to do a coast to coast route across the States in a light aircraft. That would be great.
  7. Well I just tried taking it out now as a test and I get 95 fps with tearing. Put it back in and I get 60 fps with no tearing. I have a GTX 760. Works for me.
  8. It's the line 'ForceFullScreenVSync=1' that locks it to your monitor frequency. I think it also needs to be set in the nvidia control panel 'Vsync:On'. My monitor is at 60hz so that's what it locks to. So I get a smooth 60 fps. You can check it by pressing ctrl-z twice and the fps is shown in the top left of FSX. This will only apply if you're in full screen mode by the way (alt-enter) At medium sized airports I still get 60 most of the time, but I have MyTraffic installed with the traffic sliders around 30%. With default traffic AI I think I had the sliders slightly lower. And autogen is set to normal on mine. But these are limited by CPU. All my graphics settings are at max (apart from clouds)
  9. No, I set it to the maximum Unlimited option in the FSX menu, but have the following lines under [Graphics] in fsx.cfg to lock to 60. [Graphics] HIGHMEMFIX=1 ForceFullScreenVSync=1 ALLOW_SHADER_30=1 I also use triple buffering and vsync in the Nvidia control panel. Together, all these options mean that FSX can do as much rendering as it possibly can (using three buffers), while the FPS is still locked to 60. Triple buffering isn't so good for twitch games because of the increased latency, but for flight sims it's perfect.
  10. I have a GTX 760 and use unlimited FPS and get a smooth 60 FPS. I use vsync and triple buffering on the Nvidia control panel. I recently got rid of some stuttering by using these settings in the fsx.cfg [bufferPools] UsePools=1 PoolSize=390000000 RejectThreshold=262144 I think I'm currently CPU bound (3.4 Ghz) so I have to have lower traffic and autogen settings but even so I am able to get a nice smooth 60 FPS. I also limited my texture sizes back to the default 1024. I honestly couldn't tell much difference with 4096 textures, and 1024 fixes some of the blurry landscape problems.
  11. Hello, I installed FSX on my D drive rather than the system drive. The main reason I did this was due to lack of space on C, but it's probably good practice anyway, especially if you have a plenty of room on D. I installed most of my addons on D as well. A couple of smaller addons have gone on C like Active Sky Next, but I put the data-heavy addons on D. Best to check the manuals and help of the product you're installing. Rex4 makes it clear that you shouldn't install into the FSX folder. Same goes for VFR GenX I think. OrbX does install into the FSX directory as I recall. On the issue of your crashes. The only time I have had crashes since installing FSX etc is when I've been tweaking some of the graphic settings, so my advice would be if your changing anything in fsx.cfg, just change one thing at a time and make sure the sim is stable before making another tweak. Your system spec looks fine, there shouldn't be any issues there. Hope this helps
  12. Is anyone else waiting for Rex 4 Weather Direct? It's supposed to be coming out later this year. I tried ASN trial and liked it, but I wanted to see how the new Rex4 system compares.
  13. Anything is good with a JD Tweaking does seem to be a bit of a chimera. I've only just rediscovered simming, but have spent a good weak or two trying this and that in order to maintain 60 fps. I think you're right, get the best speed you can and go fly.
  14. I got Orbx global. That's a big improvement over the default. Also tried out some photographic scenery locally and am very impressed with that, but I think photographic is only worth having on areas that you're very familiar with. I have Rex4 Textures, and tried them with ASN trial and it looked great, but I'm waiting for the release of Rex4 Weather Direct and will likely go with that as it will be designed to work well with Rex4 textures.
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