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Everything posted by Raven9000

  1. What?? You are aware you can buy add-ons for FSX-SE pretty much in *any* flight sim store, right..?
  2. Yep, and they don't sell at the org directly... with a fee exceptions that have them in both sites, it's either their own page for some (pmdg, xa for someof their stuff, etc) it's an either or basis.
  3. Sure you are, it's called: "make believe pilot"... now if you choose not to accept it, that's your own personal issue...
  4. +1... will never understand these people that think they are somwhat better than the rest for not playing "games".... boy is it gonna hit hard when he realizes he's been playing "pretend I'm a pilot"....
  5. Hate to break it to you, but no matter how sophisticated it may be, you are, in fact, still playing a "GAME"...
  6. Please show me where you can buy the good airplane add-ons for XP besides carenado/alabeo and x-aviation, please
  7. Sure, there you just have the monopoly of the org...please...
  8. I wonder what the difference is between you (meaning PMDG, not you personally), and another huge player like ORBX, who not only seems to have teamed up quite well but also have their first add-on coming but next month...
  9. You really should download the orbx guide at their site... it explains everything very clearly... also not sure what "internet searches" you did, but just googling "orbx landclass vs vector" brings up a ton of posts (most from this same site) like yours where it has been explained to death...
  10. Lol two wrongs making a right? Yes, meant GEX
  11. We're talking about same and different things... :P yes, it should work fine, *but* if NVCP is set to ignore your application, it will not "work fine"... that is why I suggested he check this. Or tu put it another way: the option os not "required", but if it has been previosuly set to always off then yes, you will need to change it...
  12. Maybe you mean GSX? Ultimate terrain X as far as I know is just US and Europe. And GSX is not the same/equivalent to vector, it's just textures like FTX Global.
  13. After dumping all of us that purchased flight school with end of development, etc, the least you could do is offer some type of discount to people that purchased that product...
  14. No, again, the setting can be set to override whatever you enter in your application, and just as you can select "force on" (regardless of the app setting), you can also select force off (again regardless of what's in the app...)
  15. Very hard to miss at the top of the same section where you posted this...
  16. That's not true. It depends on what it is set to. There is an option that basically says "ignore what the application says"...
  17. The only setting that counts for tearing is v-sync. If you are experiencing it, it's obviously not taking due to some setting. Make sure in control panel you force it to on just in case.
  18. Agree... my main wish was to get LOWI. Sine I saw it's about to. E released for AF2, would get that and then the "upgrade" for AF2. But I won't be paying full price twice for both... Oh well, will have to wait until december I guess...
  19. Sorry to be mean, but if you would have looked/searched, you would have seen they do a sale this time of year every year...
  20. There are lots of vr capable games that run on rift that are not ports of anything... p3D, dcs world, asseto corsa, project cars, dirt 3, dirt rally, iracing, elite dangerous, robo recall, the climb, vr sports, space pirate trainer, lucky's tale, etc, etc has been put for quite some time, and what you mention is just not happening...
  21. Why would that happen? They are two distinct and incompatible platforms...
  22. This is all more a question of "principle" rather than actual reason... I laugh at those petulant enough to think themselves so important that they would actually care about what you do...
  23. It's right there in plain site on the game's page... 11 April Update 2.009 - VR! Dear pilots, we're happy to announce that update 2.009 is ready. The most important addition in it is the VR support. In addition to VR itself, graphics as a whole were heavily updated during the VR development, so everyone will benefit from this update. In addition, it contains many
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