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Everything posted by irrics

  1. I hope it does.. I’m no longer interested in this hobby being a “wild west” of other App stores and random third party installers (and update hassles) or potential malware/spyware being installed by such installers and third party Devs (as we know this has been a real thing in FS community)
  2. I’ll take the water coloring on FlyTampa’s version over MSFS one though I will say..
  3. That’s exactly why I’m surprised also.. I’m very confident this will be remedied. Asobo has proven to be very reliable in this regard so far. This crew knows their stuff.
  4. Tropical water perhaps is the wrong way to have phrased it. I simply meant “appropriate for this location and situation”, which happens to be a tropical locale. Sorry. I thought what I meant was mostly clear. Apologies if not.
  5. Guys. C’mon. You honestly think the hue of the water, anywhere in the sim shot, is appropriate for tropical water? I am open to be convinced. Can you share some shots of this real world location where the water looks anything like the sim shot?
  6. Here are some cloudier/darker photos and even here, the water looks vastly different from the MSFS in-sim shot. This definitely needs fixing (which I have no doubt will happen - these guys have been too “on-it” to not fix something like tropical water)
  7. Hmm. Not sure I’m with you. Have another look. The water in the sim shot looks like it’s from the Pacific Northwest around the San Juan’s or something. Way too dark and lifeless for a tropical region. As you said, maybe it is just time of day… But even then it still seems not quite right
  8. The watercolor at Saint Barts doesn’t look right to me...
  9. I’m not spending a nickel on anything flight sim related until the new MSFS is out. For me, it would simply be money wasted.
  10. Remember when some were saying things like “I’ll stick with FSX”? lol Wow. This is really indescribably cool.
  11. I am SO stoked for this release.. I can’t even remember the last time I’ve been this excited about an upcoming game or piece of software... It’s been at least over a decade since I have been - if ever
  12. This is a great point.. I would LOVE it if for some reason MSFS would really benefit from lots of cores
  13. I don’t know - I’d honestly wait. This may not release literally for another full year yet (end of 2020). Lots can change and if you don’t have a pressing need for a med-high level system between now and then, it’s always better to let prices fall and the value equation to get better on tech over time.
  14. Me too - I’m putting on an extra pair of socks for that....because I think they’ll blow our socks off. Lol. (Daily Dad joke)
  15. I would like to see and know more about all things “airport environment” related actually. Good thread topic. Nothing could add “more” than adding “action and stuff happening” at all airports (where appropriate) and certainly way beyond the main huge airports. I’m probably in the minority, but I fly nearly exclusively GA in real life and when simming. I want to see some appropriate “GA activity” at small fields. I trust they are going to do something around this, as they’ve blown away my every expectation thus far.
  16. Probably very correct and I agree that it’s likely a big driving force. Honestly, I’m indifferent about what it runs “on”, as long as the XB NG version is “pretty good” to “very good” in comparison to PC options. There will always PC’s that can be specced up and “destroy everything else”, but I’m simply not ever in the market to be one of those people buying the >$1k GPU’s and the like. If I can hook in a KB, Mouse and Joystick to a next gen XB and the performance and visuals are good, I will absolutely consider it, especially since brand new console generations usually offer much more hardware value than the price they are asking.. That of course gets ludicrous by the end. XB1 and PS4 models should honestly be $150 MSRP at this point based upon the hardware inside. It’s laughable they hold onto the old price points, Apple style, right up to the end. People are getting hosed who buy those at full retail at this point (IMO)
  17. This forum is truly incredible... It’s mesmerizing to watch some people *still*, always, find things to complain about after seemingly every single amazing detail or information piece Asobo releases. Some of you truly need to get outside and talk a walk or something. No offense intended, by my lord.. C’mon guys..
  18. I’m really hoping that the next gen XBOX will run MSFS well. I’d really like to have that as a legitimate option for this usage.
  19. Anyone who’s not *exceptionally* happy with how this has been going and looking... I simply can’t understand you and I wonder what in life actually *does* make you happy.
  20. Agreed I'll take a flight from KRNT to KORS or KFHR with some developing weather along the route.
  21. I wasn't poking fun.. We must be thinking of different "c words"
  22. A lot of words that might apply start with "C"
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