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Everything posted by irrics

  1. We getting a new "something" to chew on this Thursday? I'm out of the loop on the schedule/itinerary for things with MSFS right now
  2. Umm..”nope”. Not me anyhow. No flight simulator installed at all, and there won’t be until this new MSFS. All focus on the future here. Also unsubscribed from the endless spammy sales emails from OrbX
  3. Barring new information, most every talking point has been completely fleshed out and beaten to death
  4. VR is the bees knees. You can’t go back once you get into it. Normal 2D just feels lifeless in comparison.
  5. Love it! Smart characters over there at Asobo!
  6. It's not out yet If it were, I'd buy it to start testing it and figuring out my VR needs..
  7. @ca_metal Ahhh!! You said "VR"! 🤣 Watch out for the tomatoes coming your way on stage...
  8. You’re confused. I’m not the user who was advocating for shutting down conversation in here that isn’t “in support of TIR”. I didn’t tell people to move along and leave the thread. All opinions, positive or negative, are valid and should be shared on all subjects, particularly if a goal is accurate feedback for MS/Asobo
  9. “Austin” (among many reasons) 😀
  10. Thank you for admitting this. These “positive only” rules being advocated for here, were not in play in other discussions about other features - nor should they be.
  11. Re-read what I wrote again. “Feedback” doesn’t mean “only people who want something and/or are saying positive things about that thing”
  12. I’m not going to take anything JV says to the bank until we learn more about third party partners and how involved OrbX is (or isn’t). Its possible he knows some behind the scenes stuff.. It is also possible sour grapes are coloring his every remark right now.
  13. So if you dislike it and want to share thoughts of feedback to MS/Asobo of “don’t waste too many resources on it right now - get to it later or by 3rd party add-on” you’re not allowed to contribute? That is not how forums and feedback work, sorry.
  14. Agreed. I've seen some bashing of the TIR experience itself (myself included), but I think support should be there at some point (and I think it will be).
  15. Are we just fabricating statistics? What on Earth are you basing your 95% guess on? lol Sorry, I’m only laughing because it seems like a consistent trend with human beings that we somehow fabricate narratives that support what we want all too often.
  16. Yes and Sort Of Its weird but functional (but still weird)
  17. That icing part of the video made me want to turn on the windshield de-icing and cycle the boots!
  18. THAT would be nice (and how it should be done). I'm exhausted and done with an era of "needing add-ons for every little thing to complete the actually great experience", particularly environmental things. I'm so stoked that we are done with "texture replacements" for water/clouds for instance.
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