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Everything posted by irrics

  1. I would like seasons at some point.. But I'm happy to be patient on that and I expect seasons will come eventually for sure, particularly since it's something they can alter completely on their end, server side.
  2. I think it's pretty easy to figure out.. For many people, MSFS looks to be a completely revolutionary leap and they've totally lost interest in the current offerings. But - even if a user hasn't lost interest in what's out right now, they've simply decided to at a minimum not pour more money into a platform they likely won't be using at all once MSFS releases.
  3. Some of the wisest words spoken on this forum in quite a long while..
  4. Developing for the MS platform was a choice made by every third party and there should be no expectation of any "rewards" for doing so, even over an extended period of time. Also, that arrangement was known in advance of outlaying a single penny of development money. MS left the space. Third party developers didn't really keep anything "alive" that actually benefited MS in the time they were gone. Third party add-ons have benefited the end users, but not MS or the core MSFS product.
  5. Asobo could announce a “free $500 for each user” and some of you would still find something to complain about. It is incredible how cynical and negative some are.
  6. Honestly, for the mainstream market, I think XP will be a dead platform a couple years from now. Note to XP fans: I'm in no way rooting for that! The technology, commitment and budget advantages that this new MSFS has, not to mention that proprietary Asobo engine, are the most substantial we've ever seen in this space.
  7. (We go live to Jeopardy with Alex Trebek...) Who is: "Austin"?
  8. This is a pretty interesting point that I'd really never thought of...But it really does have some important implications actually. Hopefully Asobo can address this either way. I presume they've thought of it, but... who knows, right?
  9. (circus music plays in the background) Narrator: "And round and round they went, arguing ad nauseam for months on end..."
  10. Nor will anyone else - Save the money and go default where possible. IMO - OrbX will need to up their current game to get anymore of my money -- assuming they will be doing 3rd party MSFS anyhow.
  11. I’m really glad you brought this up. I completely agree. I have found myself looking down at the world below and hoping to see more action down there than I have so far. This kind of stuff really could bring a ton of immersion to the simulator particularly when you’re on final approach and there’s a whole bunch of stuff happening on the ground below you
  12. Hey, those of you that think P3Dv4 holds a candle to what we are seeing here, more power to you. I suggest you stick with the older platform and enjoy it and all your add-ons. To each our own.
  13. You could literally convince me that icon shot is a photograph
  14. The real question is... Will it have Locher Airfield? I would love to land on that sloped grass runway with tight access in a ravine and be navigating potential wind issues..
  15. Guys, I know you're excited about "study level airliners", but just a reminder that the VAST majority of the market will not be worried about (or wanting necessarily) flipping literally every switch and following every checklist bullet point to the tee, just to get pushed back and taxiing. That is the niche within the niche for sure. I hope they do a great job on the planes they pack in, but I fully expect "study level" stuff to be left to third parties, so that those who want to pay for the work required there are able to do so.
  16. To echo above, MS, please open up your forums. Many of us are exhausted with over moderation and sometimes flat out censorship of topics that are relevant and of interest too many.
  17. Also, yet another shout out to Asobo and how great their presenters have been. It's incredibly engaging, light hearted but yet content filled and just immensely satisfying to take in. You can tell they LOVE this.
  18. This is OFF THE HOOK Seriously - anyone not excited - over the moon thrilled - with what this is shaping up to be, I don't understand you.. This is my favorite video of *all* of them. This environmental stuff is truly revolutionary.
  19. Perfect! Asobo should do a golf game.. They clearly know what they're doing and have an amazing graphical engine.
  20. This is the one product that could get me more excited than even the new flight simulator.
  21. I’m still honestly a bit blown away MS is back in this space. It’s like I’m dreaming... I never in a million years thought they’d get back into making MSFS. Now... Can MS please release a PC golf game again next?
  22. My clamor level hasn't dropped one single bit - can't speak for others though.
  23. I wonder how often updates will be a thing. The Seattle viaduct situation comes to mind. That fixed in latest content we’ve seen?
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