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Everything posted by irrics

  1. I would love a Lancair Legacy RG in MSFS
  2. Nope - we are back from a time when the product has released and the NDA is lifted. If you have questions, please fire away!
  3. Umm. That's for sure.. (the bolded part) X-Enviro stuff looked like weather from a planet I've never been on.
  4. Agreed The next-gen train is leaving the station... Better get onboard PMDG
  5. @Lorby_SI I'm inclined to agree. The whole P3D/LM thing only even came about because MS was exiting the FS space. Now that they are back in - whole hog - I see no reason why they'd be offering anything from their new MSFS platform to LM moving forward. I think P3D is what it is and LM will keep working off of the base they have there as it suits their needs as it is. Graphical eye candy and the types of enhancements that MSFS is brining don't really appear to be of obvious benefit to LM's type of simulation usages anyhow.
  6. I can’t even check email without TrackIR
  7. It’s a shame they didn’t want me to test out 9 fps performance on my RX 570 - lol The “Kodak Slideshow” mode
  8. A very thoughtful and well reasoned take..
  9. Been out of the current sims for quite a while now honestly. Full focus on MSFS at this point.
  10. Exceptionally impressive! We gotta' tell Asobo that the Viaduct is gone though.. haha
  11. Yeah - I can think of lots of reasons we would want information out... I can't think of any reasons MS/Asobo would really benefit from it though (unless we really start stretching).
  12. There's a fair difference between "support for yokes" and "support for TrackIR". I don't believe in adding things to software simply because others have it. Decision making like that just leads to immense bloat. That said, from an outsiders perspective, it seems very reasonable to support TIR at some point on the road map, and I certainly hope you guys get your TIR support.
  13. I had the same thought. Sort of the same techniques they are using to determine the right type of land classes for grass and so forth.
  14. Without question this is one of the coolest parts of the scenery being on their servers and upgradable on their end all the time. The better their techniques get and their source material gets over time - the better our simulator world will get, all without us doing anything much
  15. I’m seeing more than that in this photo. https://imgur.com/ycfaByX Look closely at some of those buildings (Columbia Tower for instance). That doesn’t look like a spot light lighting textures up (not all of them anyway). If anything it looks like a night texture on the building itself… Or perhaps actual lights that are dim?
  16. Welcome and congratulations on your first post. About your data… What is the context and source for it? (Sorry - specifically quoted that so the graphics couldn't change on me after my post)
  17. I think this is just the reaction to expect when actual first class modern studio talent and AAA money gets injected into our favorite hobby here. We’ve been so conditioned to think the best we could do was adding on to the old old engines of the past.. Even the most ardent XP fan has to admit this has got to be opening some eyes at LR. Maybe not Austin - he has his money - but for the future they have a ton of work to do in order to stay relevant long term.
  18. Lmao! I feel like that one could use some explanation 😂
  19. Is it just a night texture then? or what are they doing in those shots from this video?
  20. Me too. I wonder if it’s actual lights or a texture that is getting swapped in? If it’s lights, they could obviously just fine-tune it
  21. I voted yes but I can understand no. Especially since, here, whenever we have new information, no matter how amazing it is, the positivity lasts about 15 minutes before people start poking holes in every little thing. I’m not sure how useful that would be to have the general public doing that throughout the beta process. That also lends itself to losing control of the product narrative among the general public before it even releases, which is not a positive thing.
  22. Ok. Good god. Forget I said anything. Some of you guys. Oh my goodness.
  23. Easy tiger. I just meant for 10 minutes can we be positive? The video just came out and we already have to point out everything negative and/or “concerns”?
  24. Can’t we just be positive for a bit? Must we immediately devolve into “but what is the downside!?”
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