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Everything posted by irrics

  1. The P3D and XP worlds are going to feel positively dead and dated compared to this.
  2. This video, for my money, is the best and most exciting yet. Asobo is TOTALLY killing it. This is going to be a tremendous release. What an amazing leap forward in all possible ways.
  3. It just keeps getting better - it's nuts! These guys are incredible!
  4. This weather and lighting video is INCREDIBLE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8TGT87Fxyw 600km cloud view distance!! Live real world weather! oh and that water in front of Seattle skyline - *awesome*
  5. Nobody will like my opinion, but I'll share anyhow.. "No TrackIR Support" will impact MS sales in basically no meaningful way. If you hook up a new or perhaps younger user who MS would like to capture into this demographic, they'd find TrackIR to be the jankiest, weirdest, "hack" from 15 years ago imaginable. Older longtime users who are used to it may like it, but it's not going to drive any new engagement. Hopefully for those of you that like it, it will come later or by SDK 3rd party integration. Sorry - just keepin' it real. Perspective on things we value in FS hardcore world is important. We here are a weird bunch in a super niche little space of gaming.
  6. Competition can be stiff for this title at times around here.. lol
  7. How did they arrive? I think you want to press eject on the Zip Drive
  8. I hear ya' OP - but I think it's too early to worry yet. I won't be surprised if this doesn't fully release until around a full year from now (or even holiday 2020)
  9. You too huh? All I have to do is first send THEM a Western Union payment for $15,000 -- then they'll send me the $2mil in diamonds. Great deal, 'eh?
  10. My goodness no. I'm as excited as the next person for MSFS, but c'mon - "changing email habits in case the Alpha invite comes?" - Seriously? lol
  11. Spot on. The lighting in the engine is totally amazing and really dramatically changes depending on the weather and scene situation. It conveys a warmth and lack there of that is really beautiful
  12. I sure as heck don't need "live" road traffic.. But - I would love it if the time of day could represent what it should be like (generally) in a given location, which should actually be data that's somewhat readily attainable. It need not be perfect, but nothing drives me crazy in something like X-Plane like seeing rural Idaho roadways with "rush hour" levels of traffic in areas where you'd be lucky to find 3 cars anywhere in sight - ever. It totally ruins the feeling of being in a remote location (as just one example).
  13. Again, why is this topic in the MSFS area?
  14. Heaven forbid we get excited about a brand new revolutionary flight simulator announced by surprise from the company that literally created the genre whom we all thought had given up on it a full decade ago.
  15. This seems like a generic tech help topic and not really something that belongs in the MSFS area specifically
  16. I’m already flying MSFS 2020 with PMDG... You guys should really get with the program. It’s awesome.
  17. I’m with you OP. All eyes and interest focused on MSFS
  18. Also, how do I get it if I don't have a computer? /s I have to think Microsoft is safe in assuming that a very large portion of their demographic for a new "flight simulator" has "an internet connection" at least part of the time.
  19. I've noticed people on the internet love to have opinions about information without actually taking in the information in advance. It's a descendant of the "comment on an article based upon its headline, without ever reading the article". I'm not sure anything is more frustrating online in comments/forums than this behavior.
  20. That really doesn't jive with what Devs said in that flightsim.com audio interview. They're way more bullish on performance and this is before it's even been optimized (their words). I think there's a reason this proprietary Asobo engine was sought after by MS for the new FS.
  21. I had precisely the same thought as I watching it. You don't compare 3 things by showing different examples for each one. lol
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