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Everything posted by swiesma

  1. Well. I’ve been a developer for 10 years and a software architect for 3 years now. Yes. There may be some specific things when switching to 64Bit (I guess it’s not common even in flightsim programming to do stuff in assembler). And we may have to wait some weeks or months. But not years!!! In modern languages there is not much difference between 32 and 64 bit when it comes to programming. But what do I know. Edit: The switch to P3D 64 bit and almost all addons was done in some weeks. Seems that it’s possible even without waiting years ;)
  2. Well I don’t use A2A. And all addons I use are converted.
  3. Well. Then use the addons from 99% of other developers. Problem solved. His business model is like it is. And it won’t be changed because some people don’t like it I guess.
  4. It is pretty simple in my eyes: pay it or don’t pay it if it doesn’t suit you?!? I didn’t pay it either but I am aware that I do not get support afterwards. Again. People here pay hundreds of dollars in software and then complain about 5€ support fee?! You guys make your life hard for no reason. But what do I care? There will be the same answers and the same whine again. It’s been the same for a lot of releases in the Not to distant past.
  5. Most developers did not have much trouble switching to 64Bit. I am not so negative about this.
  6. Yeah. Other companies simply add these costs to their product prices. Chris should charge 20% more and remove the support fee. Then this whining over some Euros would stop.
  7. „Such a business model“ - paying for other people’s work? Well. Ok. But then stop complaining. Or do you work for free? Guess not.
  8. Buy the support and you’re good -.-
  9. Once you go P3D you will never look back :-) in the meanwhile enjoy the 787 :-)
  10. You are aware what 32 bit vs 64 means in software development? This is not rocket science mate.
  11. Well, the performance gain in most games in 4K from the 1080 to the ti was around 30% which is huge. The 1080 is too weak for 4K in modern games, the ti most of the time sustains 45-60FPS which is enough for me. In P3D it helps in certain GPU limited situations like overcast, shadows, etc. Like I said: if you can afford it - go for it. You won't regret it. Especially if you also do other stuff besides P3D.
  12. I can try EDDF with ORBX South germany tonight. Yesterday I did a flight from JustSim EDDH to T2G EDDM with ORBX North and South Germany - no problems :-)
  13. Or the "it is released" post comes later today. Who knows :-) What a time for flightsims - the 787, hopefully in a short time the AS A330, FSLabs A320, the PMDG stuff.... huge load of high quality addons. very nice.
  14. I have a 6700K and used to have a 970, then a 1080 and now a 1080ti. Each change was a huge leap forward. Especially cause I use 4K! If you have the money: Go for it! https://imgur.com/a/X9s2l :-)
  15. I cannot see ANYTHING regarding the 787 on Flight1? :-(
  16. Sloped runways so that your planes jump up and down on takeoff like in the „future of simming“ XP? Oh please not. I am looking forward to the P3D version of the 787.
  17. I think AS EDDF is really worth it. One of the better sceneries.
  18. Well, I does not matter how good the product will be on release. There will be the same threads on AVSIM as on every other release. - Why does this not work? - Why does that not work? - Why didn't they release it earlier? - Why are there so many errors despite they released it so late? - Why is it so expensive? etc. pp. They cannot do it "right". No matter what they do.
  19. Same problem here - but I think LM knows about it. Hopefully they are able to fix this soon.
  20. That's good for you :-) My wife just rolls her eyes when I show her something new and tell her why I NEED this new scenery and this new plane and the new joystick - oh and with the joystick I need the peddals.... etc. :) A man needs a hobby. My second hobby is my car - and this hobby is WAY more expensive - and therefore even more underappreciated by the wife :-(
  21. I am not looking forward to 4.1 4.1 means for me: I finally have to get the FSL A320. And if the dream of the 787 comes true, this is gonna be a very hard time for my credit card. And IF the iPhone X will be available too - good night credit score :-(
  22. This has nothing to do with being a nay-sayer. At least in my case and I guess in most other cases. I tried it - and it sucks in my opinion :-) So I am waiting for the next gen. And even then you have to face the challenges of looking at charts or doing whatever you need to do besides the "real flying". Just chill and let people do what they like - easy :-)
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