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Everything posted by swiesma

  1. I use a 4K 32'' IPS Monitor. -> Brilliant colors, but not exactly cheap. Do you play other stuff than P3D? If so, a 1070 is too weak for 4K. Also P3D has some very GPU heavy stuff like Overcast, MSAA/SSAA settings, Dynamic light... Hard choice for you here. I mean 4K is 4K and it is great! But also very taxing on the system. But if you really go for 4K I would also go like @MarkDH with a bigger screen. This adds to the immersion! I have a 65'' 4K screen as TV and I always imagine how great it would be as my P3D monitor :-) But the wife will kill me if I move the PC to the living room.
  2. True, and dont forget to enter the descent forecast!
  3. The Buses are also fun - different but fun. Hab the Aerosoft Buses and also liked them even though they lack a bit of depth. A good time for us simmers. The FSLabs A320, QW787, AS A330... Man, too much choices :-)
  4. Your rig doesn't look too bad to me. A 6600K@4.5 should be really ok for P3D. Like the others said: I also can imagine that the GPU is the limiting thing here. Otherwise you should be good to go. Could you run a 3D mark Firestrike? It's for free and will show the power of your current system (even though it doen't show how P3D will perform). Edit: You can buy the P3D developer license and try P3D for one month for 10$. And the XP11 demo is for free... So you can try them both :-)
  5. In Germany you can buy delidded CPUs with warranty. So this is what I would do. Why would Ibuy a 7900X for 1000€ and then give away performance due to bad thermal compound? But: Everyone as he wishes :-) https://www.caseking.de/intel-core-i9-7900x-3-3-ghz-skylake-x-sockel-2066-delidded-tray-cpbu-140.html
  6. I had a Gigaybyte Aorus 1080ti (which failed after 3 months) and have now the Asus Strix 1080ti. The clocks are almost identical, almost all 1080ti go close to 2 GHz (mine were both fine running at 1950 MHz). The only difference between my 2 cards: the Asus is significantly more silent! Long story short: The "gaming" 1080ti's most of the time only go a little higher which you won't notice in performance. So....
  7. The funny thing is: My bank doesn't want me to buy the Bus. They called me yesterday and said my Mastercard was locked because of potential fraud. Is this a sign? ;-D I am really looking forward to the A320 (and hopefully soon the QW 787). Let's wait and see.
  8. I did not own the FSL A320 before, but I will get it for V4.1 now, hope it is good :-)
  9. I run my 6700K @4.3 GHZ all cores. I use DL on, Texture size 2048, Texture_Exp_Load = 10, 4x MSAA, Unlimited FPS. And still, in overcast conditions there is nothing "smooth", and also on normal conditions where I get around 35-50 FPS in the VC of the PMDG birds, you still get long frames etc.
  10. Yeah sure, because I'm too dumb, or what do you want to tell me? :-) But why don't you make a video for us? And I make one too and we compare it?
  11. Yeah, sure. Without clouds maybe ;) And no long frames and stuff?
  12. You just uninstall/install the content package (or the other packages which were updated). No need for a full reinstall.
  13. P3Dv4 + 4K + iMac.... Well :-) Even my PC with the 6700K and a 1080ti struggles here.
  14. The thing is: You don't need to pay the support if you don't want it or it's too much for one. But going to a forum and ranting about prices won't change anything. See also all other threads regarind releases in the last weeks. But I can imagine the next rant now :D Well, I don't care. Like @HighBypass said: The support is very good and it's 5(!) Bugs. That's less then my meal at the cantina @ work today.
  15. @Nyxx is absolutely right there. Full Ack. I use the Thopat preset and it is so nice. I agree, the nights are pretty dark. But that's the same in reality. On my last night flight from Greece to Germany all i could see where some lights on the ground, the rest was pitch black - and that's what I get in P3D.
  16. LOL @carlito777 and @Sethos1988. Why are ou guys bringing this hate into this thread? I cannot understand such behaviour. -.- Rob made measurements and outlined his parameters and results. What are you guys so furious about?! This could be such a nice forum. But no. Some always need to take it to the personal level. Nice job.
  17. Also lower temps mean less noise for cooling etc. So delidding is the way to go when one has an Intel CPU these days and wants to overclock.
  18. Yep. Here in Germany you can buy them already delidded. Don’t know about other countries. Would go for a delidded 8700k or a 8 Core i9.
  19. @simbol I am with you. Completely. But some here act like switching to the new SDK and 64Bit is ultra tricky. And this is not the case. That’s all I am saying :-) Sure. QW will need some time and that’s ok.
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