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Everything posted by cyyzrwy24

  1. I can't get same as you do for some reason with EA on......Without EA and SF (Beta) I managed to get more realistic clouds, almost as in 4.5 and with three layers. However without EA, (FSL VC) is very blueish so not perfect either. I am using Envshade with SF combination. Much better but still needs some work I guess. But my biggest issue is at the Dusk when using EA.... If cloudy, horizon gets all "rainbow" colors. Can't find golden middle nowhere. Basically with SF/Envshade I see real clouds ahead and no more milky lines and puffy clouds at FL350. Hopefully they will make more changes in next update.
  2. When I used SF in 4.5 you could see huge difference with and without....I installed last night this version and I will test it during day flight. Also had to make integration with Envshade. So let's hope it works. When I created my preset I managed only two items to inject. not sure why, but when I used from community it populated all presets. So let's see how it works. I will definitely report. REX SF was really good before. Hopefully will stay like this in 5.1.
  3. Hmmmm....By next Xmas for sure.....By then Sky Force might be updated (that's another sad story) and hopefully 777 will be updated. Unless next week we get another Information that MSFS gets "traction".... P.S. Or I might retract about SF...there is Beta SF3.... Finally some movement there
  4. Why would you want CPU to be at 100%? I am for example never above 45%
  5. Latest P3D and ASP3D 7638....Hopefully fix is coming...
  6. Recently I have clouds "racing" ahead with AC at FL360 with ASP4 and TS ON? Haven't see that before. Not sure if anyone reported that but looks very strange. Not sure if it needs some additional adjustments and settings but it is odd.
  7. Didn't had a clue about this.....watched the videos and looks very interesting and useful. Will install and try.... Thanks
  8. Same information as before...basically no changes. But at least we have been informed about information that it is "okay-ish".....
  9. Not in Envshade, I just made quick access for HDR lights adjustments in Chase Plane (so I don't have to go to P3D settings). So, at dark and night flying (specially FSL), I turn HDR up/brighter and it is much "nicer". Once land at night that helps me too.....during day I tonne them down to my liking. I played with Evshade and I didn't accomplished absolutely nothing and wondering if it works, unless I have completely bad settings or don't know how too use it.
  10. It is unusually dark...even more than before. And EA doesn't make it better either. But without it in some cases doesn't look that nice....I found "golden" solution that helps me...In Chase plane I set up couple buttons to increase and decrease HDR. It looks much better when I need. Specially when taxi at night time...
  11. LOL...you got that right....but now, we all wear mask so it is easy....
  12. I believe it is already at the0 but I have to check...It is odd that I can't make it work. Thanks
  13. I believe I tried everything so far but unable to figure how to lock horizon...on take off plane goes "above my nose" so I see nothing and on roll it appears that everyone at the "back" would fall. Every since I reinstalled that is happening though. Looks like I forgot how to make it work or i don't see. Any idea what I am doing wrong... Thanks
  14. I believe I tried everything so far but unable to figure how to lock horizon...on take off plane goes "above my nose" so I see nothing and on roll it appears that everyone at the "back" would fall. Every since I reinstalled that is happening though. I re-bulid new PC and needed to reinstall everything but for some reason unable to figure this function...I forgot or i don't see. Please let me know what I can do to return to normal.... Thank
  15. Thanks guys...forgot to turn on few things...and just realized that quite a few things got forgotten if once you set up and forget about it...LOL. Now I am struggling with few settings as well, what is what and where. Also realized how many things is there to download and install. It will take some time but so far so good.
  16. I build new PC and re-installing everything now but getting issue with GSX2. I installed and activated but every time I preCtrlF12 wants me to wrap to trial mode Airports? Do I need to install GSX (old version as well)? Any idea. Sorry to bug you
  17. Didn't paid attention to that but I will check one more time...Thanks Yeah I did after I closed Sim...but never checked. Thanks
  18. I haven't seen Chase Plane update, any new from them? This take unusual long time for some reason.
  19. Thanks....perhaps I should do complete overhaul. On one HD I have all Airport installer saved and I will keep them for easy re-installation. I will de-activate both PMDG and P3D for time being until everything is completed. Hardware upgrade should be straight forward...at least I will use help from YT...LOL. Unfortunately with latest updates my CPU slowed down significantly and it drives me nuts. And with old motherboard it is time to move on. I am 4 Gen behind but still using. Few components still to buy and get to work..... If anyone else could jump with suggestion I would appreciate. Thanks
  20. HI Guys I know it was answered before somewhere here but I have few questions. I am planning changing mobo and CPU and would go for fresh Windows install as well. Not sure what I need to to with P3D and some other add-ons. Should I de-activate? Also PMDG, does it need de-activation or not? I believe FSL doesn't need that. But advice would be welcome. I believe that have more or less every possible add-on available..... I am planning to keep all three existing HD's with all add-ons so I think I can use them once everything is done just to assign correct drive letters. Or is that smart thing to do? Once I go for everything new (upgraded) would it be wise to get everything fresh just in case if there are some "odd" and "bad" files that might give me "hard time" with newer and upgraded PC? I have to admit that I am planning this for some time but just afraid to "wreck" something and spend more time on forums than flying. At this moment my biggest concern will be drive "C" because my add-ons are there together with Windows. Obviously that will be different Drive. As well as all other programs files etc.....Remind you everything learned I about PC's is either here or on Youtube so I am no "expert" by any means...LOL If anyone has quick advice I would appreciate.... Thanks
  21. Just tried again and again CTD....Second time and at the same pleace I thing after take of off FTCYYZ....not sure if anything to do with scenery but happens after I switched view from outside to VC. I am out off any any solution at this moment.......
  22. I am not sure if is sound related but prior to CTD i lose sound and than just shut down. I read somewhere that might be sound driver isue. But not sure. Now I repaired all three to see what happens next.
  23. CTD's that I never had before are suddenly started happening!!! Sound goes down and Sim just shuts down....So not sure if anyone can confirm if it could be issue with sound (?!) and how to solve this. But as far as I can see, based on performance this is not good. For lack of better words. EA I won't even discuss here because is unrealistic and miles away from 4.5 looks, so now it's some performance issue and lighting that we have to solve it seems.
  24. Thank you..make sense...didn't paid attention on that "small" detail....
  25. lol...it works but this shouldn't be solution...
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