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Everything posted by cyyzrwy24

  1. Well, something doesn't make any sense here....If I try to disable EA and HDR error message pops up and says correct errors?! Never seen this before....So I am forced to use EA? But I had it off on the ground and when I start playing as suggested this happens... So if I try to untick DL - error to untick Godrays - error, HDR - error.... so basically I have to keep EA on and hit Cancel to continue.....Something is off...either with my settings or something else and I can't figure at this moment.
  2. I am getting "non-sequential layer ordering within scenery library..." and would you like P3D to attempt to repair the issue. Every time I say yes nothing is happening and I get same error again. Can't figure which layer is not is not in sequence. I am using ORBX (everything). Any idea guys....?
  3. I am even more confused...LOL...I see only Volumetric Fog.....Where are the clouds?
  4. For last two days I am going crazy with darkness in the cockpit...crazy dark! I have to solve that issue first and worry about clouds and sky....this thing drives be nuts and not sure what else to to do except turn on Lorby light..... I am looking at unrealistic haze shined by Full moon. (BTW only improvement).
  5. Not sure if this was posted but...FSL Lab Forum has: "...Note that we anticipate another update once Lockheed Martin release their P3D v5.1 hotfix in the coming days..." Whatever this means.
  6. I actually never did in V5....how to do that? Same folder?
  7. We thought that V5 was rushed....as far as I read and watch YT video on Fight Game I think we are way ahead,,,,,few years ahead....
  8. I had to re-install Navigraph charts and Manager. However now I don't have Navigraph Downloader? Is it anywhere I can download that again? Under products there is nowhere to be found so I am just wondering if is somewhere installed but I can't see it... Thanks P.S. Forget it....I am not thinking straight need one more coffee....Need that from SimBrief...🤥
  9. Thank you...yes, it took me a while to figure...LOL, I am trying to make something else but not sure if I can make that with this great tool. LYTV runway is not correct. It appears that has "broken" asphalt on several places. Like original scenery bleeds thru Runway. I tried as per video but not sure if I am getting right result.
  10. Trying to work on few APT's, however during installation and setup I can't find shp2vec file nowhere....Any idea?
  11. Yeah...I meant NGXu....so 23% of $99?
  12. I read whole tread and still couldn't figure what's on sale...? 737Ng for $99?
  13. Not sure if you can point me in to right direction. I un-installed V4 and I have Aerosoft Rome for that version. Now would like to install same scenery into V5 but installer is looking for V4. Is there a way I can make it work and to install in V5? When I launch installer V5 is not available. I do have old folder V4 add-ons but obviously Texture and scenery is not there. Any idea? BTW Aerosoft never updated to V5 unfortunately but I believe I should be able to use that in V5. Let me know if possible. Thanks
  14. When I use EA at night VC is very nice and bright, once off it is very dark....which I am not crazy about. During the day I prefer to have that off and use natural P3D weather and SF for now. Only Envshade makes my sky to "blue". Now I am experimenting night lights....none to my liking and is someone has any idea I would appreciate.
  15. Agree....there are some moments were it looks really stunning and realistic. I find unrealistic clouds flying above FL300 in combination with SF. However in my case with EA looks much brighter at night...without VC is bit darker. Hopefully they will find some happy medium.
  16. In your instruction Text file it says to extract .ini separately, but there is only one folder and I haven't seen .ini file.....Am I missing something? Thanks
  17. I fixed my Terrain with ORBX but water looks green.....! also lake and sea Edges are totally screwed....other than that looks acceptable....now back to drawing board.
  18. After Achilles posted update all good on my side....didn't need to reinstall FSUIPC...All good here.
  19. Looks good but I opt out for now....Clouds and everything is more realistic at this moment IMO without....I believe they will improve in the future.
  20. Anyone tried Mega for V5? I am looking to get it but it doesn't appear that is compatible with V5 as per Aerosoft site.....I see MK studio is.....Any difference, experience....?
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