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Everything posted by Spit40

  1. Do you mean it closes the gap on image sharpness between MSFS and IL2? I’m on holiday and can’t wait to try DLSS and DX12
  2. Must confess I've let my signature lapse.Maybe this will help. I remember that small triangle now - wasn't obvious.
  3. What VR headset are you using? It depends a bit on whether it's WMR, Steam, Oculus. I haven't used my Reverb in a good while but I think it had a mirror option to generate a composite image.
  4. I agree. I've thought about this a lot for my own VR cockpit and some kind of zoning of what is/isn't enabled must surely be the way. Also it will be important to align physical controls with real controls in the sim as much as possible. Otherwise you'll reach for the real throttle but your hands will show in a completely different place in VR. These are the principles I built into my Spitfire cockpit and the adjustable mounting points rig system.
  5. I feel like i see the compromises NIS and FSR generate but the FPS boost is substantial. Throw in some AI so that the sharp lines stay sharp and the fuzzy edge clouds stay fuzzy edged (i.e. my simple take on DLSS) and this new tech could be a game hanger IMHO
  6. I wouldn’t hold your breath, but.. DLSS should make a huge difference + try full foveated rendering
  7. I understand what you mean but, equally respectfully, foveated rendering without eye tracking was never really foveated rendering. It’s derived from the word fovea which is a part of the eye. I’ll tweak for more clarity on CPU/GPU https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foveated_rendering
  8. Quite right - that was a nice stepping stone to the real deal. My guess is that the new Meta Cambria headset will be key in this going mainstream.
  9. I have been waiting a lot of years for this. With the OpenXR toolkit and suitable hardware you can now save a ton of GPU by enabling foveated rendering and only generating full resolution pixels where your eyes are actually looking. https://mbucchia.github.io/OpenXR-Toolkit/
  10. One base station didn’t cut it for me. Too many glitches. Two makes it rock solid.
  11. I know what you mean - my Varjo is amazing. Trouble is I still want the tactile experience of at least the important flight controls and I want them in the right places now. Flaps, trim wheels, quadrant, landing gear, ideally some nav equipment. There's a facebook group Hybrid Cockpit (nothing to do with me but I joined) that are promoting the VR + controls idea. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2064773260428312
  12. I was flying that last night myself and paying attention to the instrument panel sharpness. I found it nicely sharp unless I turned up the panel lighting which blurred things.
  13. Great, thanks. I saw it had no parking spots in LNM so perhaps that’s a useful cross-check too
  14. I'm fairly new to LNM so this could be user error, but I've set things up so that the only airports are MSFS and I've disabled all Navigraph. I made a flight plan and decided I'd land at EGEX (Chirk) in Wales. It turned out to be a very minimal airport when I got there with no runway markings or basically anything but a windsock. However when I tried to set MSFS to depart from EGEX, MSFS didn't recognise it as an airport. I'd be grateful for info on how this could happen. I refreshed the LNM database from MSFS but nothing I could do would remove EGEX. Thanks !
  15. I’ve been wondering if it’s a glare issue when the sun strikes white lettering. I see narrow red text in the DME for example quite sharply but small white lettering is very prone to blurriness.. and i have a varjo
  16. Thanks . Works for elevator trim but I don't see a way to show rudder trim or aileron trim.
  17. Thanks, I resorted to this but you get the issue of how much trim is applied per click of rotation. Very little at times.
  18. Perhaps it is just an animation issue. Is there a way for me to confirm that the trim is getting applied if I can't see the tab animate externally (I set a custom view for it) or the wheel move in cockpit.
  19. Has anyone got a rudder trim wheel working? I can't even get a keypress working for rudder trim, well at least I don't see the rudder trim tab move. Same for aileron trim. It only works if I grab the control in the cockpit with the mouse. UPDATE: Success - good old Flying Iron Sims. They correctly animate the rudder trim in cockpit and externally on the rudder trim tab. That's reassuring that the rudder trim is working. It has no aileron trim though. I need to find an aircraft with aileron trim that correctly animates the trim wheel for peace of mind. The AH P51D doesn't.
  20. This is VR nirvana in my opinion (+DLSS). I've been waiting for this since July 2016 ! https://www.roadtovr.com/nvidia-perceptually-based-foveated-rendering-research/ It's coming out in April according to mbucchia.
  21. Thanks, I thought that might be session related. Without getting into a navigation tutorial I don't suppose there's a way of incorporating the purpose of these measurements into a flight plan - some change of process for me that would achieve what I'm after?
  22. I'm just getting into Little Nav Map as it seems to offer what I've needed for as long as I've been simming. Navaids that match the sim - If if plan on Skyvector, I discover that MSFS doesn't actually have a particular VOR/it's expired VR panel - using this new one from Kokaproduction. https://github.com/KOKAProduktion/msfs2020-littlenavmap-openlayers The ability to determine/measure reference VOR bearings to create way points This last one I haven't found anywhere else and I suspect it's because I don't do navigation properly. Basically I like to do GA VFR flights with the help of VORs where I'd otherwise get lost (which I easily do). So for example, this would be a typical flight for me though a bit on the short side. Less than an hour. Visit some POIs, no VORs/NDBs en route or practical to use as waypoints. It's EGXD to EGXX, I'd use the bearing to OTR to help me find my way to York (and York Cathedral) if I get lost in the hills, then I'd join the radial from POL to get on track to Whitby. So, this is my question - if I create this plan on my laptop and transfer it to my flying PC I lose the measurements to the VORs. Is there a way of storing these with the flight plan? Any advice much appreciated. Thanks for this great and massive application. Phil
  23. Hi, There's a lot of great resources in this thread and thank you for providing it. I'm not sure if it contains the answer to the problem I have though. It may be in one of the videos and if so I'd be grateful if you could point me how to find it. It's possible that my question only arises because I don't do navigation according to a proper system. Essentially I like to fly GA primarily VFR but with some VOR/NDB to assist when it's easy to get lost either due to weather or just losing situational awareness. I don't do long high flights, more 30 minutes or so and fairly local so I don't tend to make turns exactly at navaids or at waymarks. I had basically decided I was doing it "wrong" when I came across this snippet which pretty much describes what I do. So to my question - what sort of flight planning tool will allow me to create these turning points ('X' in the picture below) at specific mid points? Any help very much appreciated. Oh, and I like to fly vintage aircraft often without DME, so as the text says below "without a DME the pilot must pre-plan radials or ADF bearings" Thanks Phil
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