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Everything posted by Mark_A

  1. Was suffering really bad stuttering with SU11, so decided to give the Beta a try and yep so smooth. Just good to know it’s not my system.
  2. Just bring back SU4 visuals - why do we have to go through this word not allowed.
  3. LOD 4 is about the limit for my PC - better but still not great as SU5 stuffed the LOD in general. Large areas of terrain pop in and out and blurry textures in the distance. My tests are at 15000 and above - low and slow it's probably not noticeable.
  4. This was a discussion I had with Opus about this issue, as they had claimed to have a work around to the issue: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/451828-live-camera-control-and-pmdg-777/ They are open to looking into it, but for some reason I didn't finish off the discussion with them.
  5. For those running the PMDG 777 and experiencing VAS issues, disable the external model, saves you about 500MB.
  6. Just a question for those using P3D, doesn't the limitation of LOD (Level of Detail) bother you? From my understanding it's limited to 6.5 and even so that's not the same as FSX 6.5. My testing with FSX at 6.5 is nice clear crisp textures, whereas with P3D blurry all over the place. One reason I'm sticking with FSX.
  7. Yes, it's a real weird one, explained in the intro manual page 136. I'm hoping it's somehow been fixed in P3D.
  8. The test I use is to load up the 777 at Hong Kong (VHHH), and just taxi in circles, if the problem is there you will see the VC view shift left or right quite a bit. I think most people don't notice this because the problem is not so bad in locations like North Amercia or Europe. Thanks
  9. I beleive that disables dynamic head movement only, not related to the vc view shifting issue.
  10. Can anyone confirm if the virtual cockpit view position shifting issue still exists?
  11. Can anyone confirm if the virtual cockpit view position shifting issue still exists?
  12. Yes it's inherent, but could just be one line of code to turn it off, or even just a .cfg entry. With FSX there is no way to find out, P3D there is.
  13. Sure the problem is generic, but it affects the PMDG 777 greatly and has a page dedicated to it in the Introduction manual, so it is a known issue which detracts from the task of flying the 777. It's something I'm hoping will be resolved in P3D.
  14. The question is specifically about the PMDG 777 in P3D, why would I post a PMDG question in a generic P3D forum? Thanks
  15. Robert, Taken from the 777 Introduction document: Virtual Cockpit position and zoom Microsoft created an extremely bizarre implementation of “dynamic headmovement” in FSX that cannot be turned off.This system causes the camera’s X, Y, Z position in 3D space to shift depending on set of parameters that shouldn’t play any role in such a feature including the aircraft’s compass heading and physical latitude and longitude on the simulator’s model of the Earth. In addition to this, the effect becomes more extreme the further away the cockpit is from the center of the aircraft’s model. As a result, you are likely to see VC camera viewpoints that do not exactly match what we intended. This effect is really apparent around Asia and is a massive distraction to taxing or flying the aircraft, has this by any chance been resolved in the P3D version of the 777? Now that the Prepar3D team has access to and develops the code, I'm thinking this is something they could fix? Thanks
  16. Has the issue of shifting VC viewpoint been fixed in FSX-SE? It's the most annoying thing in FSX & P3D. An easy test is to just to locate something like a 777 in Singapore and taxi around in circles, if the VC viewpoint shifts as the aircraft turns it's not fixed.
  17. Thanks Ken, circuits with no automatics is a basic fundamental I'd like to master. I find the MAP reference to the runway with a 3nm arc is definitely needed, otherwise I'm all over the place - single pilot ops doesn't help either.
  18. Adding a waypoint to the route seems to have resolved the problem. All that is deleted now after touchdown is the V-Ref which can be re-selected, ZFW and Origin/Destination/RWY remain.
  19. Thanks. I lost the RWY symbol after the first touchdown, the FMC deleted the RTE details.
  20. Hello To carry out touch and go's I setup the FMC as you would for a normal flight, with departure and arrival airport set the same. The main data I'm after are V speeds and a map reference of the touch and go runway for guidance purposes. What I've found is on touchdown after the first circuit the FMC deletes the departure/arrival airport data, V speeds, and ZFW reference. Is there a way around the deletion of this data for touch and go's? Thanks
  21. I've had no luck solving blurries with the tweaks listed in this discussion, to me it seems the P3D LOD limitation is at fault. So I've moved back to FSX with a beautiful LOD of 7.5 and textures are so nice and crisp. I was testing with Orbx Palm Springs, the difference between P3D and FSX is like day and night. It's a shame having to go back to FSX but I couldn't fly with the blurries, the only hope is P3D will fix the LOD issue somehow.
  22. P3D has a major issue with texture loading, maximum LOD is 6.5 I think, and due to DX11 it acts like LOD is 4.5. I've gone back to FSX due to this, couldnt stand the blurry texture loading.
  23. I'd be interested to know the answer of this as well.
  24. Whats working best for me is 0.001 with locked FPS, although I still get some areas with very slight blur. Is my card the limiting factor here?
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