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Everything posted by mp15

  1. Of course this game will not be ready for this year, there will be probably a one airport demo for the xbox but the game itself is in alpha still and to achieve beta they have to make a huge step yet to come and then comes the release date but it's not said so that It will be this year.
  2. In fact wing flex is a very important at certain levels of weight and speed regarding dynamic forces.
  3. It looks too clean, flat and stiff.
  4. mp15


    thank your for your feedback, I am going to make the wheels sidewall less low-profile, but I'm going to keep "low cushion" permissions because of two reasons: It Is important to me to take off in a relative short distance and high profile wheels tend to be more stable but slower and the pressure settings of the wheels is slighltly more strict than regular aircraft, meaning this aircraft Is a bit less permissive on hard landings or the tires will blow up. yes there is a complex but really simple geometrical solution for hear retraction so that i can have nice separated axles for stability 🙂
  5. mp15


    What do your think of the specs update?
  6. I dont care about this article, scenery is very important and It Is there. Dynamics could be always improved gradually as well as IFR. Flight control mappings will eventually be perfect for PC and regarding Xbox i dont care.
  7. That is how slavery-hubs work, It will still become even greater though that is pure machine learning.
  8. Animated pilots, yes sure hand and fingers animations for all knobs locations of all aircraft. It doesn't make sense and It Is un-practical, a moving pilot in a cockpit would interfere with your view. Linking the view to the pilot head would be very odd. Digital voices now a days sound more human with dynamic semitones, so expect to have nice voices.
  9. Some artists from today believe that this cute effects are nice, but in reality it is a problem if they dont match reality, and we end up moding or buying add-ons.. the idea is to make all great from scratch no? So Microsoft and the whole team of the game engine department in America and in my beloved Europe, the art directors and particularly the shader makers, should understand that glass and steel are two different materials regarding its surface and it is mainly the roughness that creates the difference between these two materials, and they should react almost together in a different matter through a noise pattern reacting as roughness, as who writes this already exlained on top, meaning that this effect should never blink the way it is doing up to now in the game, and we are talking about a big plane, so the reaction to sun should be bigger and not a tiny hot-spot. The reaction to the sun in this angle manifest as a 8 metres reflection to the sun, glass and steel reacting together with the smooth glass manifesting a big reflection and so the steel but with a roughness noise pattern and in no case there is a blink.
  10. Doesn't look right to me, if the glass Index of Reflection glossines is 1500 points, the steel IOR Is about 1000 pt, the difference shouldnt result in such a blink jump from material to material, the switch should be smoother, and It is the sun reflection size that changes projected on the material rather than intensity blink due to specular properties in the shader, I have thousands of dollars in videos cards to appreciate this kind of things when well done. i sometimes think I could be a wonderful art director for a game..
  11. One thing is to press your screenshot button on your keyboard on gameplay and another thing Is ti capture a picture within the game as it could be baked out at highest settings but doesn't mean It Is the actual game play regarding pixel density and tile resolution.
  12. It is a river. A road isn't built on that "S mode" in the middle of no where. The water Is reflecting the sky and some trees, It looks a bit weird because water levels but there could be some torrents involves making up and down.This Is generic and looks passable to me.
  13. At this point i would be happy if the wheels f this plane dont sink in the ground as the images show and if it deflects according to weight and overal dynamics.
  14. When I create dynamic water splash that interact with moving objects, I can tell you it takes a lot of time and machine power to simulate, and since there is a lot running in the simulator already, i expect only a shallow splash texture animation ..., I could find ways to improve all this though, on different scenarios, and perhaps mod it to myself, but i dont think this will be covered as it is something that only a hand full of people on earth can deal with. https://ibb.co/GTfN7xb
  15. I would like shared cockpit too so that I can show a girl I like what Im doing, she could view the whole thing from her mobile phone and actually use the phone gyrscope for her view so that she can see my cockpit and hear me, and appreciate my manouvres. Regarding your questions, as an aircraft designer I hope there will be some sort of possibility to upload models and liveries so that other people can see any planes even if they dont have them. I dont think it will be possible to disable any real or a.i flight but maybe you can study about them and try to follow them. Regarding griefing in live mode, time will tell, i guess that if there are many griefers out there you can still create private groups. If you choose the Euro server I dont think you will see the Americans naturally. Maybe ATC will be a mixture of A.I and real simmers, I dont think any certificate would be required.
  16. black art magicians like me are always called in when push comes to shove..
  17. if you look at the tiles at the walls, right in the frontal angle edge, tiles textures don't match the edge they added a thin column of tiles, a generic and procedural spider builder would make those tiles match in mathematical precision, so those tiles tell me that airport is hand made, maybe they should scrooge less on art directors.
  18. well somebody has to tell the AI that in that particular place the wheels should sit higher or more precisely sit in top of whatever static geometry as concrete. However in the MP episode there is a playable aircraft also sinking wheels in the ground too. I did saw the flexed wings on the plane parked but I'm not worried about this, even in the 3ds Max is possible to bend shapes.
  19. the nearby plane has the wheels half sinked in the ground. the interaction between wheels and ground , particularly geometry, as well as deflections are very important factors in a flight game, how come are we still seeing this basic errors ?
  20. beautiful pictures thanks, to all the inexpert people in this topic who discuss low quality, it is all about the picture compression which was made by the leaked who clearly do not understand how to do it, plus, Imgur compression which is very severe to reduce their server costs.
  21. for now only alpha testers matters as for their access, opinions and bug seek work, the rest of the users are only expectators.
  22. with the chinese virus and the borders shutdowns plus the intricated international shipping from china, as well as the sanitary and welfare backups, the prices go up and so expect all chinese electronics to be more expensive in the near future.
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