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Everything posted by Fiorentoni

  1. Yes, all that have flightplans for that airport (i.e. that go to this airport or from this airport at least once in a week).
  2. 1) If you mean GA = biz jets: Yes, for a long time. If you mean GA = light props etc.: Yes, those have recently and are still being added with the new "Dynamic flightplans". They will grow over time. 2) As for airlines in Norway: Not sure if google can help you out here, but you can search for an airport in AIG Manager via the ICAO code and see what airlines have flightplans going there and then download those. Start with the biggest airport (ENGM, ENBR etc.) and go from there until you're happy. You probably even get 95% by only downloading those at ENGM. 3) As for Europe: No idea, I've downloaded every single airline in AIG and am fine for whereever I fly now. Not sure if that affects startup times. Not a big problem for me anyway. Much better than manually downloading every time I fly in a different place.
  3. Fair enought, but since you bought it, at least use the passive depiction mode and enjoy the awesome turbulence stuff!
  4. I don't know, check the maintanence menu in the MCDU.
  5. It's fairly easy: If it's something you need to react to, it will show the steps on the ECAM. If it's not, it's just an information / something you cannot "solve". "RAT out" means you accidentally deployed the Ram Air Turbine. There's nothing you can do about it, because it can only be stowed on the ground by maintenance. That's why there's also nothing in the QRH.
  6. I think a common misconception is that AS only creates flat clouds. It doesn't. It creates different types and variations of clouds, some will be flat, some will be like MSFS default volcanic ash clouds. It's interpretated from the data AS uses.
  7. If LNM has this option, why wouldn't it be usable? Basically any other addon can read a .txt file that is regularly updated by ActiveSky with the (live or historical) weather data it uses.
  8. Nevermind, too stupid to read. Not my best weekend.
  9. Having the exact same amount of AI aircraft injected? Otherwise it's a moot comparison, like comparing performance in NYC with performance in Central Idaho.
  10. Well the big thing was actually having live weather by default in the first place. I get your point, but in the end it's about the complete package: Depending on what matters to you, ActiveSky does so many things so much better than default MSFS, that it might be worth missing out on visible distant weather fronts with default for what you get with ActiveSky. That's ultimately down to personal preference.
  11. It's just another type of cloud. MSFS default always generates CU clouds (AKA volcanic ash), which - also in real life - are less flat and more expressively textured. MSFS default however does not create stratus clouds, which are more flat and look rather boring compared to CU clouds. AS can do both types of clouds and will do both types, depending on other factors. So it's not like AS "degrades" cloud quality (see the picture of the thunderstorm at Singapore depicted by AS, these clouds are massive CU clouds with heavy texturing; the pic is in the other thread about AS), it just makes clouds look more realistic by also offering the "boring" types together with the more exciting ones. Another example would be Cirrus clouds - MSFS does not do them at all, AS does.
  12. You got me 😄 It's a late saturday evening here, I should probably go to bed before embarassing myself any further.
  13. Most users are probably using active depiction mode for the moment and can't answer the question for the passive mode.
  14. That's probably the best explanation of why historical weather is needed that I've ever come across. I never found the right words for what you just perfectly phrased.
  15. I disagree. I fly airliners and the only time I really think it looks good is on departure and approach (far below 10000 feet). Anything higher and it looks melted anywhere I look. So it's 90% of the time "ugh" and 10% of the time "wow". The more I think about it - that's a bad deal, I should really turn it off for good (except for when landing at iniBuilds KJFK...).
  16. RealTurb has cloud turbulence and is - obviously - using the MSFS default weather. So it's technically possible. Also it's not about *where* the clouds are, but rather a simple "aircraft is in a cloud" status. Since the both sites we both quoted are somehow contradicting, I think only Damian can give you a definitve answer about whether cloud turbs are in passive mode as of now.
  17. Since I have been only praising AS so far, here comes a negative point: On the flight right now I have (for the first time) clearly noticed a transition. I had the smoothing already set to 30 and judging by the manual it should take about 5 minutes for the transition with that setting. However it took only 5 seconds for a cloud to appear right in front of me. It's either bugged or I understand the manual wrong. @Damian Clark shouldn't that setting mean that the rendering of a new cloud would go over about 5 minutes?
  18. I am. Works great. I can even upload the historical data to Simbrief and the simbrief stuff (metars, weather radar, sigmets, winds aloft) adapts perfectly to it for flight planning. Finally being able to experience a hot asian afternoon or a cold american night in MSFS is great.
  19. Comparing with real life pictures makes no sense, even less in cruise. Neither MSFS default nor AS will look exactly like that. Both will have their own interpretation of the data, and this will necessarily look different. Both *can* look like this, if this is what you mean, all types of clouds are available with the MSFS technology (with both use obviously). Actually I was thinking it's from MSFS when I first looked at it 🙂
  20. On the top of the altitude selector the cursor turns into an upwards arrow. Click that, and then you can change in 100s. Back to 1000s with another click on the upwards arrow.
  21. You expect a dev to test his program with every available addon in the world or what? Especially since most people use GSX these days?
  22. Indeed, actually I didn't even see the link. My bad, sorry. Anyway: All turbulences are working in each of the two modes AS offers.
  23. No idea what site you're reading, but what I quoted is writen here: https://hifisimtech.com/asfs/
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