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Everything posted by kakihara123

  1. That is not what I meant. I know it PF3 can see other traffic, but it can't direct it. It cannot change the approach of an AI plane. Also PF3 has a horrible hotkey system and doesn't support Navigraph. It doesn't even assign approaches and stars so in this regard it is worse then the default ATC. There is also no plans to ever support VR since the developer doesn't use it. I don't blame the dev for not directing ai traffic since I know this is something that can't be done but thats still a drawback.
  2. Great points and I get it but I was the one asking the ATC question and that was a case where the question was way shorter then what i wrote. There are challenging parts about atc improvement which I totally get. I fully understand why you get vectored into terrain and that this is a core issue with the data. And that is the part that got answered. I mean he told there is a roadmap so I Have some hope for the future. But I asked this question specifically because there are issue that are MUCH easier to fix/improve. Why can the ATC assign approaches automatically but not stars? The data is there. Why do I need to ask for vectors and not receive them automatically? The waypoints are there and the ATC knows where I am, since I get handed around all the time when I reach one of those. A simply system for emergencies, which simply lets you tell them which airport to get vectored too would be doable too imho. This could be greatly expanded later and I get why this is not a priority but nothing? Telling ATC unable and some restrictions regarding flight plans should also be possible. The biggest problem I have is that there is no way to fly with atc without huge drawbacks at all. Pilot2ATC and Pf3 suck in regards of usability and can't communicate and control with live or offline traffic. That generic background chatter is not an option for me since this totally breaks my immersion if they talk to planes that are not even in the sim. So If I would use that I would only have ATC speaking to me and me to them, but they would never communicate with other planes. Vatsim and co. and kind of interesting but no live ai traffic, often no coverage for when and were I fly and not all positions possible manned or always the same person. So while the concept is cool it has drawbacks too. Thats why I think the default ATC is so important and I have a feeling Asobo doesn't understand that.
  3. Yeah wrong... Render sclaing is very important in VR and 100% only influenced by the GPU. That is where DLSS shines
  4. Some cool stuff but a lot of important stuff will take a really long time. Not even really having DLSS on the radar is bad. Having TAA is not the same. DLSS doubles my Framerate for Cyberpunk 2077 and is basically mandatory for raytracing. Also no concrete plans for the ATC, which I find quite sad.
  5. Oh I just meant that little shiver that goes through your spine when you realize how dangerous something would be in reality.
  6. https://github.com/kanaron/RandFailuresFS2020
  7. Also I really recommend using the random failures Program from Github. I set up mine so that I have a low chance for a failures on any part of my flight. One time all the electrics failed on my TBM while I was hauling fragile stuff via OnAir. I was about 20 or 30 nm away from my destination high up some Mexican mountain. I only knew the Airport was to the right under some clouds. The failure caused every screen to go black. Only the compass worked, but that didn't help much. I also could not lower the flaps and landing gear because it is all electric and at least for the default plane I don't think there is an emergency gear extension. I also could not bank too hard or my load would get damaged. Somehow I found the airport on sight only. Since I had no way to check my speed and I was on several thousand feet, which I also could not see without gear and flaps I came in way too fast. I touched down on the runway and overshot it by 300 meter or so into some trees. Luckily those didn't trigger a crash since they were too thin I guess. Quite intense in VR but also very fun.
  8. VR can kind of replicate this feeling. At least night flying in IFR can be really eerie in remote places. If you want to feel "behind the plane" take a short ifr trip (40nm or so) with the CJ4 and try to enter frequencies and stuff after take off.
  9. What the hell is with the ominous score? Hilarious.
  10. Also if using failures you can always declare and emergency (if it gets implemented...) and don't have to worry about annoying anyone. I posted a question regarding the ATC in the questions thread for the ATC that gained quite some traction for the Q and A, so chances are high we get at least some more info on that.
  11. Yeah we simply need both a good Online ATC and a good Offline ATC. Imagine Online Controllers replacing offline controllers and those then being able to communicate with the offline atc as well as directing players and AI alike. This could even be very basic. But more importantly having a solid offline atc would be such a huge thing for this sim.
  12. Yeah I agree. I use Onair but thunder only. I don't see the point of managing AI planes that are not present in the sim itself. Also transporting stuff is kind of meaningless. People are simply cargo atm. And cargo spawns and disappears with not furher interaction. Although I have no idea how that could change. It's not like one of those sims where towns develop based on deliveries of goods because well... those are ready there.
  13. Don't have the plane yet, but this sounds like a deadzone issue. At least rule that out first.
  14. Interestingly enough it has some kind of impact in the sim. The DA-62 mod has a finite supply of de-icing fluid. So if you fly through any kind of storm in colder weather you will stall eventually if it is long enough. The ice can build up so much that you just go down with 100% throttle. Not really storms per se, but strong winds can actually cause crash damage in the sim of the winds are too string and gusty. Had a hell of a ride going over the alps in a C172 a few months ago. 60+ kn winds which the AP could not handle at all so I needed to hand fly it and was stalling every few minutes.
  15. You guys are really going out of your way to misinterpret that quote. What he means is that the X-Box version will look as good as a similar speced PC (maybe a bit better since it is easier to optimise for the hardware) and the UI will be the same or very similar. Joysticks are supported as well so it should not be much of a difference to an average PC. Of course with High end rigs and VR PCs will have an edge. Addons are another difference, but who knows if the X-Box version will support some or not. Hes clearly speaking about the default version of the sims and I see no reason why that would not be the case. Yeah you might not be able to build a full cockpit around the X-Box version but thats expected.
  16. I have a high end rig (3080, 5800x and 32gb ram on an NVME ssd) but I don't need to turn the settings down much. I put everything on Ultra except LOD which I put to 150 so I get better performance on high density areas. Resolution is 3440x1440 and I have 52-56 fps atm above the Netherlands in a TBM with the WT G3000 and medium refresh rate. For VR I have to turn is down somewhat on my Index, but I get 30 smooth 30 fps via throttling in Steam VR with 100 render scale. If they ever implement DLSS I think I could push render scale to 150 without issues.
  17. How many testers do you think are economically viable for a company and 30k+ airports to test? 100? 1000? 10000? And how many different combinations of hardware do you think they have available? I flew around a bit in Europe since the patch and performance was a lot better then before. The one issue that is remaining are occasional freezes where fps tanks to a standstill for a few seconds. But thoe don't happen often for me and other then that it is smooth, so not much of an issue. It could also be that ship traffic add on, which I recently activated again, since those freezes can also happen when that addon converts the models to msfs ones.
  18. They did never say the patch fixes every performance problem. It is impossible to test every scenario and every hardware combination so go to Zendesk and file a ticket with all the necessary information so they can try to reproduce your problems and look what still needs to be fixed. And yeah this sim will never be without issues. The important thing is that those issues should be very rare and don't affect most flights. I mean really, how many flights do you think the devs could have made since Sim update 3 while also coding the update?
  19. Ha, regular flights can get VERY exciting. I flew in aTBM and about 20nm from my destination a complete electical failure triggered through a program I use. That means NO instruments beside the compass at all since the TBM has no backups. Also you cannot deploy the gear and the flaps, because it is all electrical. So I had to find my airport in the middle of some mexican mountains by sight only and do a belly landing without flaps and without even knowing my altitude and speed. This also was at about 7k feet elevation. Naturally I was way to fast, overshot the runway and luckily he thin trees i slid into didn't trigger a crash, since all crash setting were enabled. And this all in VR. I also had an ONAIR load that was fragile, so I needed to land as smoothly as possible and not bank too hard, so very wide turns.
  20. I hope that thing looks better then that atrocious website. Resolution of the screenshots is way too low too really see what is going on. From what I can see it doesn't look too pretty.
  21. Pretty cool that they are searching for programmers for the ATC. That at least implies that they want to enhance it and not just leave it as it is. The default atc with all it's flaws is stil the best in terms of UI. Every alternative sucks to say it mildly. So adding some missing features like emergencies and unable, fixing at least most of the bugs (it is impossible to get them all, even real controllers make mistakes) and maybe speech recognition like P2A has and this could be really good. I think this is perfectly doable.
  22. I only started to try to learn some C# a few days ago so I cannot talk much about the programming side. And while I understand your point ( I actually work in customer service and much of it tech support), there are still some issues in software that I simply don't get. Stuff like the U turn bug for the base sim. It i simply stupid to release something with such a glaring bug that Q/A simply cannot miss. I really want to get the CRJ and the main reason I did not yet is actually Onair, since I'm a bit too poor. But I also have the possibility to use the CJ4, which seems to have way less bugs and doesn't cost me anything extra. No visible icing is a REAL bummer for me. Coming from X-Plane with no icing at all (without modding and even then...) this is one of the things I love about MSFS. Yeah it might not be too realistic, but it is miles better then nothing at all. I'm reading a bit too often on this forum and discord about the various problems with the Autopilot and flight plan systems on this plane. The Cj4 has this mostly figured out so it is a bit lame to buy a plane to have such downgrades in this area. Now if I would KNOW that this will get fixed and improved in the not too distant future I would not have much of a problem with it, but from hearing about products from you guys in the past I'm not too sure about that. Seems like some bugs are left from some previous version of the plane. So why did those never get fixed in the old version? I don't care about recycled code, do what is the most effective, but then it should be without issues...
  23. Same thing for me in a TBM flying from KBFM to KTKI @ FL310.
  24. It is kind of true. I upgraded from a 8600k (overclocked to 4,7 GHZ) and a 1070 to a 3080 first, which I undervolted a bit and then to a 5800x. While I struggled to hold 30 fps and often dipped under 20 on the first setup on medium and high settings I reach up to 60 fps on full Ultra in 3440x1440. But I struggle to hold 30 fps constantly in VR, although it mostly works. And since the last update I can have 53 fps at FL31000 in a tbm and suddenly dip below 20...
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