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  1. This is a bad design choice by PMDG, and as usual, they’re blaming Asobo. There are two attenuation values, one for any-door-open and another for all doors closed, that affect how outside sounds enter the cockpit. It’s not adjustable by individual opening (windows, each door, etc.). It’s any or none. In the PMDG sound folder, there’s an xml. Edit it and you’ll see two values for the attenuation. Door open is zero by default, so if door 4R is open it’s like you’re standing on the ramp. I set mine to -10 as a compromise, so sounds go up, but not too much. Of course, if you open a cockpit window, it’s probably too quiet.
  2. I also had this same issue yesterday. downloadad SU15, cleared everything, caches etc., rebooted, flew the 737-700. Noticed zero improvements in FPS nor stutters, oh well, maybe it was a perf update for Xbox only. Then I tried turning HAGS back from ON to OFF. Rebooted of course. Then the 737 had the left yoke, dead plane bug. I had heard of this but never seen it..ever. This is PMDGs copy protection system failing...just like the DC-6 when breakers start popping. They tell you to redownload it. I switched to the 737-800 and it was fine. Then went back into the -700 and the yokes were ok but switches wouldn't work. Then I went out to the menu and back into the plane a couple times and it started working. I'm guessing this is why they waited for SU15 to retest and launch the 777.
  3. Same here. In the 737 it feels exactly the same, no increase in FPS, same stutters.
  4. sounds like they’re still struggling with wasm on the Xpotato. Maybe still a couple betas away. It’s gonna be a while I hope they get it released before early-July. The French go on vacation July 15 for a month or so. They take this very seriously and no progress will happen July15 till about Sep 1.
  5. Sounds like you're not getting streaming data (fast enough) from the MS or Azure servers. Possibilities: Servers are slow, happens a lot but not 100% of the time. Your ISP is throttling. If VPN helps downloads, then this might be a factor. VPN (encrypting, extra hops) should only ever slow things down ... unless there's throttling somewhere based on who you're talking to, or the encryption prevents someone from sniffing packets and giving different priority. Try VPN with a different exit node (like Seattle, or LA, or San Fran, or somewhere closer vs. farther from you), and see if anything changes. Internal network issues. Try rebooting all your network hardware, from the modem on down.
  6. Little navmap can draw a VFR pattern at any runway. Follow that until you get the visual feel for where it is. it’s also much easier in VR.
  7. Klipsch Promedia. I have an older 4.1 and it’s 20+ years old. Plenty of power and a great subwoofer.
  8. Video has no comments nor place to buy? Kinda fail as advertising. Link above goes straight to a page asking for my PayPal password…um, no thank you.
  9. Are we now looking forward to internet posts from Mathijs Kok? Cats and dogs living together now too?
  10. Starting with the program launch in Oct 1990 to first flight, it took Boeing less then 4 years to design and build the actual plane. Maybe PMDG can beat that record with the video game version.
  11. This. Maybe I’m paranoid, but I’ve come to believe that the game does cache downloaded data even if you set it to not use a rolling cache. They keep it quiet but they do it to reduce data loads on their servers. Delete rolling cache at every game launch.
  12. Yeah, sorry, they didn't update anything. Disregard my posts about the new update exe.
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