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About darshonaut

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  1. Means nothing special to me, tbh. Just a game I play every now and then. It can be fun, though !
  2. I think I will skip this one and maybe get FS2028.
  3. A Science Fiction Book Series by Frank Herbert. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dune_(franchise)
  4. They seem to backpaddle now after this PR disaster. I mean they can claim a lot of things. I guesas the third party developers have a say in this. It's just words until proven otherwise next year. Not gonna spend a dime on a new sim that is propably as unfinished as the current one and certainly not gonna buy any more addons if their lifespan is propably limited.
  5. I prefer the Marketplace. All in one place and usually very good sales. I don't buy much, however. Just an aircraft here and there.
  6. I used to use many addons, but since I deleted all custom airport scenery except my own and the ones from the world updates, it's only additional aircraft of which I have less than a hundred.
  7. I fly all the aircraft I have. Except gliders maybe.
  8. Did a short hop from Rotterdam to Cologne in the 747 and the AP flew correctly, this is a nice improvement. I even think the Autoland was working, although it seemed a bit wobbly. Have to experiment further with this. Could not get the second AP to turn on or is that not needed for Autoland in the 747 ? Can't comment on VNAV, I never use that.
  9. It's a payware website. I bought a couple of airports and aircraft there. Why would I need to look at ads. OrbX and the others have no ads.
  10. They have ads there ? Didn't even know. I use Edge with Ad Nauseam for most my surfing.
  11. it shows the cloud coverrage from above, without taking into consideration at which altitude there are clouds. Another form of weather rdádar is not yet possible. MS needs to negotiate this with the weather data provider. (Info from a past developer Q & A). But yes, i.e. the 787 has always had this.
  12. One of the standard aircraft in MSFS. https://www.jmbaircraft.com/VL3 I don't think it has an autopilot though. But there are various community mods of this aircraft around. Maybe one of those mods has an autopilot.
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