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  1. Sorry if this has been asked already; will the new CFD changes automatically apply to all planes in the sim, or will they only apply to specific planes that Asobo or third party developers update?
  2. The Caproni C-22J is easily my favourite GA plane so far, fast enough to cover large distances and cross countries in a reasonable amount of time, but doesn't fly too fast or high that I miss out on surface details. No GPS, just VOR/ADF and visual navigation. The only thing that would improve it for me would be a single seater version so I can look out the right side as easily as the left. I've gone from Miami to Seattle already, over several sessions, next I'll be crossing the US from SW to NE.
  3. There's a video of someone flying a WIP version here - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1246842727
  4. Been playing a lot Insurgency: Sandstorm which is a cracking semi-realistic squad shooter, has a good PVE mode so minimal aggro. And I'm eagerly awaiting Carrier Command 2 which comes out in 5 days, Microprose is making a triumphant return first with Highfleet and soon with a proper sequel to the original Carrier Command. Microsoft Flight Simulator has been generally fine for me, plenty playable. But when there's new fixes and updates coming I find myself preferring to wait a bit, usually I fly the most just after big updates then have a break and do other things for a while, MSFS can absorb an awful lot of time.
  5. Patience, perspective, kindness towards the people working so hard do deliver you the entertainment and escapism you crave. These things seem to be sorely lacking from too many in the flight sim community, rather sad to see when you would expect greater maturity.
  6. If you have a controller plugged in, try increasing the deadzone on the sticks. By default after this update there were at 0% for my Xbox controller which I use to control the drone camera, and it made my view move constantly like you describe.
  7. Would be interested to hear of performance improvements with Ryzen processors, I happen to have a 2700X @4.2GHz.
  8. Locked down ≠ 'dumbed down'. Aside from the graphics settings being fixed and some other absent functionality like the developer mode, there's really no real meaningful difference between the Xbox and PC versions in terms of the base sim.
  9. A very large percentage of people that will use this on Xbox will do so purely for sightseeing, the new AI pilot modes will let people do that easily. They just have to tell their plane where to go and it will do so smoothly while they look around in wonder with the drone cam. There are others that will get into the tactile thrill of flying, and will do 'stupid stuff'. It's a simulator, it doesn't matter what they do with the software. If it bothers you enough you can turn off multiplayer or change server or something. From what I've heard from people looking forward to it seems the majority will just be trying to chill out and look around though. I can think of no sensible reason why bringing the sim to consoles is in any way a bad thing. Quite the opposite. Also the majority of console users are mature, in the 25-34 age bracket, as if that should matter.
  10. A seperate thread for purely Xbox-specific issues or concerns might be a good idea, though it probably wouldn't be used all that much. Most of what people will want to talk about would be covered here, the PC and Xbox version will be synced in updates and there seems to be very little difference aside from some UI and control implementations.
  11. VFR and just chilling out with nice folk online, touring around the world looking for amazing places.
  12. The biggest issue for me would be lack of head tracking support, otherwise I would be quiet tempted..
  13. I would strongly recommend against anything Alienware, on the basis of the proprietary case form factor and motherboard, as well as the general incompetant design - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ulhFi5N2hc (no idea how to embed that here) Instead I would probably recommend either trying to build your own if the parts are available for a reasonable price, or getting a prebuilt that uses a good selection of standard parts and isn't massively overpriced. I often recommend a system from here - https://www.awd-it.co.uk/gaming-pc.html Because they have reasonably priced machines with decent quality parts and good configuration options. I haven't got direct experience of them but if I was in the market for a prebuilt it would probably be one of those. Otherwise an Xbox offers excellent value for money, the main downsides being things like mod support, head tracking support, and inability to have a second monitor attached for a map or Discord for flying with other people.
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