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About rayharris108

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  1. I’ve an i7 11700k and had a GTX1080ti GPU. Not saying this is the same as your case but I decided to upgrade to a 4070 ti super £760 in a deal in UK) rather than a 3xxxx. My CPU is definitely a bottleneck but - my performance is day and night. Framerates are the broadly the same, but being a 4xxx series card I can use DLSS and FG. For me (with a GSync monitor) this has been a good choice as PG cities are rarely a problem now and my taxi and final approaches into the usual suspects are really smooth stutters of any kind v rarely (eg Fenix A320 into EDDF or EGKK, PMDG 738 into KSEA etc). Hope this helps - good luck.
  2. I’ve an i7 11700k and had a GTX1080ti GPU. Not saying this is the same as your case but I decided to upgrade to a 4070 ti super £760 in a deal in UK) rather than a 3xxxx. My CPU is definitely a bottleneck but - my performance is day and night. Framerates are the broadly the same, but being a 4xxx series card I can use DLSS and FG. For me (with a GSync monitor) this has been a good choice as PG cities are rarely a problem now and my taxi and final approaches into the usual suspects are really smooth stutters of any kind v rarely (eg Fenix A320 into EDDF or EGKK, PMDG 738 into KSEA etc). Hope this helps - good luck.
  3. Good advice here. I recently bought an RTX4070 ti super and had some instability. I’d installed the previous Nvidia driver but from the Nvidia site with all the garbage, and I was getting immediate bugcheck reboots after starting up every day. One reason was said to be bad or old graphics drivers. I used DDU then NVcleaninstall, and for the first time today no reboot. Not sure whether it has resolved it for good, but it sure is encouraging to say the least.
  4. Hi I just load MSFS flight plans into the GTN, typically in the Caravan or King Air (Black Square) - but it should work in any default plane that is compatible. As long as you have the GTN750 correctly installed and the plane has an autopilot, you should see your flight plan as a purple line in GTN window. You should also see the flight plan listed in the flight plan window. Assuming that all looks good, you will need to select the NAV button on your Autopilot. The plane should then engage LNAV and follow the flight plan once you switch to Autopilot. Sorry if this sounds a bit simplistic. You don't say exactly what you already did and what your symptoms are i.e. how come LNAV will not arm? Has it worked before, do you have a paid licence? (i.e. not the free version - although that shouldn't make a difference LNAV should still work). Did it work before? Has this just happened? Or has it never worked? I'm not quite sure whether your problem is the plane you're flying, the GTN, or something else, so this is just general advice. For anything else ask PMS, they should be able to assist. Hope this helps.
  5. Or a certain Map Replacement product I foolishly mentioned lol… which, if I couldn’t use I’d have no satellite scenery half the time… but no - I was censored 🫣
  6. Like everyone says here, jump in, you won’t regret it. It can be phenomenally realistic, immersive and thrilling… but of course inevitably, far from perfect. In my experience crashes and performance issues are typically caused by these situations: - a dodgy or outdated addon (most common for me) - something up with your PC, hardware or Windows (memory, system or graphics errors) - major issues - thankfully v rare in the Sim itself - and mostly they fix things reasonably quickly. There are some long standing annoying non critical bugs. I have a relatively modest machine; i7 1170k, GTX 1080ti and get 30 ish fps, with traffic (FSTL) at a major airport eg KSEA in the Fenix or PMDG and eye tracker. NB You may find it helpful to be aware of how to tweak your machine for best performance (there are many YT videos that can help) and generally keep your machine/ windows up to date and in good condition. Hope this helps.
  7. *PS Maybe try uninstalling then reinstalling again. Last week I was experiencing terrible BSODS at Haneda (RJTT and all over Japan. Couldn’t load, crashes and stuttering. Uninstalled, reinstalled and all good now… worth a look anyway maybe
  8. Hello My rig is by no means top of any range: i71100k @5GHz; GTX1080ti FTW OC, 32Gb of fairly elderly RAM; NVMe SSD 2Tb. No noticeable stutters after WU15 here, Nordics excellent mostly for me (Iceland, Faroen, Bodo, Leknes, Tromso and Bergen mostly) so far… agree MMV…
  9. Hi All, I've noticed an issue around some of the default airports that wasn't there before SU14. I've tried the VNAVX RWY36 approach to Quito SEQM in the Fenix A320 a couple of times, and the approach is now offset by about 200m ot the right. In poor visibility this can be a real problem for a last minute swing over to the runway. The Fenix has the approach correctly in the FMGC but does not correspond with the scenery. This never happened in previous versions. It's also happened in another default plane - an RNAV appoach somwhere in Scotland (Sumburgh I think) in the updated SR22 G6. Anyone else see this? In case anyone asks, I haven't switched off all my addons. That's the next thing once I've got a bit of time to test it. And I have updated all my Navigraph data. Thanks for any help or pointers...
  10. Well, I've never seen a hybrid cockpit like that so far as I remember - and how creative and inventive, and clearly a lot of hard work. Brilliant, and thanks for the video..
  11. Same happened to me on takeoff from LHR 27R today, no takeoff until 190kt and tailstrike - V1 was supposed to be 163. Load calculations and weights from Simbrief. I beleive there is a problem here, as this does not happen in the same scenario with the Asobo 787X.
  12. I feel performance is slightly worse. GPU usage seems to have reduced in this update seeming to put more pressure on the CPU. Boefre they were more balanced - for me (i7 11700K GTX1080ti @ 2k)
  13. Flying in Alaska - no MSFS weather either (IRL there’s plenty!). Actually to be precise, there seems to be wind, temps and pressure, but no clouds in my case… Using X-enviro instead, which I find a v useful alternative at times like this…
  14. Proper snow coverage, no frozen lakes and sea in mid summer. Frozen sea and lakes only in areas well below freezing in winter. No hard wired connection between snow and frozen sea/ lakes. Convincing cirrus and stratus cloud, scary thunderstorms and turbulence. otherwise not a lot
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