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Everything posted by Divij

  1. Thank you @Clipper Ocean Spray for this amazing utility! Really liking using this program! The minimal hit to FPS is a game changer for me in VR. One question, will the ability to choose a runway exit when using ForcedLandings be considered? Currently aircraft landing on 23R in Manchester (EGCC) vacate at the very end of the runway. Ideally they should be exiting on BD which is the first high speed exit. I have FastVacate enabled and the speed is set to 40. But still on 23R in Manchester the aircraft don't vacate quick. Since this feature works so well for ForcedTaxiOut, I was wondering if this can be added to ForcedLandings. Thanks again!
  2. I've been playing around with AiFlow and AiCull and in my experience it takes about 5-7 mins for the injection process to settle down and the culling to take effect, For the first 5 mins or so the sim injects traffic again after culling which leads to an injection-culling loop. On another note, where in LNM can I see the number of injected aircraft? I haven't been able to find where to show that! Any help will be appreciated 🙂
  3. The video of the VFR departure is exceptional stuff. Kudos to the developer. I got FSHud recently and am genuinely blown away by how good it is. This too looks like it's focusing on the right things (i.e. accuracy and reliability) first and foremost which I really respect. I feel the developer of FSHud has a similar attitude which has got his product so far so I have high hopes for this one as well. Being from India, it's always been difficult for me to use speech recognition made to suit accents in the West so I do hope button control can be added eventually. However the local liverpool accent in that video was remarkable. I like to fly VFR in the UK so keeping a keen eye on the development of this! A question on the performance side of things, do you notice any stutters when VOX is injecting the traffic in the sim?
  4. I too have been trying to iron out stutters and am now at 15 parked 15 active but still have lots of stutters on take off and landing in VR. I too am using the PMDG, so wondering how you managed to figure out and eliminate the stutters caused by the tablet? Do you not use it? Thanks for your help!
  5. As a recent user of this in VR, I feel that stopping injection has helped in reducing stutters, though I have not been able to test enough. I use Virtual Desktop with 36 frames locked SSW on. I’m going to try increasing my max aircraft limit to 50 parking / 50 active and as I enter VR for taxi and just before descent, I’m going to enable the limit injection to 37 frames. Hopefully this should work as it can inject aircraft in the period in between ie. Climb / Cruise to Descent and NOT when I’m actually in VR. If there are enough aircraft already active, the arrival airport should feel alive regardless of no injection. This is all just theory though. Has anyone tried this in VR?
  6. Really interested in getting this. However as I mainly fly in VR, is there a way to interact with FSHud in VR? Is there a Button Control mode for ATC interactions? Are they any users of this in VR? Would love to know your thoughts. Apologies if this has been mentioned before!
  7. I’ve been finding the yaw axis quite squirrelly so looking forward to trying this! What deadzone setting do you use? Also what are your sidestick settings? Thanks for the help 🙂
  8. Not going to be able to update for some time, but for those who can, is it possible to disable Fuel + Catering in the GSX tab? Ideally I’d like to disable boarding too as my system can’t really handle the GSX passenger animations in VR. Is that an option?
  9. Hello, I seem to be having an issue with the latest test version in VR, where even though TLOD Min on Gnd / Landing is not checked, when entering VR the tlod is set to minimum. This does not happen when I exit VR back to 2D where the TLOD starts rising. Also an issue with it not setting the FPS target at 33 for VR as I had under Expert Settings. I had to change this in the configuration file. Here is the log file: 2024-02-27 19:38:58.376 [INF] [ ServiceController:ServiceLoop ] Starting Service Loop 2024-02-27 19:38:58.377 [INF] [ ServiceController:ServiceLoop ] Initial LODs PC 90 / 100 and VR 90 / 100 2024-02-27 19:38:58.377 [INF] [ ServiceController:ServiceLoop ] Initial cloud quality PC 1 / VR 1 2024-02-27 19:38:58.377 [INF] [ ServiceController:ServiceLoop ] Setting TLOD Min on ground 50 2024-02-27 19:38:58.378 [INF] [ ServiceController:ServiceLoop ] Setting OLOD @ Base on ground 150 2024-02-27 19:58:02.375 [INF] [ MainWindow:LoadSettings ] Expert: True Mode: VR Target: 40 Tol: 5 TMin: 50 TMax: 140 CloudQ: False CRecovT: 100 Pause: True TMaxGL: False 2024-02-27 19:58:21.364 [INF] [ MainWindow:UpdateLiveValues ] FPS: 36 TLOD: 50 OLOD: 150 AGL: 9 FPM: -0 Clouds: Medium 2024-02-27 19:58:30.373 [INF] [ MainWindow:UpdateLiveValues ] FPS: 36 TLOD: 50 OLOD: 150 AGL: 9 FPM: -0 Clouds: Medium 2024-02-27 19:58:39.370 [INF] [ MainWindow:UpdateLiveValues ] FPS: 36 TLOD: 50 OLOD: 150 AGL: 9 FPM: -0 Clouds: Medium 2024-02-27 19:58:48.361 [INF] [ MainWindow:UpdateLiveValues ] FPS: 36 TLOD: 50 OLOD: 150 AGL: 9 FPM: -0 Clouds: Medium 2024-02-27 19:58:57.372 [INF] [ MainWindow:UpdateLiveValues ] FPS: 36 TLOD: 50 OLOD: 150 AGL: 9 FPM: -0 Clouds: Medium 2024-02-27 19:59:06.373 [INF] [ MainWindow:UpdateLiveValues ] FPS: 36 TLOD: 50 OLOD: 150 AGL: 9 FPM: -0 Clouds: Medium 2024-02-27 19:59:15.392 [INF] [ MainWindow:UpdateLiveValues ] FPS: 36 TLOD: 50 OLOD: 150 AGL: 9 FPM: -0 Clouds: Medium 2024-02-27 19:59:24.381 [INF] [ MainWindow:UpdateLiveValues ] FPS: 36 TLOD: 50 OLOD: 150 AGL: 9 FPM: 0 Clouds: Medium 2024-02-27 19:59:33.385 [INF] [ MainWindow:UpdateLiveValues ] FPS: 36 TLOD: 50 OLOD: 150 AGL: 9 FPM: 1 Clouds: Medium 2024-02-27 19:59:42.379 [INF] [ MainWindow:UpdateLiveValues ] FPS: 36 TLOD: 50 OLOD: 150 AGL: 9 FPM: 1 Clouds: Medium 2024-02-27 19:59:51.379 [INF] [ MainWindow:UpdateLiveValues ] FPS: 36 TLOD: 50 OLOD: 150 AGL: 9 FPM: 3 Clouds: Medium 2024-02-27 20:00:00.379 [INF] [ MainWindow:UpdateLiveValues ] FPS: 36 TLOD: 50 OLOD: 150 AGL: 9 FPM: -5 Clouds: Medium 2024-02-27 20:00:09.388 [INF] [ MainWindow:UpdateLiveValues ] FPS: 36 TLOD: 50 OLOD: 150 AGL: 9 FPM: 0 Clouds: Medium 2024-02-27 20:00:18.380 [INF] [ MainWindow:UpdateLiveValues ] FPS: 36 TLOD: 50 OLOD: 150 AGL: 9 FPM: 1 Clouds: Medium 2024-02-27 20:00:19.387 [INF] [ MainWindow:LoadSettings ] Expert: True Mode: PC Target: 33 Tol: 5 TMin: 50 TMax: 140 CloudQ: False CRecovT: 100 Pause: True TMaxGL: False 2024-02-27 20:00:27.391 [INF] [ MainWindow:UpdateLiveValues ] FPS: 36 TLOD: 54 OLOD: 150 AGL: 9 FPM: 1 Clouds: Medium 2024-02-27 20:00:36.385 [INF] [ MainWindow:UpdateLiveValues ] FPS: 36 TLOD: 72 OLOD: 150 AGL: 9 FPM: 1 Clouds: Medium 2024-02-27 20:00:58.856 [INF] [ ServiceController:ServiceLoop ] ServiceLoop ended
  10. This sounds interesting. I run an FPS cap so was wondering how this might change things.
  11. I can confirm I am seeing the DX12 texture bug with SU15 beta using the latest version (3.7Reset)
  12. Yes in theory this should cut scenarios where adaption kicks in for those 1 second fps drops. Looks good to me! Would like to give it a go and see if it works as we think it should ..
  13. Fantastic. Look forward to trying this out!
  14. I do use LOD Step Max set at a value of 10 so I don’t actually notice the adaption kicking in visually. But when I look it at the log I see that it did kick in so I did some testing and narrowed it down to GSX events being called in my case. Sometimes it could also be due to Vatsim traffic being loaded in. Basically a one second dip in FPS due to being CPU limited. Yes it would be fantastic if we can iron out these one second dips. Your idea of setting the number to 120 seems to make a lot of sense and in theory could work really well by removing unnecessary instances of FPS Adaption kicking in.
  15. @Reset XPDR Thank you for your continued development of this wonderful utility. I have run into one slight issue with FPS Adaption where when calling any GSX service the frame rate drops momentarily below my threshold of 27. This causes FPS Adaption to kick in which isn’t ideal. Is there anyway to increase the deadzone for FPS Adaption to kick in? For example say 2 seconds of conisistent FPS below 27 for it to kick in. The ‘Reduce For’ setting doesn’t really help here because even if I set it to a low value like 2s, on occasions when in heavy traffic and scenery this plays havoc and keeps going up and down which is why I prefer keeping this number higher than 10 seconds. Would love to hear your thoughts on potentially adding a deadzone setting for FPS adaption.
  16. Just gave this 3.5 test version a go and things are looking promising. Thank you for your continued development of this fantastic utility! I might give FPS Adaption another go after you have changed it to step up / down. One request that I have for FPS Adaption is, would it be possible for it to work only on the ground? I do not want the LOD changes to happen in the air due to frame rate hiccups. I need it mainly on the ground for the occasions when landing in a heavy airport with lots of Vatsim traffic. If that could be done (with a checkbox) then I would happily give FPS Adaption another go.
  17. My experience with a HP Reverb G2 with a 4070ti (12GB) has been fantastic. With medium to high graphics in game and FPS limited at 30 using RTSS, I can fly the Fenix into heavy third party airports during busy Vatsim Events and have a smooth experience. I use the Dynamic LOD mod to limit the LOD to 60 on the ground in this circumstance. VRAM usage in these heavy scenarios usually tops out at about 11-11.5GB for me using DX12 and DLSS Quality. To answer your original question. Yes once I tried VR (more than a year ago) I’ve never done another flight on my flat screen.
  18. Got it. So would this edited code work for what I am looking to do? global appP2A:="ahk_exe Navigraph Charts.exe" global appP3A:="ahk_exe vpilot.exe" global mfs:="ahk_exe FlightSimulator.exe" 1Joy20:: { if not WinExist(appP2A) return switchApp("1Joy20",appP2A) } 1Joy5:: { if not WinExist(appP3A) return switchApp("1Joy5",appP3A) } switchApp(key,app) { OutX:=0 OutY:=0 OutWidth:=0 OutHeight:=0 SendInput "{Blind}!{Tab}" Sleep 100 WinActivate app WinGetClientPos &OutX, &OutY, &OutWidth, &OutHeight MouseMove OutWidth/2,OutHeight/2 KeyWait key SendInput "{Blind}!{Tab}" WinActivate mfs } Apologies for all the trouble but this is truly a gamechanger for me if I can get it to work 🙂
  19. Understood, thanks! This makes using Charts so much faster in VR rather than relying on the airplane EFB. Is it possible to edit this code for it to work with 2 Programs (Charts +vPilot). So using the same joystick hot key for mouse interaction but for 2 apps depending on which one is in focus in the Kneeboard.
  20. Thank you! That was the problem. Using Navigraph Charts in VR this way feels a lot smoother. Out of curiosity, is there a performance hit using Open Kneeboard in VR in MSFS?
  21. Tried running this script but I get an error on line 67 (WinGetClientPos &OutX, &OutY, &OutWidth, &OutHeight) saying that this line contains no recognized action. Any help will be appreciated, thanks!
  22. Just updated from 2.8.12 and the changes are fantastic! As mentioned in the earlier 3.0 thread, the only regression I find for myself is that all the hard airports are now displayed instead of only displaying the Add Ons like it previously did. With the old way I could easily hit CTRL+ALT+J if I wanted to see the other hard airports. The lack of clutter in 2.8.12 is the only thing I miss. I do hope you consider bringing that functionality back. Regardless, thank you for a wonderful update! This program keeps getting better and better.
  23. Please do look into the VR settings if you can as I am sure MANY people will find this tool extremely useful in VR. Apologies if I you felt that I implied that the tool was ‘broken’ because it doesn’t change the VR LOD. I only posted that as an ‘Issue’ on Github because I could not find where else to contact you. This tool works so well and is simple to use which is why I am hopeful there won’t be people bothering you if VR implementation can be achieved in a similarly simple manner. Thank you for sharing this with the rest of the community! Will be more than happy to buy you a coffee to thank you for your efforts.
  24. The Dev did mention ‘Offsets/Pointers’ in the reply to me on his GitHub page where I raised the issue. He said if I figured out the Offsets/Pointers, to let him know. I have no idea about coding but where can I find this MemoryManager.cs you mention? And will I need anything other than Notepad+ to make the changes required? Thanks for the help!
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