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  1. I'm eagerly awaiting the clogged bathroom feature 😁
  2. My computer runs on nuclear power. Hence, I don't feel guilty in the slightest.
  3. This is great news. The more profitable flight sim is, the more future-proof it is.
  4. Holy word not allowed, this is beautiful. Almost brings a tear in my eye.
  5. Well, I tried that with my old Vintage Mamba + Warthog stick. Upgrading to the latest firmware and the warthog's buttons aren't working any more. Tried downgrading... and now the entire shebang isn't recognized by the VKB util. Not amused... Edit: turns out the culprit wasn't even the stick but the STECS throttle lol. All is well, I was able to put it all back in working order.
  6. I had that issue indeed. I kinda bruteforced it by keeping the trigger (my go-to PTT key) depressed while clicking on the set key button of BATC. After a few tries, it worked.
  7. To be fair, BATC doesn't actually control the AI traffic. Like P2ATC.
  8. For that matter, I did LTFJ - EBLG today and performance indeed became... atrocious may be too strong a word, but definitely "not normal" as I reached the Germany-Belgium border area. Despite being at cruise, in the PMDG 737 which is not the worst addon in terms of performance, as well as AutoFPS. On final approach it reached near slideshow state. And now I'm flying over the USA and it's ultra-smooth.
  9. Second that. Yesterday I took off from OMAA with a 36kt tail wind. It was sporty. I heard my SLC passengers scream 😅 I was supposed to land on RW16L at OTHH... 'til I saw planes taking off in the 34 heading. Then I changed the arrival settings for a 34 visual, which was uneventful.
  10. I picked up FSHud again after months not using it because it always ended up tanking FPS after a while. In conjunction with the FSTL injector, on 3 hours+ flights things were pretty good. I guess the performance improvements did indeed bring performance improvements. Had the speed restriction issue on approach. Not too handicapping, but a fix will be welcome.
  11. I too sometimes experience those CTDs on loading certain planes. Best workaround I found is... load another plane, then reload the A300.
  12. I don't care about the Dune loadscreen (or any other load screen for that matter) because loading up MSFS takes so long that I'm always doing something else during that time.
  13. Version 7.4.11 is out on FSUIPC's website.
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