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  1. Wow, so the percentage of XP users was way under 10%, with respect to the post that Sethos made: If there were 3 XP users out of several hundred users, and 2 of the XP users were developers, that's like really 1 XP user out of several hundred users that were using your product, if the developers are excluded. That's far less than 10%.
  2. Interesting announcement from OpenAI. A reduction in the price of SayInentions would be nice.
  3. Thanks for the clarification! This makes more sense.
  4. So that slide meant that in the first 18 months of Xplane 12's release, Xplane 12 outsold Xplane 11 in the first 18 months of Xplane 11's release? This topic and that slide is very confusing.
  5. Yes, MSFS is very stable for me too, even if I leave it running for 7 hours or more.
  6. I agree. FG makes a huge difference, even if the FPS is low in the 30 FPS range. It's badly needed in XP 12.
  7. I am not surprised by this. And I would even guess that other 3rd party developers for XP 12 are experiencing the same thing that Just Flight is experiencing, but those other 3rd party developers haven't made a public statement about this yet.
  8. I think A2A has other commercial and military projects going on as well where they are making money off of. I don't think they are solely relying on the Comanche for their revenue/profit for the last 3 years.
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