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Everything posted by LVFRicardo

  1. We have replied to you on our forums. The picture posted by Chock shows what you should have in the UK.
  2. The reason we have certain airlines on certain regions of AREX Europe is that for example, we know by a fact that the Air France group is very dominant in France, therefore we threw in AFR liveries, they pop out randomly. The same for Central Europe we decided to give Lufthansa some priority and mix in with swissport. The same with Russia and Greece. With the UK and Mediterranean West its complicated knowing that there are few very dominant airlines there. For the North American pack, its very complex since there are so many airlines in this region that are dominant on certain airports. That's why we made possible a version that allows for airline selection. We have requested ASOBO for the possibility of allowing us to choose depending on certain airports what liveries we want and such. Presently a region can have hundreds of airports so its a gamble. Thanks to all for the support and feedback!
  3. Hello all, thanks for your comments. Satellite imagery for the TJSJ area was very bad, and yes, that still looks very bad. We will definitely try to make this better for a future update, and try to get a satellite imagery that is better for those sections.
  4. Hi, yes it works exactly the same way the default General aviation push back worked, so calling for pushback should work, the only difference is we removed the ramp agent standing next to it, did not look realistic.
  5. That's right. We will be looking into ways this can be possible in the future, but on its release it will not have airlines, since we can't do this with a product inside the marketplace. Thanks!
  6. That's correct. We are looking into asking ASOBO if they can help us change that to be more gate/airport specific in the future within the SDK. Initially when you install AREX, you get random Airport Handling companies: Swissport, ASIG, Menzies, but you can select from 9 airlines. For catering is random and for fuel too. We only added airlines after some beta testers said it would have been great as an option. For the MS marketplace, it will only have random airport handling companies, not airlines.
  7. Actually, I was responding to the user who said that the airport animated vehicles (non service) behave rather erratically through the airport, driving around areas which made no sense. And there is no way around it at presently till ASOBO addresses this, not even on the SDK. As for what you mention, yes all that is possible, but as we said earlier, our efforts have never been to actually do a competitor of GSX, The same way the default service vehicles are never a replacement for GSX for most simmers.
  8. Actually what I meant is that AREX will inject custom models/textures on all gates, not just the user gate even the one with AI traffic or that is vacant.
  9. Hello all, I think I know where the confusion comes about us only replacing textures on the default vehicles. Just saw the Frooglesim video where he said that we only replace textures, he was referring to the fselite exclusive news, but it was inaccurate, we do replace the custom vehicle models and textures. So perhaps that's why the confusion exists.
  10. Partly accurate, they can compliment each other. However, we don't just put logos on default vehicles, we have our own customized vehicles. So all stock vehicles for North America are replaced and put in accurate textures for the region. GSX is an animal of its own, its in depth way of doing ground services won't be ever surpassed by AREX, ever. So that isn't our intention. With AREX you get customized airline/catering on all gates of an airport, with GSX its just your gate/aircraft, but it uses the default way of doing services/animations, in its current form, not personalized as GSX. Aside from the fact that we replace the entire airport vehicle animations, replacing them with regional looking types. So that's additional, GSX at least for FSX/P3d did not do that.
  11. The vehicles behave like the default, no other way around the SDK as it is presently. We are hoping and expecting things to get better eventually as long as they fix it in their end. Thanks!
  12. Thank you, actually partly accurate. We don't use default ground vehicles, all are custom, none are from the sim. So no forklift.
  13. Thanks for your support, we sent it to them last week, and we hope they should put v1.04 in there soon. We hope!
  14. Hello folks, Just wanted to clear up that our KMIA, has nothing to do with this or any issue at all. Our KMIA only edits KMIA, no other airport or no region at all not even KTMB or KOPF which are nearby. This airport was reviewed by MS before placing it on the marketplace, and I am sure had it shown causing issues they wouldn't never approved of it. BTW, I personally bought KEYW yesterday and I can also attest that no issues are present, because there shouldn't at all.
  15. Hi all, this is an issue MS/Asobo will address in the future. As some have said, this happens with all add-on airports.
  16. Hi, you are right its not a completely new build, we are using models we have done from before, that's why we have applied a discount to all previous customers. However, the methods and ways we have made this scenery for MSFS aren't completely different to the methods and ways of starting from scratch doing a scenery for MSFS. We have certainly saved time by having the models done, that's an advantage and those who have owned previously have benefited from it too. However, its not that straight forward to bring this to MSFS, takes time. The same CANNOT be said about aircraft design, since a lot of other things come into play with aircraft, that's why we haven't seen much of aircraft being released despite most of us developers having the SDK for many months already. Thank you all for the support!
  17. Hi, everything is made from scratch with the SDK from MSFS, which is completely different and new from that of previous ESP codes. The only thing used was the airport design (models) and materials (base textures) used which did not have any code in them from previous simulators because the new sim won't ever allow you to create a package with old code in it. The texturing format is completely different, even PBR is completely different to that used by P3d, so we had to create new PBR materials based on the new SDK. Object placement completely different so I don't know how people are saying its a 'port over'. Right now, there isn't a sole 'tool' or anything that would allow you to use code from P3d or FSX to bring scenery to MSFS easily. That's as of today, don't know about the future. This sim is maturing as we go, and as it continues we will apply new features and elements it allows us to implement. This airport is done 100% based on the SDK from MSFS, and using the most things available for us to use. Believe me there are no short-cuts. We been with this sim since late last year working.
  18. Hi, we asked you in our forums a question, please try to respond. We doubt the dll is causing the issue you mention.
  19. Hello folks, at LVFR we are doing a February flash sale, 40% on all products, LEMD, KMIA, SCEL, KMSY...... Valid till February 10th! only in latinvfr.com https://latinvfr.com/
  20. Hi, hope you folks take advantage of this promotion. 35% off on all products except KMIA, the discount will show on the cart/checkout. Valid till Sept 3rd! https://latinvfr.com/
  21. Hi Umberto, I am very happy with what you have accomplished and joined the club of PBR airports. I downloaded the scenery and installed it once you released it and I experienced the floating objects issue, at first I was puzzled to see it because most people experienced it (with SCELv2) after arriving from a long flight. I was interested in this situation because it happened after spawning at KORD once I started the sim. And I had a full P3dv4.5 installation. So you must be correct this must be some other form of issue not related to what I had with SCEL. I just wanted to clear the air a bit with a comment from someone saying he will be staying away from PBR airports, and I just do not want that sort of idea being spread out which would hurt our products as well, and presently do not have this sort of problem. Thanks
  22. Hi, not to get into this subject which is responsibility of another product/develoiper that has nothing to do with ours, I just wanted to clear out something here. We at LVFR have released 3 sceneries with PBR. Santiago SCEL, New Orleans KMSY and Miami KMIAv5 The first one we updated to PBR in December a few weeks after the PBR technology was released. It did happen to have some of those floating issues which you hear about. It happened that some customers did have and others didn't. I happen to have the issue. Even with the new P3dv4.5 we still had the issue and the problem was due to mapping/material issues because when we released KMSY (fully PBR native since its creation) it did not have the problem. So we went back and almost had to re-compile the (SCEL) scenery. That fixed it and we are happy to report no one else encountered the issue. I initially blamed it on LM, and it turned out that it wasn't their fault because despite me saying that 4.5 fixed, it still occured. As for the 3 of them, with NONE of them floating issues occur, for KMSY and KMIA did not ever. Just for our first PBR one. I won't go as far as to blame all PBR airports having this problem. KLAS from Flytampa and other airports (tivat, liverpool) have PBR and I think they don't report these issues. I would recommend the developer who has this sort of issue to not consider LM or P3d as being the culprit of this problem.
  23. Hi, this is interesting and revolutionary, I will love to try this. I am away from my main computer so I can't test, but downloaded to see if there is some sort of manual or anything that explains how this works. Also if this file can be distributed by payware developers with their sloped runway addons? if not can some sort of commercial agreement be made? if possible PM so we can talk privately. thank you for your attention.
  24. You could have both. When you activate our downtown buildings you also activate excludes which would remove certain buildings, but not all. So if you have both in certain areas you might just have double buildings, but the significant and most important buildings in the Miami area we did, have excludes because the stock or default area of KMIA had some buildings. DD's Miami city X is great, however we needed to actually offer a bit more to our customers, and I think the majority of which did not have DD's Miami city installed. One thing for sure is that our Miami city has all buildings that are 2019 built. One thing I noticed about Miami is despite me moving out a couple of years back, the development of buildings and high rises has accelerated to a point on which I was myself amazed by the amount of new high rises. Which we included in KMIAv5 🙂
  25. Hi, what exactly causes shimmering ? and is it during specific time of the day when the sun is pointing towards the object?
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