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PMDG 737 NGX: The View Forward

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I've notice this subject in the forum continues to slide down the subject table of contents. When it gets to the bottom do you think the NGX will be released?

Richard Spencer




USMC (ret)

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hmmm after a while it seems we got stuck on page 95.......Straight%20Face.gif No more sreens guys?best regardsRay

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Will you guys make an NG for FS9 as well, it looks like a really great aircraft.

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The heads up display looks awesome, I don't know of any other 737 on the market currently that has a heads up disply, that would be great to have as alaska and American 737's have them. I just don't have a powerful enough computer to run FSX.

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I see we have slipped back onto the second page. Alpha testing must be going well.

Richard Spencer




USMC (ret)

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The heads up display looks awesome, I don't know of any other 737 on the market currently that has a heads up disply, that would be great to have as alaska and American 737's have them. I just don't have a powerful enough computer to run FSX.
The iFly 737 for FS9 does have a working HUD.

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i guess the people are loosing there interest here......its strangely getting a long delay......bummer, hopefully some new screenies soon? Is it still work in progress as well?

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There are several new threads with new screenshots. Look at the forum rather than just this one thread.

Noah Bryant

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Guest nherious

Wow this is freaking Crazy !!! I want it NOW !!!!

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Can't wait till it has been released this year, I'd prefer to have it as a Christmas present rather than a Chinese New Year one. :Praying:Dave.

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Guest Caines737
LN%20DYH%20FO.jpgShortening the waiting time with an outstanding 737 pic I took for 3 weeks ago! A new documentary about Norwegian 737 800 is availible at flightsim.no - watch it and make the waiting time shorter! I am waiting so much for the NGX - 737 NG is the real thing

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That video there...is it better then what Just Planes offers because I have some of there videos and they are awaful.Ron Hamilton

Ron Hamilton


"95% is half the truth, but most of it is lies, but if you read half of what is written, you'll be okay." __ Honey Boo Boo's Mom

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