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PMDG 737 NGX: The View Forward

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- In the past they have done Major release right before the Reno Air Races in September.RSR owns T-6 and a race team. Its expensive, surely it reqiures a major release to fund it all. :(

Peter Osborn




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guys, we should still expect this baby mid 2010, which is june15th an exact day, but i would give it up to july lee-way,so until we here further from the team, this is what we should expect

Alex Ridge

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Hi guys guess the anticipation is geting the better of us , so we wil sit back and wait

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Guest wims
guys, we should still expect this baby mid 2010, which is june15th an exact day, but i would give it up to july lee-way,so until we here further from the team, this is what we should expect
You'll give it up to July? What happens after that? They have a support ticket on their support website saying the following :
PMDG has a long standing tradition prohibiting us from providing release dates in advance.We do this in order to prevent "schedule pressure" from influencing our decisions related to product readiness for market.Right now, (as of 20FEB10) we can only say that the PMDG 737NGX will release during 2010.Beyond this we will not speculate.You can generally tell when the product is getting close to release because we start showing you very complete overviews of the airplane in our customer support forum.In the mean time- we will dribble out occasional updates- so pay attention to our forum at AVSim for more information!
I just hope they release it when its fully complete and not rush it out to please the impatient ones, judging from that statement this seems to be likely. Just enjoy the summer and dont worry too much about "the middle of june" :)

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It'll be out later this year I'm sure. The 777 and Dash-8 got pushed back so obviously the NGX did as well.

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I'm still trying to figure out how "mid-2010" implies middle of June? To me, the middle of 2010 could be anywhere from April 1 through September 30 (in other words the middle 6 months of the year). The NGX will come when it's ready.Eric Szczesniak

Eric Szczesniak

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To me, the middle of 2010 could be anywhere from April 1 through September 30 (in other words the middle 6 months of the year).Eric Szczesniak
Take an apple and cut it in three halves...In the earth objects fall down by the force of gravity, however, in the outer space (where, as we all know, there isn't gravity) things fall down by their own weight... :( Why not the middle 10 monts of the year ?.

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It'll be out later this year I'm sure. The 777 and Dash-8 got pushed back so obviously the NGX did as well.
maybe they got pushed back BECAUSE of the NGX; maybe so as to increase the number of people working on the NGX.

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Things slow down in the summer time, holidays, bbq's etc etc. Im not expecting the NGX before September. Those PMDG dev's probably got to work on those tan lines anyways. :(



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Why not the middle 10 monts of the year ?
Because half of a 12 month year is 6 months.Although, true that is somewhat arbitrary. I guess I take "mid-2010" to mean Q2 or 3. Had they said specifically "middle of 2010" I might have read that differently.Eric Szczesniak

Eric Szczesniak

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I'll be impressed if anyone manages to cut anything, let alone an apple, into three halves.Al

Alan Bradbury

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im 18 tomorrow, please may i have the pmdg 737 now,please thanks u, love you, pretty please,jokes aside it is my 18th bday on the 8th ;)

Alex Ridge

Join Fswakevortex here! YOUTUBE and FACEBOOK

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im 18 tomorrow, please may i have the pmdg 737 now,please thanks u, love you, pretty please,jokes aside it is my 18th bday on the 8th ;)
Happy birthday to you!!Also im really looking forward to the next little NGX picture! I would love to have the plane right now.. But patience is a virtue:-)Martijn

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