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Do you want the 777-200/ER?

Do you want the 777-200/ER  

2,064 members have voted

  1. 1. Build the 777-200/ER?

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Well should have told me that over a year ago  :biggrin:


Haha, wow I guess I wasn't paying much attention. I didn't realize this topic was that old... :rolleyes:

John Sturm

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I want the 772 because BAW has them. It's about time I fill up my collection of Speedbirds. I hope that PMDG will include other engines for that aircraft.

Mihkel Kiil

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Honestly, I am really looking forward to the LR, and a part of me really wants the gigantic 300 just because it's gigantic.  It will be the best big bird on market.  


Is this a question we don't know the answer to already?  I mean, it doesn't matter if WE want it, the answer has got to be 100% yes we will get it.  I can't think of a PMDG release where they haven't produced every airframe for that model.  The 737 we got the 6-7-8-9, the 747 we got the -400 and the -800 with a new version in the works.  Time for the 772LR, 200ER/300ER.  For them to NOT finish the variants would just seem sketchy and incomplete.  

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Now having the 200LR, I`m so impressed!

Actually I don`t know any words to describe this amazing Aircraft!


I would still love to see the 200ER, rather then the 300ER!


Of course this is up to you, just wanted to tell you that there is a huge amount of people wanting the 200ER, so you`d probably find some costumers for that one :P


-Sebastian Gosch

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You already have 9500nm range , why would you want to limit your range to 7700nm?


You said it. I would rather the development resource was used elsewhere.

Bill Casey


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Yes, so we can fly these real airlines flying these real routes. Forget these fictional B77LR liveries like American, United, etc....

In fact I ran out of real routes as I have flown all the actual livery routes on the B777LR and freight.



Kin M.


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Luckily PMDG released the 777F first, so I'm good to go.  Sorry to disappoint you Luke :lol: , but I still have not flown the 777-200LR yet.  I downloaded the Delta and Asiana LR liveries through the PMDG Ops Center, but have yet to crank em up.  Meanwhile my 777F fleet continues to grow and I'm a very happy camper!


Maybe one of these days I'll fly a passenger or two :ph34r:

Chris Sunseri




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I would still love to see the 200ER, rather then the 300ER!


PMDG will make both, the -200ER and the -300ER. But don't ask when.  :biggrin:


But one thing is sure. The 777-300ER will be the best! B)

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Guest DarrenLiewWY

Maybe it was more economical for PMDG to make the B777LR first. For the effort of one they can sell two.  The freighter being the other one. These two share the same engine and airframe. But for the B777-200ER they also can make the B777-200(first generation)-two different engine performance maybe? There is no B777-200ERF otherwise maybe they may have made that first. 


Anyways I am waiting for the B777-300ER myself. I am a Emirates fan and there are not a whole lot of routes I can fly with the B777-200LR. Can`t wait to see the taxi camera as well as the more powerful engines on the B777-300ER from PMDG. Wonder what surprises PMDG will come up with for the B777-300ER. 


Based on their official announcement made many moons ago, they mentioned that the B747 V2 will be released shortly after the B777X and up to now even the patch to fix the bugs on the initial release of the B777X is not released yet. So I do not think that the B777-300ER extension will be released before end of 2013 not to say anything about the B747 V2. Who knows? It`s just speculation and PMDG have just slightly over two months to pull another rabbit out of their hat.



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Hmmmm.. After reading through some of the old posts in here, I must conclude that

this is just about the most meaningless arguing Ive witnessed so far on Avsim. Its not

because it is so great and loud, but simply because:


Who cares if a guy does not want the 200ER and is happy with the 200LR?


Has this stuff not always been about "As real as it gets"?


I for one hate to fly an AA or BA machine in a 200LR frame.. Thats why I still havent bought this aircraft. And also because im still happy with the NGX,

Yngve Giljebrekke

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Well with the number of votes going toward the -200ER, I am sure PMDG will bring it up to us :P

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You said it. I would rather the development resource was used elsewhere.


7,700NM is still a lot of range, I'd like to fly my AA birds that have the RR engines on their 200's or the legacy United birds with their PW engines (and the 200ER's serves everything from ORD-MIA (rare but I've seen it) or as far as ORD-HKG with UA.)

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