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I shame TDS isn't making a Classic series, as already 2 other designers have made perfectly good NG's, PMDG - Ifly, I hope you will have the 737-300 Classic series on your list sometime! However great looking work, even though I own the PMDG I will be sure to check this out!


Or just use the perfectly good iFly as is and leave another wasted project as this one alone?

I assumed his post meant he intended to use the TDS 737 rather than the iFly 737, so I offered another alternative to that since he expressed interest in the use of the TDS 737. What you just suggested sounds like the opposite of what he intended to do in the first place. Also, I'm not sure why you think this is a wasted project. I personally plan to replace the Project Opensky 737s I have with the TDS 737s when they get released, and others have expressed interest in doing the same. But I suppose you can't please everybody.

Captain Kevin


Air Kevin 124 heavy, wind calm, runway 4 left, cleared for take-off.

Live streams of my flights here.


Please keep up the great work. The Delta and Sun Country jets look great. I think I read that this 737 will be freeware however, is TDS going to set up their website for donations?

Keith Guillory


Please keep up the great work. The Delta and Sun Country jets look great. I think I read that this 737 will be freeware however, is TDS going to set up their website for donations?

Unless there's something I'm not aware of, there isn't a website, just Facebook groups.

Captain Kevin


Air Kevin 124 heavy, wind calm, runway 4 left, cleared for take-off.

Live streams of my flights here.


Or just use the perfectly good iFly as is and leave another wasted project as this one alone?



Was that really necessary? YOU may not be interested, but others are.


Sorry you feel that way, but for the rest of us it's an exciting prospect.




Perhaps I should've said 737 rather then NG, but P.O weren't the only ones doing 737's. Has been a few freeware NG's over the years.

Well, that's why I'm asking, because I wasn't aware of the other ones. Only ones I know of are the Project Opensky and the default. I remember there was one for FS2002 and another for FS98, but I don't know who developed those, nor would I think those would count.

Captain Kevin


Air Kevin 124 heavy, wind calm, runway 4 left, cleared for take-off.

Live streams of my flights here.




I'm sorry, but in the end, by labelling the effort as wasted, you're simply being boorish.

I do believe that critism and comments have a right to be made, but they should, in general, be productive. A flat and dismissive rejection serves no one better than your own ego.


Well, sir... since you feel the effort is 'wasted', and you're looking for (your words),


"... Now a well put together 777 with a useable VC and a FMC with a realistic FDE and soundset, and isn't buggy, that'll win me over!"


Perhaps your interests would be better served in the Venue where that [newly released] airplane resides.


In the meantime, the rest of us will await this new release from TDS, and be thankful that someone's taking the time to create something for FS 9, and freeware, to boot!




Yes, you might be right, but that comment would have been best at the beginning of the project, not at release.

Now, understand that I don't necessarily disagree with you. I fly GA, so the release of another 737 doesn't excite me unduly, but the timing and manner of delivery of your thoughts didn't really contribute to the discussion in any meaningful way.

  • Commercial Member

Or just use the perfectly good iFly as is and leave another wasted project as this one alone?





It's just another in a long line of freeware NG's that have been available over the years. Nothing new.



Perhaps I should've said 737 rather then NG, but P.O weren't the only ones doing 737's. Has been a few freeware NG's over the years.



Sorry, but i just don't see the point to time and effort being spent on something that's been done several times before. And pretty well too.


787 fair enough. But another 737?


Now a well put together 777 with a useable VC and a FMC with a realistic FDE and soundset, and isn't buggy, that'll win me over!



But another 737? Hmmmm.


I see what you're trying to do here, but I won't be playing along much.


The biggest thing people don't realize, is that we (along with most freeware 'vendors') create what we want, no matter what others want. If we made simply what 'most' want, we would never release anything, because there would be no motivation to finish any project.


You're somewhat right - there have been a few 737NG-series released, even as freeware. But they are all well-outdated. To say (as you put it) 'nothing new,' is not something I'd agree with.


Let me answer specifically why not the 737-300 thru -500. For myself, personally, I am involved with a payware group creating that 737 range for FSX, and working on another project for the same aircraft series would violate my obligations to that FSX group. The other big reason for me why I wouldn't get involved with a 737 'new generation' project for FS9 is because I don't believe the 50North model can be beaten in terms of overall accuracy. That model is about as spot-on as you can get. The other freeware 737NG's leave a lot out there to be improved upon, however. And I personally know each of the developers of the two, main aforementioned models being discussed here, and they would both agree with that statement. Heck, one of them is the modeler of this new TDS 737.


Some of the other arguments I've seen puts us up against iFly and PMDG - two payware developers. Not everyone has the capability to purchase payware add-ons. Even so, we do not produce aircraft to compete with other developers. Back to step 1, we make what we want to. Users simply have another choice of which they would like to download. I'm not going to make comparisons with our model versus others' because that would be flat-out disrespectful, but I will say that I am very pleased with what our 737 has become.


737s are extremely popular aircraft. I'm sure a few people will get some entertainment out of our model. If that person isn't you, then so be it, won't affect us in the slightest bit. But to say our efforts are 'wasted,' is simply rude and untrue. You mention you want a 777 - if there is any add-on that has been done MORE than the 737NG, it would probably be that one (or a 767). Project Opensky/SkySpirit (updated) created a full, freeware 777 series with a very nice virtual cockpit. It may not come with an FMC, but I'm sure there are free/cheap ones out there that can be added to function with the aircraft.


Again, we create what we want to create, and we are thankful to be able to share those developments with those that choose to use them. We don't aim to compete with any other products, companies or groups, and we certainly don't expect anybody to kiss the ground we walk on. However, disrespectful and comments just to be negative, do not help. If there is a legitimate flaw with something we create, we will happily continue to look and improve the aesthetics of our add-ons. Constructive criticism is always welcomed.

Best Regards,
Kyle Schurb
Developer of Virtual Cockpits, Sceneries, and Liveries.
Instrument-Rated Commercial Pilot AMEL, CFI/CFII/MEI


That's for FSX, and not freeware.



Nothing wrong with being a little choosy. It's what keeps us all in the game.

Tell us more about your contributions to this hobby, or more specifically freeware? Don't have any? Didn't think so.


Not everyone can afford to throw money at payware, or a new computer to run FSX.. so maybe this would suit those just fine. It's hardly a wasted project... but with attitudes like that, it's no wonder freeware is a dying breed.


John Tavendale
Textures by Tavers - https://www.facebook.com/texturesbytavers


Hi Kyle,


The latest texture pics look great.


I'm also eagerly awaiting the release of this model.


Thanks for persevering with this design. I for one am a fan of the 737 and along with most, welcome another.


Thanks again,



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