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Kyle Schurb

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About Kyle Schurb

  • Birthday 09/09/1988

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    Minneapolis, MN | United States

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  1. Very nice work, Steve! Yes we do. Thinking back all the way to the SGA days ;)
  2. Official forum here: http://tdsaircraft.prophpbb.com It's quiet typically.
  3. The -3 is essentially the -8 with winglets, a shorter range, and a higher passenger capacity.
  4. :lol: Awesome. (Quote, not your situation of course!)
  5. Of course nobody can ever guarantee that, but what's the difference between using a WWE logo, versus a specific airline logo, on any repaints you might see in the library here? It would depend on a specific company. For example, I know a lot of times, Disney simply sends a message to either the host site (Avsim for example) or the uploading author, just telling them to take the file down... this would apply to some of those Disney-themed Alaska planes. I've never heard of such a company pursuing legal action against anyone for a repaint, it would not be worth their time/funding to go after something of that nature. Although, I am certainly not a lawyer and don't claim any sort of expertise on the subject -- all I can offer is advice as someone who has painted and uploaded for over 10 years without a single issue. Also see 'fair use.' Now, if you are going to use the logo in any derogatory way, such as "XXX company sucks" and slap their logo next to that "slogan" and distribute it, then you'll surely have issues. Simply put, you should not have any issues making a fictional repaint with decent usage of a company branding, and uploading it as a free product to a file library. Avsim would be at risk for hosting the file, and as such, any uploads they see come through that might have legal issues, they would likely reject it right away.
  6. We've already made the 777-200 and -300 in the name of "SkySpirit2012" For the issue you describe, we are working on FDE updates, this doesn't happen for very many users but for a handful. A temporarily solution is to load the aircraft to move the CG a bit more aft.
  7. Not sure if the updated FDE available address your concern, but it might be worth a try: http://poskyarchive.com/category/bombardier/crj-700/ FDE Suite 1.1B
  8. Thanks guys, we hope you enjoy this aircraft - I've been toying with the idea of making an official 2d panel to go along with it as well (no vc, don't have the time sorry). If anyone sees this and is wondering about FSX - those specific files (native model and FDE) will be available soon. I am currently in the process of creating the -900 master textures, followed by the -600, then the MAX-series.
  9. This is "as far as I know" as I don't yet have P3D: 1. Yes, any license will let you do that. 2. You can use 2 video cards although it does not take advantage of SLi/CrossFire yet, although it is planned in a near-future patch. It is only compatible with DirectX 11, so any video cards that do not support DX11 will not run P3D at all.
  10. I don't specifically know what you are referring to. But..Because: - It is beyond the scope/business model of a "Flight Simulator" - GTA V is built as a small (though big for a video game) area and those extra details are a necessity. - FS is built to simulate the entire globe. - GTA, I am assuming, is a far more successful franchise than Flight Simulator, having much more manpower and resources devoted to development items that allows them to build, test and deliver those extra eye candy features and actions, etc. That's just scratching the surface...
  11. I agree, although FS is very useful for practice with scanning/interpreting flight instruments.
  12. This is stupid. I don't recall any problems with having the plain and simple "Up Vote" option and nothing else, or absolutely no rating system whatsoever. (I vote my own post as 'Dumb')
  13. I am blown away by those ground textures!!
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