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Multi-Platform Pricing Policy Expectations FSX/P3D/Xplane

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There seems to be some Utopian GroupThink Discussion that FSX users will be given some type of magic pass to move their product licenses over to P3D or Xplane, or that suddenly PMDG's development priorities have shifted magically with an announcement tonight.


None of these are the case.  Today's announcements are an effort to collect and consolidate a few years of posts on the topic of FSX, P3D and Xplane development.  Any user who sees our announcements today as anything other than an explanation of where we are going and what we are working on would be best served to read carefully.


As I have been saying for almost 18 months:  PMDG is working to expand our ability to push products on three platforms:  FSX, Xplane and P3D.


I am frequently misquoted as having said that PMDG will not develop for P3D.  What I have said all along is that we will not develop a consumer product for P3D due to Lockheed Martin's EULA restrictions.  The products we produce for P3D will be enterprise products, and will be licensed quite differently than our FSX products have been licensed.  P3D is a different platform with different requirement for PMDG and our license partners.


Now on the topic of pricing- I want to dispel some rumors and wishful thoughts right away, just so everybody has a clear expectation of where PMDG is headed with pricing:


FSX remains our primary development platform for the time being.  The FSX platform is the core of this community and remains the platform that most of our customers are interested in.  PMDG are diversifying our efforts to multiple platforms in order to expand our business options beyond only the FSX-consumer-simmer market.  Fortunately, our legal counsel and our license partners are open to seeing PMDG make this expansion, so customers who wish to take their simming beyond the consumer-simmer implementation will be able to grow right along with us.


Our goal is to provide all of our customers (from individual simmers to global air carriers) with the ability to purchase the simulation solution that fits their requirements and budget- and to that end we will have an array of pricing options available.


Here is a summary that may help clarify some expectations:

1) FSX is an entertainment only platform.  This platform will have the same pricing we have always offered and those products are limited to entertainment use only.


2) P3D is the platform upon which PMDG will be growing our enterprise product lines initially, with some room being left open to do the same on Xplane if our enterprise customers wish for that platform instead. Over time I anticipate that FSX and P3D are going to diverge rather dramatically in terms of capability for future development.  We intend to capitalize on new features within both P3D and Xplane- so each of our product lines will wind up being distinctly different, especially as we move forward.


3) XPlane will have an entertainment pricing option that matches the FSX option.  Eventually it will also have academic and enterprise pricing options that match those on the P3D platform.


P3D is an enterprise platform and pricing for P3D based solutions will generally be higher than on FSX, but a very very broad range of pricing options will be available depending upon what type of solution you are purchasing from us.


If you are an individual consumer with a price sensitive budget, you will always be able to purchase our products on FSX or Xplane at a consumer pricing level.  If you wish to step up to one of our enterprise solutions on P3D or Xplane, you won't find the cost difference to be too dramatic unless you are buying licenses for training use.  (So there isn't any need to panic- you won't have to pay $25,000 for a solution unless you are running an airline training center, and no BAV doesn't count... :ph34r: )


We have been asked a number of times if we will offer a discount price to users who own the FSX version of a given product.  We will likely offer a special promotional pricing deal at the very beginning, but it will be limited in scope and time and it will require that you already have purchased the FSX version of a product prior to the time we announce the promotional pricing...


Disclaimer:  We may not offer such a promotional offer depending upon how discussions go with our licensing partners.  Releasing products on P3D is not as simple ans changing the installer path and exporting, as there are a number of limiting factors, legal restrictions, licensing requirements and other considerations that do not exist on the FSX platform.


Moving to a multiple platform development process is an expensive process- and is causing quite a bit of expansion behind the scenes at PMDG.  Ultimately I am very excited about it because it means greater access to our capabilities for many of you- but it also brings us the opportunity to show the airline training community what value PMDG can bring to their training process.

  • Upvote 7

Robert S. Randazzo coolcap.gif


You can find us at:  http://forum.pmdg.com

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and no BAV doesn't count... :ph34r: )



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This is still good news and many thanks for the clarification.


It'll also be interesting to see how XP10 side of the business develops.  But it's good to know that some PMDG products will be available for P3D V2 at some point under some type of license options.

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So the price is for the type of licence only? The product and the functions provided remain the same or will you be offering more functionality dependant upon the licence type?

ie Flight school licence will have more failure types, FMC functions etc

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and no BAV doesn't count... :ph34r: )



That's funny because BAV locked P3D out of their ACARS software, so none of this info is any good for their pilots, also why I'm no longer a member of BAV.






Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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As many have said,


Happy with FSX in it's current format, Xplane just doesn't appeal to me yet.


With the current addons AS2012, FTX Global etc. FSX has a new lease of life in my books.



Alex Ridge

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What a refreshing free lesson on 'sweet reasonableness'.  I'm confident more will follow... 


Thank you RR and PMDG.

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Guest troyk

As many have said,


Happy with FSX in it's current format, Xplane just doesn't appeal to me yet.


With the current addons AS2012, FTX Global etc. FSX has a new lease of life in my books.




Are you serious? The sooner that ancient, outdated antiquated buggy piece of junk FSX is dead and buried the better!


As soon as PMDG release their 777 and 737 on P3D it's bye bye FSX for me.

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Just what can be expected. P3D products with non-entertainment licenses will cost more than their FSX counterparts.


Will these licenses have more features?


Its great to see PMDG supporting a new platform which is still being supported by its developer, even if some of us might not be able to afford PMDG P3D products. Seeing as the Professional version of P3D is $200, I wouldn't be surprised to see the 747v2 P3D training version cost upwards of $250.





Ivo Dimitrov

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Thank you for taking the time to clarify this. Its all good news to me.




Kai-Inge Lie


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So you will do diverse version working only with academic with a cost and professionals version ?

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Looks like realistic flight simulation is not for broke college students anymore  :rolleyes:


No, it's not. Like any other hobby, that includes buying/upgrading/maintaining part. ;)

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I'm a little concerned that there wouldn't be any PMDG products for the academic version though. 

David Zambrano, CFII, CPL, IGI

I know there's a lot of money in aviation because I put it there. 


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Good point, I daresay we will have a to wait a while before seeing specifics of license and pricing structure.


Sent from my Mobile thing



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