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Pilot's Global Mesh 2010 FSX edition review...for FSX/P3D

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Just tried that.  Since there are 2 zipped files, I tried each one.  However, I don't get a FULL install.  The true zipped file is a little over 3 gigs.  The other z01 file is zipped but if run, it doesn't run the application routine.  The exe file application runs but stops the install before the full installation.  How did that z01 file get the winzip icon on it.  If I could remove that somehow, I feel the installation would work.  I need a fresh z01 file....I think.



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Stan try this. Directly from Pilot's page.


"1. Potential issues with the download version

You need to know, that we have licensed the download version to the FSS. We delivered our setup files and they put it into their wrapper, zipped it and are offering it for download. We have no influence on these files. So our support can only start, once the software has been installed. We have however compiled a number of "going" issues below. If the offered solutions do not help to solve your problem, you will need to contact the FSS on their support channels. 

°) Use *current* versions of WINRAR or WINZIP (7ZIP and internal unzipper do NOT work). You can at any time download and install a free trial version of these and uninstall later.

°) You only need to open the file with ZIP extention. The files with z01, z02, etc extention will be opened automatically in this process. These are not 6 ZIP files, but a single, but splitted ZIP file.

°) Have you noticed that you must NOT unzip into the download directory? Create a new one.

°) Corrupt files? Create hash values of your downloaded files and compare them to the ones published on the download website. If you find missmatches, download these again. Use Google to find a hash Generator, if you have none installed right now. We are sorry, you will need to get the files downloaded, if you choose the download version. Sending us emails "my files are corrupt" will not help anything. How could we possibly "heal" you corrupt files? You will need to download, until they are no more corrupt. Use landlines and NO mobile lines to download! Mobile lines are notorious for caching files. If you got one corrupt download, the file may be cached for a certain time by your provider. If you redownload, you redownload the cached file, which, again, must be corrupt. Wait 24 hours until you retry.

°) Enough space on the hard drive? If you download to C:\, unzip to C:\ and install to C:\ you will need at least 100GB free space. Download and unzip to another drive than C:\!"

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I have being using global 2008  for years , best thing I did, now geeting 2010 as it has improved some what. Why is it tha tpeopel seem to think that if you buy a product all there problems will go away. Id rather have mountans tha tlook like mountains than hill, and with features not bowling balls, Just did a flight out of an airport in UK had treess all over the runway, so i created a exclude, issue fixed 5 min work now I can fly from there, wit hFSX you simply need to do something sometimes,if you want to enjoy, it really isnt taht hard.

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I want to thank everyone for the assistance given to me on this "download debacle".  All good advice.  However, today I called Jetline (my computer builder) about an issue I was having with the Computer Time / Date, which they helped me take care of quickly.  I mentioned to Ken at Jetline the problem I was having with FS Global installation.


Well, I couldn't believe it....Ken took over my computer remotely, downloaded WinRar (which he prefers over Winzip), and moved some things around.  Within minutes he had FS Global flying through the correct installation.l


That, to me, is the value I see in dealing with Jetline Systems.  Even though this was NOT something related to my computer build, the people at this company are always willing to help you with ANYTHING...and Ken even told me he would help any AVSIM member having a problem with this program by just letting him know. 


Now, my new challenge will be to try to "flatten" some of those airports like KLAS that have risen after the installation of Global 2010.



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Thank you for the quick reply, yes I found the manual and did read about what it does, but it does not address the included Terrain Configuration Tool that is also included with the folder unless I missed it!

Find the Terrain Configuration Tool, and right click for its location. You should then find in that directory, also the manual on how to use it.  It walks you through scenarios to repair/fix what you wish.  It is quite powerful...I have not used it yet...but when going through its 'use' manual, saw as such.

Stan try this. Directly from Pilot's page.


"1. Potential issues with the download version

You need to know, that we have licensed the download version to the FSS. We delivered our setup files and they put it into their wrapper, zipped it and are offering it for download. We have no influence on these files. So our support can only start, once the software has been installed. We have however compiled a number of "going" issues below. If the offered solutions do not help to solve your problem, you will need to contact the FSS on their support channels. 


°) Use *current* versions of WINRAR or WINZIP (7ZIP and internal unzipper do NOT work). You can at any time download and install a free trial version of these and uninstall later.


°) You only need to open the file with ZIP extention. The files with z01, z02, etc extention will be opened automatically in this process. These are not 6 ZIP files, but a single, but splitted ZIP file.


°) Have you noticed that you must NOT unzip into the download directory? Create a new one.


°) Corrupt files? Create hash values of your downloaded files and compare them to the ones published on the download website. If you find missmatches, download these again. Use Google to find a hash Generator, if you have none installed right now. We are sorry, you will need to get the files downloaded, if you choose the download version. Sending us emails "my files are corrupt" will not help anything. How could we possibly "heal" you corrupt files? You will need to download, until they are no more corrupt. Use landlines and NO mobile lines to download! Mobile lines are notorious for caching files. If you got one corrupt download, the file may be cached for a certain time by your provider. If you redownload, you redownload the cached file, which, again, must be corrupt. Wait 24 hours until you retry.


°) Enough space on the hard drive? If you download to C:\, unzip to C:\ and install to C:\ you will need at least 100GB free space. Download and unzip to another drive than C:\!"


I want to thank everyone for the assistance given to me on this "download debacle".  All good advice.  However, today I called Jetline (my computer builder) about an issue I was having with the Computer Time / Date, which they helped me take care of quickly.  I mentioned to Ken at Jetline the problem I was having with FS Global installation.


Well, I couldn't believe it....Ken took over my computer remotely, downloaded WinRar (which he prefers over Winzip), and moved some things around.  Within minutes he had FS Global flying through the correct installation.l


That, to me, is the value I see in dealing with Jetline Systems.  Even though this was NOT something related to my computer build, the people at this company are always willing to help you with ANYTHING...and Ken even told me he would help any AVSIM member having a problem with this program by just letting him know. 


Now, my new challenge will be to try to "flatten" some of those airports like KLAS that have risen after the installation of Global 2010.



Stan, now check out the state of Hawaii...you won't believe the difference!   I now hold that this should be one of the first purchases to any NEW install of FSX.  It completely transforms the flight simulator virtual world.

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I bit the bullet and purchased this mesh along with Vector. Man o man, what a difference. I can't believe I've waited this long. I just got back from a real world trip to Cape Town. I fired up P3D and flew there last night to compare. Wow, is it good. Table Mountain looks like the real thing (it's not there at all with default mesh). The coastline and other features are spot on. If you are on the fence about this product (or Vector), I can't recommend enough. No airport issues either yet from several flights I took in SA and Norway (using the also superlative openLC Europe). This is an expensive hobby, but a lot cheaper than real flying.

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How are some of you dealing with the higher airport elevations that occur with this mesh?

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Find the Terrain Configuration Tool, and right click for its location. You should then find in that directory, also the manual on how to use it.  It walks you through scenarios to repair/fix what you wish.  It is quite powerful...I have not used it yet...but when going through its 'use' manual, saw as such.

Thank you again,

I did look in the Pilot folder inside the P3d folder and I found some files but there was no Terrain Config file. I need to do look deeper and see if I somehow missed something.


Thanks again for your help...

Nick Sciortino


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How are some of you dealing with the higher airport elevations that occur with this mesh?


1. Use the Airport Elevation Corrections in LCEurope.


2. Change the airport elevations myself using one of the many freeware utilities out there.


3. Ignore some of the minor plateaus and say to myself: "Look, a plateau." Trenched airports are harder to ignore for me.

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That, to me, is the value I see in dealing with Jetline Systems. Even though this was NOT something related to my computer build, the people at this company are always willing to help you with ANYTHING...and Ken even told me he would help any AVSIM member having a problem with this program by just letting him know.


They built both of my boxes, I can't imagine ever going anywhere else again. Quality builds, quality after sale service.

Frank L.T


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Yes.  And I really didn't expect this "above and beyond' assistance in helping me install a program they had nothing to do with.  They just want a happy Flight Sim customer.  A good "old fashioned" way of doing business.  Refreshing.



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Good mesh does make a big difference, but I've only used it in the 'other' sim where pretty much the whole world is covered for free. I can't bring myself to spend the amount it costs for fsx/p3d. It makes a nice difference, but not 2-4 times the original cost of the game difference. IMHO

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Good mesh does make a big difference, but I've only used it in the 'other' sim where pretty much the whole world is covered for free. I can't bring myself to spend the amount it costs for fsx/p3d. It makes a nice difference, but not 2-4 times the original cost of the game difference. IMHO

Well...you then don't know what you are missing out on....for instance, without this mesh in play, a lot of the islands of the Caribbean as portrayed by default FSX (and I imagine also P3D 2.2) are not fully formed.  I am flying over an island (on pause) in which its volume has grown by at least 20-25 percent. I have also noted this in Hawaii.  Not only much greater detail (crags, canyons...etc) but the size of the islands have increased. I think that FSX does not bother to render land masses that down't have specific elevation data...rather than just put 'something' there from its general elevation pool.  I was amazed, the first time that I noticed this...and you can very easily, when flying over a land mass such as a island nation.  So...just on that account...you are not even getting an accurate virtual depiction...WITHOUT adding a good, detailed custom mesh product.  I guess that sucks....but it is...what it is....and it IS that...to be sure. 

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1. Use the Airport Elevation Corrections in LCEurope.


2. Change the airport elevations myself using one of the many freeware utilities out there.


3. Ignore some of the minor plateaus and say to myself: "Look, a plateau." Trenched airports are harder to ignore for me.



I have only purchased the FTX Global Base .. so far.


Couple questions.


1. When the runway is on a plateau are the adjoining runway taxiway exits sunken (not on the same runway elevation)?

2. Is the freeware airport elevation utility you mention like ADE (Scruffyduck software)?

3. Are the elevations off enough to cause a problem with bad weather autolands in say a 737?

4. Is Airport Elevation Corrections in LCEurope. ... the same as the AFM (aerodrome flattening tool) from Pilots?

Best Regards,

Vaughan Martell - PP-ASEL KDTW

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1. Not that I have ever seen.


2. Yes, ADE is one of the most popular utilities.


3. No Idea.


4. I don't have AFM, but I would say that AFM is a utility where the LCEurope are the .bgl files already to go.

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