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P3D v2.3 is absolutely INCREDIBLE!

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I'd consider removing the frame rate limiter. It appears you may be able to get better performance. Have you tried that?


When I would limit, my stutters seemed increase, and my frame rate average was actually lower than what I set, even if I could run unlimited at 50+.

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No, I will not remove it for what you think 'might' be better performance. My current sim holds the frame rate I desire and does it well. Why would I mess with that? What would be the purpose?

Ed Wilson

Mindstar Aviation
My Playland - I69

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Understand that 30fps is good enough, but not the best. Putting throttling on my P3D setup actually lowered my frame rate average. Maybe it will do it for you, maybe it won't. It's one option setting.


Which GPU do you have?

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I'm with Ed,  I set my sliders up to run locked at 33 fps with vsync and triple buffering.  I know you can't get more unlimited but agree just leaving it set and adjusting as needed. 


For now though I have to limit my P3d time as this moring I hit an overcast condition and even though I was running 24-30 fps it was stuttering horribly. 


This is NOT P3d fault but lack of quality video card.  I have a 580ti which I just about overheated trying to run P3d on.


Once I finish in a couple years getting my daughter through college I may come back with a new and improved GPU to fly again but for now P3d is shelved.


Once again this is NOT P3d fault but lack of quality hardware on my side.

Sean Green

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Hi folks,

First Ed many thanks for the video and settings, glad to say mine are nearly the same.

Ok so the stuttering I was talking about looks to be a normal thing for all as I can see it in your video when you bank too.


It is like this every few seconds looking out of the plane sideways and in banking, I think and hope some magic can come from Nvidia to help this going forwards..I do not have this issue in FSX granted I use BP =0 no stutters in turns or scenery.


Interesting but never see my GC taxed that much under P3d either? I think LM will continue to fine tune this but it is not quite there yet but close.

Will probably keep it and just wait to see what happens going forwards and keep flying the tubes in FSX as that is my preferred choice of aircraft.


Again many thanks for you time and vid, much appreciated.


All the best

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After having done several flights with v2.3, count me firmly into the "absolutely incredible" camp.


My computer isn't exactly the fastest (Q6600 @ 3.0 GHz, 4GB Ram, GTX570) so I can't expect to just slam all the sliders to the right, but with a bit of care (and restraint) for the settings, I am blown away at what sort of visual quality LM manage to unleash on this old box.

My system does not like complexity, both in scenery and in aircraft, and it would probably be near impossible to fly complex jets around large airports near detailed cities, with lots of AI around. If I want that, I have the choice of installing FSX again (errrrmm... nope!) or investing in a new rig with a proper GPU (will happen sometime).


But I am having an absolute blast flying the default Mooney Acclaim (which I highly recommend - this is NOT the old Microsoft Mooney!), usually avoiding very large cities. Doing so enables me to use full cloud density (with max. 3 layers), cloud shadow distance actually maxed (but "low" quality), a decent amount of autogen that's receiving shadows, 30% AI traffic, 10% road traffic, HDR, volumetric fog, water on one-notch-below-max, and and and.

I use the "usual" assortment of fine addons (ASN, ORBX global & vector & openLC where available, FG Global 2010 mesh, REX textures) and these taken together with the above mentioned settings result in fantastic visuals, the sort of which I never expected to see on my old machine. All of this staying mostly above 20fps, often around 30, but with the much less fluctuating framerate of v2.3, even below 20fps remains flyable just fine.


Something tells me that a GTX570 with only 1.2 GB of RAM should not be able to do all of this. Oh yes, right, the 50-jets-at-JFK scenario is telling me that. So what? I'm off exploring Alaska.

I now have only 2 complaints left: the rotating clouds, and the broken terrain shadows. So the upcoming patch will reduce the number of my complaints by 50%!

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You are absolutely correct that limiting framerate (at least in FSX) actually reduces the framerate in very dense scenery areas when compared to the unlimited setting (although I suspect that there would be an increased chance of stuttering when using the latter). However, Ed is saying that he is quite happy with 30fps, and if he can achieve that anywhere, then he is perfectly fine.

Christopher Low

UK2000 Beta Tester


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I also limit my fps (to 33) and indeed it reduces framerate but on my PC it simply smoothens out performance. Less spikes and going up and down in fps. Fps isn't holy in flightsimming. Smoothness is.

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I also limit my fps (to 33) and indeed it reduces framerate but on my PC it simply smoothens out performance. Less spikes and going up and down in fps. Fps isn't holy in flightsimming. Smoothness is.


I have found that it depends on the aircraft in use for example Phenom has to run at 38 fps and CS777 runs at unlimited otherwise I will have stutters - try this - you will have to find that sweet spot for the aircraft requiring anything under unlimited for your rig

Rich Sennett


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I have found that it depends on the aircraft in use for example Phenom has to run at 38 fps and CS777 runs at unlimited otherwise I will have stutters - try this - you will have to find that sweet spot for the aircraft requiring anything under unlimited for your rig


Lucky me: I only fly ONE aircraft! So I think I have found the sweet spot for that plane (A2A Cherokee 180). I will remember your advice though for when I will switch to another plane!

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Ok... what you're calling 'stuttering' in my video... actually isn't.


A stutter is where the entire image/scene has a pause, ever so briefly or not so briefly. That is a stutter.


If when you look out the side you see like an individual shrub or tree not flow so smoothly past your view... that's not a stutter. That's an object translation issue that is most likely caused by the sheer lack of a supercomputer to calculate the movement of an object across the screen at 100mph smoothly. Or it could be that in order to see that object move fluidly would require about 100fps+.


However, that's not a stutter and because you're calling it that... I think I now understand why some complain about stuttering and the rest of us are wonder what they're on about because we're not seeing stutters.


To be clear, a stutter affects the entire screen image, not an object in the current scene itself while the rest of the scene moves fluidly.

Ed Wilson

Mindstar Aviation
My Playland - I69

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Ok... what you're calling 'stuttering' in my video... actually isn't.


A stutter is where the entire image/scene has a pause, ever so briefly or not so briefly. That is a stutter.


If when you look out the side you see like an individual shrub or tree not flow so smoothly past your view... that's not a stutter. That's an object translation issue that is most likely caused by the sheer lack of a supercomputer to calculate the movement of an object across the screen at 100mph smoothly. Or it could be that in order to see that object move fluidly would require about 100fps+.


However, that's not a stutter and because you're calling it that... I think I now understand why some complain about stuttering and the rest of us are wonder what they're on about because we're not seeing stutters.


To be clear, a stutter affects the entire screen image, not an object in the current scene itself while the rest of the scene moves fluidly.

Very well put Ed. This is something I have grappled with forever. If I am looking out the front of the cockpit or lets say heading north and my frontal view covering 300 - 060 it is smooth as silk. If I look out the side as you have mentioned then yes it does appear like a stutter but in reality is not. This is of course magnified by speed. Even in the l-39 and 300 kts, looking forward at the previous mention compass range, still smooth.



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Ed do not disagree but when baking it is very eveident for me this is a immersion killer....my personal opinion and I fully respect everyone elses.


P3D is miles ahead of FSX fact! but as you say, however until it runs as smoothly as FSX i.e no stuttering on the banking then it is parked on my SSD.


For sure there is so much more detail in P3d but I am a tube flyer I like big airports and tubes, if these micro stutters are here now ...well..


Anyway fully appreciate your assistance, I will come back but not yet it will be a case of having a fly with it now and again but will not be my sim yet.

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interestingly enough what I have noticed is that these lets call then micro stutters..... For want of a better description happen every 7 seconds.


No anti virus is engaged MS Security is also set not to scan P3D...



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