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FSX: Steam Edition for Take-Off on December 18

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Nope, just FSX on life support. There's a bunch of threads here already about this in Hangar Chat. Dovetail Games bought the rights from MS to sell FSX online.

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I guess that with Windows 8.1 support they mean that the UIAutomationCore.dll issue has been fixed (and probably Aero support has been added for Vista and 7), and since they're also replacing the multiplayer a UI change can be expected as well. I'm curious about the price.

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Steam is another marketing channel for FSX. I don't know what kind of fixes or features like Acceleration are in the works. To make it viable they have to include the high end addons like REX, PFPX , ASN and maybe PMDG or Carenado aircraft. Maybe in my wildest dreams they will jump start the franchise and update the code to 64 bit. It's better than leaving it in Microsoft's closet gathering dust. The other thing that Steam does is update the ownership and certification process. They do it on their other products like Call Of Duty. Once you own it and register it with Steam you don't have to jump through a bunch of hoops if you change a piece of hardware.

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...Maybe in my wildest dreams they will jump start the franchise and update the code to 64 bit...

Dream on. However FSX has become harder to find for sale lately, so this makes it accessible again. I do hope it will include Acceleration and the SDK for would-be developers.

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Microsoft passing the buck of distribution to Dovetail. They save on inventory & world wide distribution of an 8 year old program that is updatd to work on Windows 8.1.

64bit? Dream On!! Lockheed Martin is doing that with P3D!


"Onward & Upward" ...
To the Stars, & Beyond... 

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Goody, FSX will be around after-all and computers get replaced with time and steam account will make reinstalls easier when upgrading PCs.  Long as I can use Active Sky, REX, Mega Scenery, and 3d light blubs, Carendo, and A2A candy were good to go. 

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I don't know what kind of fixes or features like Acceleration are in the works.


All Dovetail Games can do is:


1. Convert it to the Steam system.

2. Modify it for their multi-player system.


They cannot convert anything to 64 bit, fix any other bugs, add new content, subtract any content, add any textures, remove any textures, add any utilities, or change FSX in any other way. What you have now with FSX is what DTG is going to offer.

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Goody, FSX will be around after-all and computers get replaced with time and steam account will make reinstalls easier when upgrading PCs.  Long as I can use Active Sky, REX, Mega Scenery, and 3d light blubs, Carendo, and A2A candy were good to go. 


Yeh, I can imagine it now....Wife's gone shopping, kids at a friends house, you got the whole afternoon to fill with FSX.  You've set up all your yokes and rudder peddles, click on the icon to fire up the sim and... "Steam needs to update, please be patent"... afternoon wasted :cray: .


I suggest, you get hold of the original FSX and Accel pack on disc, tell them how much you love them........ don't let the wife hear that bit :blush: .....

install them, knowing that ANY addon will work properly, them lock them away in a safe place.  Once the sim is as you like it, back up your cfg's and other important files, lock them up safe too and your set.


If your comp fails or needs to be replaced, then bingo, you have all that you need.  And thats why I no long play CoD.

Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60GHz. RAM 32 GB 1 500GB SSD and 1 2TB HDD NVIDIA RTX2080Ti 11GB WATER COOLED

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All Dovetail Games can do is:


1. Convert it to the Steam system.

2. Modify it for their multi-player system.


They cannot convert anything to 64 bit, fix any other bugs, add new content, subtract any content, add any textures, remove any textures, add any utilities, or change FSX in any other way. What you have now with FSX is what DTG is going to offer.


When you say "they cannot...", do you mean "technically" or "legally"?


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Not totally relevant to Microsoft Flight - I know, but it's amazing news that DTG have finally pulled it off!


FSX is coming to Steam on December 18th!


Very high hopes for Microsoft Flight as well.. if its decided to be featured in DTG's simulator next year.


Read more about the announcement here.

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I'm not a betting woman but i would be pretty certain that the FSX code will not change by going to steam. Dovetail are obviously mostly chasing new siming customers as apposed to "The Alreadys". Steam is fantastic, all your purchases in one place and all configured for you.  With the hundred of Ad On's it should be interesting how fast Dovetail can get them onto steam. 

 In saying that,  the release for Ad On's with X-plane on Steam  has been a sore experience like pulling teeth,  very slow




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I'm still wondering whether or not we will be able to activate our original discs on Steam. If not, they need to justify charging anything for this "re-make" (other than fixing the stupid GameSpy multiplayer).

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