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Richard Sennett

Carenado CJ2 Few problems

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Good news for you CJ2 owners:



Fixes and improvements:
- Improved flight dynamics
- German registration corrected
- Altimeter standby settings fixed
- Standby attitude indicator fixed
- Annunciator panel corrected
- Ground flaps deploy the spoilers issue fixed
- Minor bugs fixes


Customers should download the package again from the link provided. Downloads and installations were increased.
You should uninstall the aircraft before installing this new version.

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Good news for you CJ2 owners:




Fixes and improvements:

- Improved flight dynamics

- German registration corrected

- Altimeter standby settings fixed

- Standby attitude indicator fixed

- Annunciator panel corrected

- Ground flaps deploy the spoilers issue fixed

- Minor bugs fixes


Customers should download the package again from the link provided. Downloads and installations were increased.

You should uninstall the aircraft before installing this new version.


Thanks Buddy - great news

Rich Sennett


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Barrel_owl. Thanks for the info.


Now we have to see which fixes we made are no longer needed.



NOTE: People:  The FB post says:

Uninstall the aircraft before installing this new version


-- I have not installed v1.1 yet.


Those of you who have applied "FIXES",

I recommend you also remove the CJ2 Aircraft Folder for any left overs.
(or just move that folder out of SimObjects)


do the same with any tweaked unpackaged CJ2 CAB gauges
(move those folders out of Gauges)


Those who have my TA fix remove the GAUGECJ2525A folder.


Then if you have the GTN, reapply the GTN retrofit..




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Time to 'turn and burn'. Smoke test coming.


After doing what Kabronicus recommends you might also want to jump over to the Windows Control Panel/Programs/Program and Features and click on 'Uninstall' of the CE2400X, kinda cryptic identified and especially when it is shown as Version 2.0. I clicked on it to see what it was because the install date was a little of two weeks ago.


This should clean out the Gauges folder for the CJ2 stuff, but you never know for sure.



EDIT: The first one to use the windows uninstall stated that it only removed the P3D entry and left the FSX in place with nothing to click for the 'unistall'. As stated - you never know for sure.


I guess you will have to manually search for CARCJ2...,CJ2.., GAUGECJ2.., AUTOPILOT_CJ2.., CARPROLINE21_CJ2.., and then and file or folder with CJ2525A in the name in the Gauges folder then delete them manually.





Control Panel uninstall.JPG

When Pigs Fly . Ray Marshall .

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Time to 'turn and burn'. Smoke test coming.


After doing what Kabronicus recommends you might also want to jump over to the Windows Control Panel/Programs/Program and Features and click on 'Uninstall' of the CE2400X, kinda cryptic identified and especially when it is shown as Version 2.0. I clicked on it to see what it was because the install date was a little of two weeks ago.


This should clean out the Gauges folder for the CJ2 stuff, but you never know for sure.






Ray, that only uninstalled the P3D version and left the FSX version in the sim.

Now there is no control panel link to uninstall the FSX version on my Win7-64 PC ??


Edit : it would have been nice to have three uninstallers in the Control Panel one each for FSX and P3D and Steam??


So, in this case I installed ver 1.1 into P3D and then just instaleed "over" the FSX version .... hope it works!

It did not work ... Flap dump spoiler is not working .. on a quick check.

Best Regards,

Vaughan Martell - PP-ASEL KDTW

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Where can the new version be downloaded from?

Use the same download link that you used for v1.0. If this ia a new purchase, then direct from Carenado.




When Pigs Fly . Ray Marshall .

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I still have the dark screens issue after switching the batteries on from cold and dark mode. :mad:

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This is not an issue. Turn the 3rd knob below the MFD. The description is "knob PFD/MFD"

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I have just downloaded this from Carenado's website and the performance seems to be quite peculiar. With n1 at 85% I can barely keep 200 knots at fl15. At 75% n1 I slow to like 180, this seems very slow?

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IIRC the Williams FJ44 is a single stage axle and a single stage centrifugal compressor. If this is the case that is a normal operation of centrifugal compressors, their power builds mostly at the top end. Is it 100% accurate for a CJ2, I can't comment.

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I have just downloaded this from Carenado's website and the performance seems to be quite peculiar. With n1 at 85% I can barely keep 200 knots at fl15. At 75% n1 I slow to like 180, this seems very slow?



IIRC the Williams FJ44 is a single stage axle and a single stage centrifugal compressor. If this is the case that is a normal operation of centrifugal compressors, their power builds mostly at the top end. Is it 100% accurate for a CJ2, I can't comment.



Hello guys.


Ray Marshal has real time on Citations and has done extensive research on this subject.

Many posts, albeit scattered in this Carenado CJ2 Forum about the CJ2 performance.


Here is one of the latest CJ2 v1.1 performance is near book perfect - FL450 400kts 672 lb/hr, see the charts, specially the one on post #7, specific for CJ2



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Hello guys.


Ray Marshal has real time on Citations and has done extensive research on this subject.

Many posts, albeit scattered in this Carenado CJ2 Forum about the CJ2 performance.


Here is one of the latest CJ2 v1.1 performance is near book perfect - FL450 400kts 672 lb/hr, see the charts, specially the one on post #7, specific for CJ2





We normally would not fly that low due to the fuel burn being excessive and the restricted thrust levels. I do have a performance chart for FL190 (as low as they go) that calls for N1 95.7% for Max cruise thrust. It does not show the expected speed but it shows the fuel burn for different distances at 3 gross weights. A 4 function calculator should tell you the speed for the stage based on the time at zero wind. Pick an easy one like 500 nm at 1.50 hours including climb time to get an idea.


I generally use Fl290 as my low altitude and Fl390 - FL410 as my first choice altitude for most any distance. Sometimes, if it is a really short distance with unfavorable winds I will go at FL250 or FL270 but not often. Like LAX to LAS and back.




FL190 Max cruise.JPG

When Pigs Fly . Ray Marshall .

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