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SHOWTIME The long awaited Panel upgrade and GTN/AP/mods are now available

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Will the non GTN version of this mod be available soon?

Therefor is it possible to include instructions in the next readme.txt how to exclude/disgard the GTN mod?









just finished the NON GTN mod right now. Its on the way to the Mod Chief......

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Will the non GTN version of this mod be available soon?

Today is the day. I am just trying to figure out how to identify the NON GTN version so we can keep the bug list and new features lists separate but, coordinated.


I will provide a download link shortly. We need a short beta test period. PM me if you would like a pre-release version for testing. You must report back - good, bad, or indifferent, you can't just take it and run.


This is the NON GTN edition of our clickspots and popups for the Carenado CJ2 only.


UPDATE: We have 3 brave souls beta testing this new NON GTN mod package. Looks like maybe tomorrow will be the earliest date available for distribution.






When Pigs Fly . Ray Marshall .

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Hi Ray,

          What on earth are you doing up at 3:38 am? Just joking .Anyway I am really pleased with the latest mod1.4 for the cj2 & would like to pass along my gratitude to the team for a project extremely well done.


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Hi Ray,

What on earth are you doing up at 3:38 am? Just joking .Anyway I am really pleased with the latest mod1.4 for the cj2 & would like to pass along my gratitude to the team for a project extremely well done.


Thanks. It was almost 5 o'clock, someplace. :Tounge:



When Pigs Fly . Ray Marshall .

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Time for progress pic:






-2d popup "Info page" now available for each plane (independent gauge is WIP and uploaded via AVSIM when ready with new bmp)

-xml redesign, hopefully no more letters or size problems

-now TAT ind.

-Throttle ind now with XX,x ind. for finetuning (Good idea from Ray)

-GW XX,xxx format


Whats next for Flight Info Page?

-maybe a second page, any wishes?

-implement for the Hawker VC GTN mod

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-maybe a second page, any wishes?

ASN WX radar!! Maybe!!, and these mod`s are superb Janek, thank you so much.



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Appreciate any improvements for the Hawker, thank you.


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Appreciate any improvements for the Hawker, thank you.


I second that...   




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Appreciate any improvements for the Hawker, thank you.

Julio L. Rodriguez

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Can someone provide some feed back on the CRS click spot area on the PFD is working, i can not seem to move the crs with any of the knobs or the click spot.



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Great work guys, many thanks!


Any news on the NON GTN Version if possible please?

Russ Bailey



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Any news on the NON GTN Version if possible please?

We have a Non-GTN package in work. It was a bit more involved that we first thought. Little things like 'I don't want to see a clickspot for something that I don't have or don't use" has turned into some time consuming thought and lot of xml code, along with additional or special bmp graphic files.


It looks like we are going to have 3 distinct packages, GTN, Non-GTN, and Vanilla. On top of that we still have to choose FSX and/or P3D. Our creative code writers are working overtime trying to 'think through all the combinations', and someone keeps asking, 'What if?"


I know some of you are eager to receive the package, but, it does no one any good to push it out too early with a few holes in it.


Please stay patient, everyone is a volunteer here, with real jobs, real families, and also would like to doing a little flying on the side.


Best Regards,


Ray, Ramon, Janek, and Bert.

When Pigs Fly . Ray Marshall .

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Can someone provide some feed back on the CRS click spot area on the PFD is working, i can not seem to move the crs with any of the knobs or the click spot.


It does work.  You have to make sure that the preset button on the PFD shows GPS in blue, and the active nav source (which is in green above the preset) shows LOC1 or LOC2 in order for the CRS to work.

Per Janek's post:
-GPU connect indication on ENG display (Aircraft on ground, white if no ENG running, yellow blink if GPU still connected and ENG N1 more then 20%) if you taxi with GPU like me    :dance:
-"C&D" with, sunshield up, door open and GPU connected
-"Ready for Taxi"  with door close and GPU disconnected
I am not seeing the indication outlined above.   Also, when the aircraft is cold and dark, I am getting the opposite reaction of what is mentioned above.  When I start the aircraft using "Ready for Taxi" the door then opens.  When using "Cold & Dark" the door is closed and no GPU connected.
Is there a setting I can check?

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You guys are awesome, these mods are pretty much the only reason I purchase Carenado aircraft anymore! Keep up the great work. 

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I just wanted to say thanks for the wonderful mod. So far it has been 100% perfect for me.

 - Bill Magann

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