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SHOWTIME The long awaited Panel upgrade and GTN/AP/mods are now available

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That is so good, thank you all  :smile:, just i dont get the nav working in 1.4



Michael Franz

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Hi Folks,


Question - last night I was playing around trying to get the GTN mod installed - all I have is the 650 - so I was working on swapping out the 750 defined in your mod with the 650... I'm fairly familiar with panel edits - just not writing XML gauges... Simple question - I seem to recall seeing an argument for the GTN where it makes the gauge frameless - so you don't see the outside bezel – is that possible or was I dreaming ??? With the 650 the gauge is short enough to leave the engine instruments in its original location but I'm seeing the bar from the bezel...


Thanks for all you guys do...






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Ok, in 1.4 i dont get the nav button on AP working if i click on it.


I set it up ( as solution) via FSuipc on a Joystickbutton and the NAV at the APpanel lights up, also indicated in the PFD and it also follows tthe flightplan. 


Any solution for this?







(sorry for bad english)



Michael Franz

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Umm, reinstalled it and it works...

Everybody has had this happen on some program or other. Bravo to you for saying it and saving the developer time in looking at the problem!

 - Bill Magann

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Hi Folks,


Question - last night I was playing around trying to get the GTN mod installed - all I have is the 650 - so I was working on swapping out the 750 defined in your mod with the 650... I'm fairly familiar with panel edits - just not writing XML gauges... Simple question - I seem to recall seeing an argument for the GTN where it makes the gauge frameless - so you don't see the outside bezel – is that possible or was I dreaming ??? With the 650 the gauge is short enough to leave the engine instruments in its original location but I'm seeing the bar from the bezel...


Thanks for all you guys do...





It exists but I don't remember the details. Bert has posted this several times, but not here. You can check the Flight1 GTN support site, I know it is posted there several times.





When Pigs Fly . Ray Marshall .

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Hi Folks,

Question - last night I was playing around trying to get the GTN mod installed - all I have is the 650 - so I was working on swapping out the 750 defined in your mod with the 650... I'm fairly familiar with panel edits - just not writing XML gauges... Simple question - I seem to recall seeing an argument for the GTN where it makes the gauge frameless - so you don't see the outside bezel – is that possible or was I dreaming ??? With the 650 the gauge is short enough to leave the engine instruments in its original location but I'm seeing the bar from the bezel...

Thanks for all you guys do...




Hey Scott,


Add .VC to the panel.cfg entry - gauge01=F1GTN!GTN750, 3,18,521,308,UNIT1.VC


That will remove the bezel. I think. :)


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I wasn't going to purchase the CJ2 but I'm on my way to get it now thanks to the hard work you guys put in to make the avionics functional.  Very much appreciated, thank you!

--- Jim  ---

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I just purchased the CJ2 525A and it has the Proline 21 in it. What is the GTN that I am reading about? I hope this is not a silly question but I am confused. Do I need the NON GTN mod or the GTN mod? Is the Proline 21 a different FMC than the GTN? I love the FMC. I am having trouble with the Format switch on the PFD and the MFD. When I press it I get a menu but I can't figure out how to navigate through the menu. I need a how to on using the different switches in the VC. The Proline 21 pdf file is not real helpful. Also I can't get the Course knob to change pointer on the PFD.   Thanks...

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Hi Mels,


The GTN mod is only if you want to incorporate the Flight1 GTN 650/750 ($65 for P3D, $50 for FSX/SE, separate 650 and 750 unit purchases, and well worth the price imho, as they can be utilized in any aircraft) into the CJ2.  If you do not have the GTN, then you would use the Non-GTN mod, which as far as I know is not yet completed....I was going to ask Raymar about a possible release forecast just now....Ray, what is the current status for the non-GTN mod to this plane?


If you have the GTN and want to use it in this plane, it does replace the Proline 21 FMS completely, and older CJ's have the ability to upgrade their avionics in the real world.  I have been using the GTN 750 mod, and it's great!  (Thanks so much to Our Mod Squad!) I would also like to use the "vanilla" Proline/FMS occasionally for variety, and I'm waiting for the non-GTN mod to be released by Our Mod Squad.


To navigate through different menu choices, use the Menu Adv knob on the Display Control Panel (DCP) to the right of the Captain's PFD. 


It's a great little jet, and I've been flying the heck out of it lately!


Jim Blake
Captain, SWA Virtual Airlines
Real World C172 Pilot, AOPA #06034701
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OK thanks Jim & Michael. I don't have the GTN so right now I will get by with the Proline. Great plane. I did get the menu to change, Jim. I am still having trouble getting the Course knob to work smoothly like I think it should. It seems to change in big increments. Hard to get the course set right.  I can't seem to get the Approach on the AP to work. I have to land without it's help. Thanks again you have been a great help. 

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Hi Mels,


For the approach guidance & APPR button to work, make sure your NAV source is set to VOR1/LOC1 (pointer is green), and that your NAV radio is tuned to the proper VOR/ILS frequency.  Choose the NAV source with the Preset button on the left of the PFD bezel.  You cannot remain under GPS navigation and capture the VOR/ILS. 


As far as the course knob movements, I use the GoFlight MCP Pro and don't mess with the mouse, so I cannot comment on the problem you're having with it....can anyone else?

Jim Blake
Captain, SWA Virtual Airlines
Real World C172 Pilot, AOPA #06034701
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....I was going to ask Raymar about a possible release forecast just now....Ray, what is the current status for the non-GTN mod to this plane?


It's a great little jet, and I've been flying the heck out of it lately!




The non-GTN update kinda lost its way due to everyone on the mod squad team experiencing inference with their day job, family, or other priorities. Our first love is the CJ2/GTN so sometimes it is hard to keep other projects on the priority list. We haven't completed the GTN update but Janek started on the non-GTN version and the two got kinda mixed together.


We did a short beta test of the non-GTN version and so many requests were added that we basically had to put it on the back burner until we get more work done on the GTN version. We did decide that we would most likely end up with 3 mods.


1. Continued improvement to our current v1.4 GTN clickspots and popups with the FLT INFO box (almost fully populated with checklists and other useful data)

2. A non-GTN version with most of the clickspots, popups, FLT INFO box but using the existing Carenado FMS.

3. A 'Plain Vanilla' version with clickspots, popups, and FLT INFO box that can be applied to any version that you may have. (not fully defined just yet)


As for timing of releases, I am guessing we will have a v1.5 GTN download available at the end of the week (for a target) April 30th.

No guess at the non-GTN version. This one takes a lot of creative xml and those 3 guys are very busy with real life right now.

No guess, but maybe a month from now would be a target for the Plain Vanilla version - it has to follow #1 and #2 by definition.


We do have a couple a super neat features that we have been using that most everyone should enjoy. The crazy overlapping BARO knob and new ALT knob has been resolved. We now have a dedicated VC clickspot to popup the Shift+7 and +8 boxes combined with popups inside that box for most everything you would want to do or see while on the ground. Janek's outstanding FLT INFO box is now housed inside the top half of the FMS frame with the 12 LSK buttons available for direct calls for info pages. The left side is now populated with checklists, the right side with the top button being the original flight data screen, and 2 - 6 being ref data like Climb speeds, mission planning, flight timer and next waypoint data (or something similar) and maybe some high Flight Level references for speeds and fuel flows. (all this in a very readable popup that the users can update the data pages).


Hope this helps.





When Pigs Fly . Ray Marshall .

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You and your team - above and beyond the call of duty - much appreciated - sir...




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