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Aerosoft Dublin in P3D v4?

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Hello all,

Does anyone have experience with running Aerosoft Dublin in P3D v4? I'm aware that this airport is not officially v4 compatible but does it run ok?

Extra marks if it also runs with no compatibility issues with Orbx Ireland ;)

Neil Andrews.

Fight or Flight - YouTube | Twitter

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It's still not working I'm afraid. Some terminal buildings but no ground textures. Unfortunately it looks like we have to wait for full installers I'm surprised no one has come up with a temporary solution. 


Asus Z170 Deluxe, 32 GB DDR4 Dominator Platinum, i7 6700k mild overclock, GTX Titan ( Pascal ) Win10

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+1. Will they ever update it for v4? I don't recall hearing them say anything about it or adding it to their list.


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1 hour ago, Milton Waddams said:

I don't recall hearing them say anything about it or adding it to their list.

I do remember seeing that it's under consideration but I can't find that particular topic on their forum. Until we see it on their official compatibility list, we won't know for sure.

Walter Meier


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Apparently Aerosoft/ Limesim are NOT updating Dublin.......every time somebody puts a post on the forum about the upgrade it’s locked straight away 😡  when they have over 200 airports which is under consideration to be updated, it’s going to take a looong time to through it when you see their compatibility list hasn’t changed since it’s conception only another 2-3 Airports to do! No more have been added😳. You would imagine if other airports are being converted you would advertise quickly on list especially when they are charging for the update ( which I don’t mind at all 😁)....MK Studios Are putting on their development list, good on them..See their Facebook page under visitors posts 😋

Joe Park

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2 hours ago, Vodcoke said:

Sorry, you shouldn’t really hi jack someone’s post 🤔

Joe, it's not a hijacked post.  It's already been concluded that Dublin is not being updated.

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I use Dublin in P3V4.

Low performance and no ground textures, but it's usable...

Miguel Leandro

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6 hours ago, Vodcoke said:

Apparently Aerosoft/ Limesim are NOT updating Dublin.......every time somebody puts a post on the forum about the upgrade it’s locked straight away 😡  when they have over 200 airports which is under consideration to be updated, it’s going to take a looong time to through it when you see their compatibility list hasn’t changed since it’s conception only another 2-3 Airports to do! No more have been added😳. You would imagine if other airports are being converted you would advertise quickly on list especially when they are charging for the update ( which I don’t mind at all 😁)....MK Studios Are putting on their development list, good on them..See their Facebook page under visitors posts 😋


Not exactly true.  Aerosoft has it on their list of upgrading it to their Professional edition airports. so then it will be v4 compatible.   I'm very much waiting for this as well.  Actually its the only Aerosoft airport i have.  


I thought for sure i saw it on a list but maybe not.  Although Mathjias statement said this will probably happen for all Mega Airports.  


Jason Weaver - WestWind Airlines; FlyUK Airlines; VirtualUnited.org



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Mathijs post to me suggests he is referring only to MEGA Sceneries that they (Aerosoft) choose to release.

I don't read into that post that Dublin is

guaranteed is to be released.

"Please note that this might now happen for all Mega Airports"


The title of this topic is "Aerosoft Dublin"   So asking about "Aerosoft Male " is kind of High jacking the the original posters topic. 

BTW,how do you know that it has already been decided not to update it?



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If I remember correctly Mega Airport Dublin was released for FSX and P3D and within a month a port over was available for X-plane 10...fast forward a couple of years and just recently Dublin V2 has been released for x-plane 11 and still no word for P3D v4. I assumed (wrongly) it would have been released within a week or two of the Xp release.... it's a big sim world but you really miss your home base when it's not available 


Asus Z170 Deluxe, 32 GB DDR4 Dominator Platinum, i7 6700k mild overclock, GTX Titan ( Pascal ) Win10

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14 hours ago, Vodcoke said:

Apparently Aerosoft/ Limesim are NOT updating Dublin.......every time somebody puts a post on the forum about the upgrade it’s locked straight away 😡  when they have over 200 airports which is under consideration to be updated, it’s going to take a looong time to through it when you see their compatibility list hasn’t changed since it’s conception only another 2-3 Airports to do! No more have been added😳. You would imagine if other airports are being converted you would advertise quickly on list especially when they are charging for the update ( which I don’t mind at all 😁)....MK Studios Are putting on their development list, good on them..See their Facebook page under visitors posts 😋

You can't read anything into that.  They lock every post about any upgrade, and Recently they have been updating the list only when the release of the update was either imminent, or already happened.  And no, unless you want to answer an endless stream of "why isn't it out now?" queries on the forums, you won't announce your update plans way in advance, especially as things can change.  

theres probably a long list of updates in their priority before Dublin, so if they do it, it will be a while.  In the meantime, I have weighed the alternatives, and decided that even with the ground layer being gone, and the grainy photoreal in its place, I'd rather use the AS EIDW as it is, than the default or ftx version. YMMV

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Shame jennasoft are going to do egkk (thats after uk2000 just released there's)  So here's a golden opportunity for a developer like jennasoft to make a v4 version of Dublin but no once again they rehash the same old stuff using zero common sense 


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