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[21DEC17] A quick wander through a few reflections...

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Good Lord,  I didn't know your office was just off King St. I just spent 4 days across the street from you. Was up there for the Arlington Christmas wreath laying last Saturday. Next year I'll treat you to lunch at Elephant & Castle near Freedom Square if you want. The Metro isn't that bad! 




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It has been a great year and as long as everyone is healthy that's all that matters. My Christmas is downstate Florida in Palm Beach with family, and New years will be watching American football. Robert thank you and your great staff for all the hard work they have done. I know of one xmas gift you just got, a new tax bill and it will help me also.

Happy Holidays


Jeffrey Gerbert

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13 minutes ago, B777ER said:

Was up there for the Arlington Christmas wreath laying last Saturday.

Thank you.

Dan Downs KCRP

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2 hours ago, B777ER said:

Was up there for the Arlington Christmas wreath laying last Saturday.

I probably passed right by you.

...and like Dan said. Thank you. I have a few friends and family members there.

Kyle Rodgers

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Happy Holidays Team PMDG.  May 2018 bring happiness, health, continued great software sales and an X-Plane 11 jet!😉

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Finally, the love Disney channel reserves.

All those corporate people:P

Happy holidays to all :)

Victor Roos




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Happy Christmas and best wishes for the new year to all, from the UK.

Ray Fry. 


Raymond Fry.


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Thank you PMDG for the wonderful products, Merry Christmas and Happy holidays.

Looking forward for 2018.


Sylvester Archibald


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Hello All.  I take it that the Holiday period of Christmas is a justifiable excuse for the Captain, Scandinavian13 and Downsec among others to overlook the doctrine "Sign your Posts".  Richard Welsh

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14 hours ago, xTiMm_ said:

Thought about some exciting news but tbh, a MAX letter is always a good omen for 2018!

Enjoy your days through christmas and have a good new year!
I will be sure to see you all guys back in 2018!

A letter? It's probably manuals for the Max direct from Boeing - David Lee

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53 minutes ago, 777200lrf said:

A letter? It's probably manuals for the Max direct from Boeing - David Lee

It‘s a calendar. 

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Happy hollidays to all the team and fellow PMDG user's :) 2017 was great and for sure 2018 will be as well, as we continue to have our addons better and better. 


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Hello All,

why a 737 MAX? :bengong:  there is no such a big difference to the NG... as a side project, I would appreciate a max or new NG, but as Major Project, I would wish from PMDG something totally new... what about a Airbus A380 or 350? I guess, If you don't do it, there will be no 380 in SIM until the real aircraft diappear from the skys.


Or what about an old iron?  I wait for a least 15 years for a good 747-100/200/SP or a DC-10.

Or what about a 767-200/300/400?


The one from CS is an absolutely bad low Level Simulation, and LevelD is so old, and outdated.

If you wanna do another 737, please do a 300/400/500, there isn't a good one in the sim world for so many years, an Qwings finally stopped there Project.



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