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[25APR18] New Product Reveal at FlightSim Expo'18 - Las Vegas 09JUN18

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18 minutes ago, Ashatsea said:

I think it is really going to immerse you into the daily routines of being a pilot for an airline.

How many simmers really want to do that?

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1 hour ago, zazaboeing said:

What a disappointment. Even a new (corrected) AIRAC navigation system would be of better use than this.

That already exists, for your aircraft and for the sim itself. For about the price of a cup of coffee you can have all the AIRAC data you want. 

But, I'm with the crowd that respectfully says not for me. I fly to some pretty off the wall places - that's part of the fun for me. I do my own thing on my own time. I enjoy thinking about and planning my next flight during my non-sim time. I like to research and learn about the places I am flying to in the sim. The total freedom of this hobby is what appeals to me. This new product feels like having a second job. But I am sure there will be lots of people out there that will be all over this, paying their money and funding the development of our next great PMDG aircraft.

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I see GFO as a positive and something that increases the reality of the sim experience in a new way...as RSR stated, our flight world was extinguished everytime we shutdown. GFO provides an new option to simming that you can select or choose not to and jump into a persistent virtual world and aircraft life cycle. I don't fly VA so picking up an aircraft for a flight and having to know it's maintenance status, etc. adds immersion that you can dive into if you have the time...and not if you just want to fly and don't have the time. All good in my view.

Scott Robinson

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Just saw this, huge disappointment for me, it's a glorified FS Economy, been there done that.

I was really expecting a new aircraft.  I'll buy the 747-8 but this?  I'll pass.

Jack Sawyer

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I was surprised non PMDG aircraft could be used in the system as well.

I am not surprised. Increasing the number of aircraft options increases the potential customer base for GFO.

Christopher Low

UK2000 Beta Tester


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1 hour ago, vin747 said:

PMDG have always claimed they have the best market Intel on what the community wants.. They have turned down requests from folks asking for this platform or that airplane, all based on market survey.. Now, who was asking for this "can I checkout this aircraft tonight.. I will bring her back in the morning" feature? Is this what the community has been longing for? 

I agree, that this addon is probably not exactly what the flight-simming market / community has been sighing about. But then again, when / where has it been officially stated, that PMDG purely develop new software, out of market intel?!

I always thought, that PMDG would develop addons out of interest for the team or because an opportunity existed, which gave a chance to explore or learn new techniques. With the market as one of the reasons - but not (necessary) the dominant one.

Best regards,
--Anders Bermann--
Scandinavian VA

Pilot-ID: SAS2471

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After reading this, I can’t tell if people didn’t understand, are being willfully ignorant, or are just massively irritated that we didn’t announce another jet.

For all the whining about “resources better spent,” I spent two years on this on my own so the aircraft teams (yes, teams, plural) could continue working on their stuff. I then got some assistance as some of the other guys rolled off of their projects, and they’re helping out while they’re not engaged on their next product (a plane that we haven’t told you about...surprise, though Ryan and I were joking last night that we might as well just not tell anyone anything anymore based on the vitriol we’re seeing). So...”resources better spent?” No. Please mind your own matters before making (massive) assumptions about how we’re running things. While you’re at it, go work on a project on your own for a few years and then subject it to a bunch of criticism by people who seem to be intentionally misrepresenting it to hate it for...reasons.

The community doesn’t want this? Guess I should have a run through the forum to delete all the posts about CPDLC, ACARS, sharing panel states (something VAs routinely do, but people who don’t want to be in a VA don’t get to experience), and so on. I don’t recall any of that in any of the apps you all are claiming this is just a glorified version of, either. Similar? Yeah, sure. A 777 is similar to the 737, too: two engines, two pilots, and a hollow metal tube...but I doubt many would say the 777 is just a glorified 737 (unless they were trying to stretch some kind of backwards point).

Kyle Rodgers

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Sorry Kyle, this IS a jumped up FS Economy to me, spent a couple of years there, got boring fast.  I was expecting a study level plane but no, we get this.  I’ll still buy the 747-8 if you’ll let me if not at least A2A is still creating planes.

This reminds me so much of EA’s in-game micro transactions.  A revenue stream i ain’t gonna be floating on.

Sorry you don’t like it after so many years of hard work and maybe others will love it.

You guys should have announced a 787.  

Rant off, delete my post if you feel the need to.


Jack Sawyer

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3 minutes ago, Jack_Sawyer said:

 I was expecting a study level plane but no, we get this.


3 minutes ago, Jack_Sawyer said:

You guys should have announced a 787. 

Because Robert said this:

On 4/25/2018 at 5:15 PM, rsrandazzo said:

it is going to be unlike anything PMDG has ever done before, and we think it will be unlike anything you have ever seen at an event related to simming.

And people still thought it was going to be a plane? I don't get it.

Captain Kevin


Air Kevin 124 heavy, wind calm, runway 4 left, cleared for take-off.

Live streams of my flights here.

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5 minutes ago, Jack_Sawyer said:

I’ll still buy the 747-8 if you’ll let me if not at least A2A is still creating planes.

Why in the world would we not let you buy a plane from us...? Seems like you’re trying to make some sort of passive aggressive stab because I questioned your logic. Surely your option to do so, but I’m not gonna let the logical failure slide: FSEcon doesn’t have most of the features this does. Fact.

7 minutes ago, Jack_Sawyer said:

This reminds me so much of EA’s in-game micro transactions.  A revenue stream i ain’t gonna be floating on.

Very, very, very different. That’s like making the argument that getting an XBOX live subscription to play any game online is a micro transaction. Again: willfully attempting to hate a product for “reasons.” If you don’t like it, fine, but don’t drag it thru the mud.

9 minutes ago, Jack_Sawyer said:

Rant off, delete my post if you feel the need to.

I think you and I have been over this in the past - several times. Why would I delete your post? Take the passive aggression elsewhere...

Kyle Rodgers

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1 minute ago, Captain Kevin said:


Because Robert said this:

And people still thought it was going to be a plane? I don't get it.

 i think many on this forum let their emotions get the better of them , its very strange when people ask the best plane maker in the industry to announce more planes ;its like yelling at Adidas to make more shoes next year ,when it is certain they will do it anyway.

announcing some thing other than a plane is what a surprise would be, and a surprise it was !

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Kyle, I for one, look forward to GFO!  

Thanks for all your hard work!

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i urge you and the dev team to be patient during this time .i am looking forward to GFO !

wish to see more from PMDG on the operations and navigation front ! ACARS ,CPDLC implementation and a few other items on the presentation are closing the gap between reality and simulation . This is what PMDG has always vowed to do and it is evident from their actions and products. And thank you guys for doing all that !

Hope to see the product out soon !

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9 minutes ago, jafferhussain11 said:

 i think many on this forum let their emotions get the better of them ,(pmdg knew that,  an announcment of a secret 10yr project, would get peoples emotions arroused..) its very strange when people ask the best plane maker in the industry to announce more planes ;its like yelling at Adidas to make more shoes next year ,when it is certain they will do it anyway.

(yeh..exactly, so when it does'nt happen..its a bit like..um...huh?) So if adidas announce a new chocolate bar, thats the same reasoning...

announcing some thing other than a plane is what a surprise would be, and a surprise it was !

As much as a suprise as sending someone who is stranded in the north pole, icecream for dinner....


Luke Pype

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3 minutes ago, jafferhussain11 said:


i urge you and the dev team to be patient during this time .i am looking forward to GFO !

wish to see more from PMDG on the operations and navigation front ! ACARS ,CPDLC implementation and a few other items on the presentation are closing the gap between reality and simulation . This is what PMDG has always vowed to do and it is evident from their actions and products. And thank you guys for doing all that !

Hope to see the product out soon !

Trying to. I think people will have to see it to understand it, and see if they want it. I can honestly appreciate that, and I don’t blame anyone for that.

All the same, the people who get one minor glimpse of some screenshots and immediately jump to this being the end of the world, and trying to assert that this is what it isn’t? No. Facts before feelings. Angry? Fine. Just keep it in context...

Kyle Rodgers

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