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[26JAN19] It is Saturday. Let's have share some PBR!

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5 minutes ago, thibodba57 said:

The difference between PBR and dynamic reflections are actually more than its ability to be 'shinny'. 

may I ask a general question as I am a bit confused about this:  Is it necessary to have dynamic reflections enabled in the sim in order to get PBR effects?

Or will dynamic reflections just enhance PBR textures further?

thank you !

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30 minutes ago, Sekkha said:

may I ask a general question as I am a bit confused about this:  Is it necessary to have dynamic reflections enabled in the sim in order to get PBR effects?

Or will dynamic reflections just enhance PBR textures further?

thank you !

Honestly I'm not sure.  However I do and it looks amazing with it on.

Brian Thibodeaux | B747-400/8, C-130 Flight Engineer, CFI, Type Rated: BE190, DC-9 (MD-80), B747-400


My Liveries

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Im curious to know if the new PBR models will require existing Livery's to be updated, say for a VA as an example.  Or is it not necessary and they can be used still just without the PBR effects?

Jason Dilley

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22 minutes ago, Jd_jay said:

Im curious to know if the new PBR models will require existing Livery's to be updated, say for a VA as an example.  Or is it not necessary and they can be used still just without the PBR effects?

They will function with it. HOWEVER, they are not 100% compatible.  Things like shadows should be removed if taking full advantage of PBR.

Brian Thibodeaux | B747-400/8, C-130 Flight Engineer, CFI, Type Rated: BE190, DC-9 (MD-80), B747-400


My Liveries

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On ‎1‎/‎26‎/‎2019 at 12:20 PM, rsrandazzo said:

the acroynm "PBR" has a completely different meaning


When I was flying guns in Vietnam, my Charlie model crew chief painted the inboard 2.75 rocket pods to look like Bud cans.  Seeing the PBR engine pods reminded me that some things just never change. 🙂

Grace and Peace,

I Earned My Spurs in Vietnam

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1 hour ago, thibodba57 said:

Honestly I'm not sure.  However I do and it looks amazing with it on.

ok, thanks.  We will see it then.....   its just because dynamic reflections always has been a frame rate killer for me, so I never turn it on...

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Although a shot in the dark, a good idea I have thought of. For those that aren't very familiar with the PMDG paintkit, myself included - why not create a program that will convert an existing livery to a PBR livery automatically on a users request, not only would such a program help those of us that have little knowledge with the paintkit (i've looked around and can't find a good in-depth tutorial on how to use, enlighten me if there is) but also those that don't want to go back and add a few more details to their already extensive piece of work. 

As I said - just an idea.

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I never heard of PBR until now.  A Google search yielded the stock symbol for a Brazilian Gas company and a Pro Bull Riding website

  1. Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobras

    NYSE: PBR · January 25, 5:38 PM EST

    0.30 (1.93%)

    But anything that makes my 747 look better, I am in



Paul Gugliotta

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9 hours ago, thibodba57 said:

Yes PBR is coming to the flight deck, but that doesn't replace TFDI's true light.  True light doesn't seem to be compatible with  PBR, so Leonard is developing their own light system as a necessity.  That is probably what you are thinking about.

yes, exactly what I was saying. Cant wait!

Flying Tigers Group



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12 hours ago, shamrockflyer said:

Although a shot in the dark, a good idea I have thought of. For those that aren't very familiar with the PMDG paintkit, myself included - why not create a program that will convert an existing livery to a PBR livery automatically on a users request, not only would such a program help those of us that have little knowledge with the paintkit (i've looked around and can't find a good in-depth tutorial on how to use, enlighten me if there is) but also those that don't want to go back and add a few more details to their already extensive piece of work. 

As I said - just an idea.

Not quite sure that this is really how any of this works.

If it were, the nerd dev side would definitely save our artisitic side from a ton of work.

Kyle Rodgers

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19 hours ago, thibodba57 said:

Glass reflections and you will see differences in painted metal vs the metal from where paint has been chipped away (the yoke).  You can also see non-reflective plastics that seem to absorb light rather than reflect it.

@Paul K  The difference between PBR and dynamic reflections are actually more than its ability to be 'shinny'.  You can Create noise for certain areas like APU exhaust or dirt so they don't reflect light which is true to life.  You can adjust reflection for certain materials so they are duller than other. Rubber vs Static Ports (they never seem to be reflective) or painted metal to bare metal.  Each can be separated to a certain level of reflectivety.  While I will admit that Dynamic reflections are very nice, once you have an aircraft thats been finely tuned into PBR it truly is amazing.

Thanks very much indeed for that Brian. As I say, my eyes are open and no doubt PBR will become very commonplace soon. At the moment, however, the picture isn't worth the proverbial thousand words - when I see an example of PBR applied to an aircraft model, I still need someone to explain why that end-product ( rather than the development technique itself ) is superior to what we've had up until now.

I've already seen one example of PBR in DCS which produced something spectacular but completely unrealistic, and that's another fear - that PBR will be overdone just so that the sales blurb can trumpet "it features PBR texturing!"

There is great enthusiasm for PBR amongst developers, and that is encouraging. However, while It might be a bit glib to dismiss PBR as an example of the "emperor's new clothes" , this particular end-user / flight-sim consumer is still scratching his head.

You get like this in your sixties, you know. 😉

Surely not everybody was kung fu fighting.


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Looks amazing! 😎

BUT will it be possible to avoid this update because my system is just too weak to handle stuff like this and it will kill my PC. I'm very happy that I can fly her at the moment with all sliders to the left and achieve about 20FPS... 😩

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12 minutes ago, Himbi said:

Looks amazing! 😎

BUT will it be possible to avoid this update because my system is just too weak to handle stuff like this and it will kill my PC. I'm very happy that I can fly her at the moment with all sliders to the left and achieve about 20FPS... 😩

Well you could of course not update but if a future update is out which fixes some bugs then you have a problem. So I would make the investment to buy a new pc. 

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3 hours ago, Himbi said:

Looks amazing! 😎

BUT will it be possible to avoid this update because my system is just too weak to handle stuff like this and it will kill my PC. I'm very happy that I can fly her at the moment with all sliders to the left and achieve about 20FPS... 😩

I wouldn't write it off that quickly, but updating is always optional, to a certain degree (past a certain age, we wouldn't be able to support it, and with Global Flight Ops, you'll need to be on the latest, should you jump into that).

I believe that you'll be able to tweak the options in P3D. I'd be interested in seeing performance data from various people to see if the change in rendering alters performance. Often, people assume that an improvement in something will come at a performance cost. If you think about it, anything that offloads performance off of the CPU to take advantage of the GPU will actually likely improve things.

P3D (and FSX/ESP before it) still is very CPU-driven.

Kyle Rodgers

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Thank you guys for your quick answers. 🙂


In my case CPU is not a problem. But GPU and RAM... 😞

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