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My observations and lack of issues

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With VFR (low and slow) type flying the major issues won’t be apparent, 99% of people in this group from what I can tell think the update is fine.

Switch to airliners, which are faster and fly higher and you will see the LOD draw distance and texture issues.

And if your community folder is empty and you are just using default aircraft probably won’t get CTDs.

The change in sky, scenery colour is subjective. It has changed and the majority from what I can tell and as do thinks it washed out, dulled down.

A lot of the reductions in quality have been well proven by now.

This video is a great reference of how MSFS looked before the update - check out the building draw distance, the colours etc - 


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I resemble that bright remark! VFR flyer here most of the time, and I don't notice the issues enough to bother me. Up high it would be different it sounds like from your post.

Ryzen5 5800X3D, RTX4070, 600 Watt, TWO Dell S3222DGM 32" screens spanned with Nvidia surround 5185 x 1440p, 32 GB RAM, 4 TB  PCle 3 NVMe, Warthog throttle, CH Flightstick, Honeycomb Alpha yoke, CH quad, 3 Logitech panels, 2 StreamDecks, Desktop Aviator Trim Panel.

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13 minutes ago, Mark_A said:

This video is a great reference of how MSFS looked before the update - check out the building draw distance, the colours etc -

LOD can be extended well beyond what’s in that video in the usercfg now. I’ve seen one video on the official forum of LOD 9.000 running smoothly.

i910900k, RTX 3090, 32GB DDR4 RAM, AW3423DW, Ruddy girt big mug of Yorkshire Tea

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If there's one good thing to learn from this update....shall we call it disaster or experience...dunno... then it's how everything depends on where you fly, how high and what you fly and what the environmental conditions are, and probably in what mood you are. It has much to do with first impressions and if the first thing you experience is a painful visual degradation of your favorite place in FS followed by a CTD, you may think quite different about SU5.

Case in point, apart from the CTD issues that haunt me a bit (for the first time in FS), I was pretty happy about the noticeable performance boost (I fly VR only, so every single frame counts) and - here it comes - I tried the update in Germany and generally Europe, the US East Coast or PNW area which all don't differ that much from the general terrain types found in Europe, the off colors are not a problem specific to SU5 and while I noticed the draw distance cutbacks I didn't really mind them that much because they became only really obvious close to the sparse bits of photogrammetry in Europe, or close to NYC. <Shrug>.

Then I visited California.  I flew S from Napa County over the Bay and I had a hard time recognizing where I am.  At some point 2 strange big poles faded in on the right hand side, that were the lowest LOD-level simplified Golden Gate bridge piers and it really took a while until that turned into something that could be taken for a bridge, and then it took another while until the first structures of downtown San Francisco popped into sight too... while being as close as maybe 2-3 miles and from that point the Oakland side of the bay was an object-free desert shoreline. 

Long story short, if you want to learn what went wrong and what's upsetting people so much, visit the Bay area around noon on a cloudless summer day.  You'll see how hurtful the reduced object and texture draw distances can be (no way to restore this without tweaking usercfg.opt but that will take out most (if not all) of the performance gains), what people mean by "washed out colors" when the light hits its summerl extremes and how that all  contributes to the gross disfigurement of the landscape caused by the unique features of said landscape and how little the "performance improvement" of SU5 considers extremes like that.  If that would've been the first thing I've seen of SU5, I think I would've grabbed my proverbial pitchfork too.  Particularly if I would've learned the same day that my favorite add-ons are all broken, the sim turned very crash-prone and my favorite "software happy place" is no longer happy at all, with the perceived harmful focus on the XBox release feeding fears and misgivings.about the future on top of all that.

It's great if you can still enjoy FS or even enjoy it more than before.  But no matter how you twist and turn it, there are obviously things gone terribly wrong (again), causing an unusual amount of valid criticism and disappointment among all the blown out of proportion reactions and if I interpret the little tidbits of hemming and hawing from the beta crowd right, Asobo must have known very well this would happen (which doesn't mean they're happy about that).  Obviously, meeting the deadline had priority over promises and common sense, so this got out even if it really shouldn't have, at least in the minds of PC users. 



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38 minutes ago, scotchegg said:

LOD can be extended well beyond what’s in that video in the usercfg now. I’ve seen one video on the official forum of LOD 9.000 running smoothly.

Beyond 3.0 it's a slide show for me on the ground. My draw distance was fine before the update. And even the config doesn't fix the draw distance completely, from my testing it does extend the draw distance and texture loading slightly.

We didn't have to change any config file before the update.

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8 hours ago, RandallR said:

I'm having many issues with controls - I had no control issues before the update.

There are no issues btwn the controls and my PC.  There are no issues btwn my controls and the sim (Options area shows full response to all inputs).  But start up a flight and it's a different story.  One aircraft will work properly - the next will have no elevator response - the next will be totally out-of-trim, and so on and so on with aircraft after aircraft having control input issues.  If I go back into Options, everything works...

I had controls problems only with Community modded aircrafts, not with the default ones, for example, at the Salty B747 I had no controls working at all, but the default B747 doesnt have any problem. The B78X has faulty MFDs, but the default B787 has no problems.So we must wait to the mod devs make the necesary updates

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I have no idea if the latest update is working for me until I install it this week. However, the 'it works for me so others must be stupid crowd' needs to word not allowed off and just fly the word not allowed sim and stop wasting everyone's time. It seems clear that many have issues, and being a dick and saying yours is good - other must be doing something wrong is just stupid. Maybe folks who have their sim running ok have super low expectations and their settings reflect that,  maybe they have no idea what they are looking at, maybe there are just lucky. Either way, except that some folk have issues and just word not allowed off.

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13 hours ago, Bobsk8 said:

I have a neighbor that can't see the difference between a 2 K Tv and a 4K TV. That doesn't mean they are equal. 

Well stated, and true.

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1 hour ago, RICHUK said:

I have no idea if the latest update is working for me until I install it this week. However, the 'it works for me so others must be stupid crowd' needs to word not allowed off and just fly the word not allowed sim and stop wasting everyone's time. It seems clear that many have issues, and being a dick and saying yours is good - other must be doing something wrong is just stupid. Maybe folks who have their sim running ok have super low expectations and their settings reflect that,  maybe they have no idea what they are looking at, maybe there are just lucky. Either way, except that some folk have issues and just word not allowed off.

What?! Who said 'it works for me so others must be stupid'? Maybe it's useful information to understand what is working and what isn't for various people. Telling people to word not allowed off for reporting good experiences is bang out of order.

i910900k, RTX 3090, 32GB DDR4 RAM, AW3423DW, Ruddy girt big mug of Yorkshire Tea

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Maybe it's time to sell the GPU, use the money to take an extravagant vacation, and with the leftover you can still buy 3 Xbox's. 

AMD 5800x | Nvidia 3080 (12gb) | 64gb ram

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16 hours ago, neil0311 said:

I debated whether to post this or not, so let me stress that this is just my experience and not meant to be commentary on anything else. I’m not a “word not allowed” (um…OK…we have banned words??? Rhymes with Man-Toy) and I’m not trying to prove anything to anyone. The fact that my experience is so vastly different from others is key to the underlying issue that there are so many possible variable configurations on PC.

I have an i9-9900K overclocked to 5GHz with 32GB of RAM and multiple SSD drives. I use a TrackIR 5 and my video is 4K with an nVidia RTX2080Ti (latest drivers) driving it. I use the “high-end” preset options in MSFS, and do not use any VR. I also have no add 3rd party ons installed. None. No aircraft and no scenery. My “community” folder is empty. 

I’ve done some quick flights since the major update last week, and took a quick on after the hotfix, but this morning I went a little more in depth. I’m not trying to compare what I see now versus what I saw 6 months ago, or any of those (what I consider) useless and subjective comparisons.

I flew the default C172 from KRYY in real time weather and traffic. Took a 30 min flight south past ATL and around the north GA area. Got 45 fps pretty consistently. No stutters, no pauses, no CTDs. TrackIR was fluid and I was able to pan, look back, look over the nose, and look at the panel as I usually do.

Maybe the colors were more washed out, but honestly, living in the southeastern US, this time of year when you fly, you get a lot of haze. The flight seemed to represent that better. The feeling of haziness was better than previously. Now, is that by design or just coincidence? Not sure.

So could there be a downgrade of quality somewhere, sure. Do I really notice it? I don’t. Maybe that’s just me. I’d much rather have the smooth 45 fps performance that I got. And again…no CTDs, so maybe that’s my underlying Windows 10 setup or a lack of add ons, or the fact that I’m using “high” and not “ultra”…no idea.

But for me…the sim is not only usable, but fine. I know that will annoy some, but it’s my experience. My only issue was loading the update, I got thrown off the server and had to wait and try again. Since then…no real issues.

I hope the other issues folks are having get resolved quickly.

All I say is, I agree and very similar experience here. Not a single crash or issue, I hardly notice he popping trees if at all. In am on 4K ultra and its constant 30fps.

Simming since FS 98. MSFS rig - Ryzen 3600 4.2Ghz - 32GB RAM 3600Mhz - Motherboard MSI 570 A Pro - RTX 2080 Ti -all overclocked - 2xNVME storage. PSU Corsair HX850i platinum. Average 30Fps on 4K ultra.

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It's a shame there is no way to roll back an update, or that this doesn't look like it will ever be an option. It's obvious that some people are more affected than others each time an update is forced upon us all. 

I'd have given anything to roll back to SU2 upon SU3 release, at the expense of whatever improvements were made or even working mods. I was gutted that I could go from really enjoying the sim one day, to having a forced change leading to a negative experience. It's a sence of injustice and its understandable that injustice forced upon any one group of people is going to lead to community disunity. 

Personally, I wouldn't roll back to SU4 as I'm having no CTDs, improved performance and maybe my low and slow flying is leading to me seeing less graphical anomalies that others who have a completely different flying style see. That doesn't mean that I don't feel sorry for those that are experiencing issues and my genuine hope is that things will get sorted. 

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10 hours ago, Mark_A said:

And if your community folder is empty and you are just using default aircraft probably won’t get CTDs.


Ermmmm.. by default, doesn't that statement also imply that any problems are NOT Asobo/Microsoft issues?


System specs...   CPU AMD5950,  GPU AMD6900XT,  ROG crosshair VIII Hero motherboard, Corsair 64 gig LPX 3600 mem, Air cooling on GPU,   Kraken x pump cooling on CPU.  Samsung G7 curved 27" monitor at 2k resolution ULTRA default settings.

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5 minutes ago, Moria15 said:

Ermmmm.. by default, doesn't that statement mean that any problems are NOT Asobo/Microsoft issues?


Umm, no... They wrecked the dev environment and there are plenty of issues outside of CTD. At many airports objects are floating, walls might be missing, jetways are invisible, etc... The grass is also punching through the concrete in many places because they changed the grass height. There still are plenty of addons that don't work, even FlightSim.TO has an entire special entry for "Verified for SU-5", just to show you how widespread issues really are.

That said, some CTD issues are the users fault for expecting every addon to not CTD in SU-5, but Asobo didn't need to break anything to be honest. It's not like it was going to take some fancy coding to not break stuff as some people say, the code was already there. Instead they let some developers go all "Wild West" in the DEV environment and they also changed some core things which are no more than a coder's own preference, hence you want roses or daisies kind of thing. So many things they keep changing they could have left for a DIFFERENT patch or added in slowly, or NOT changed at all.

AMD 5800x | Nvidia 3080 (12gb) | 64gb ram

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17 hours ago, neil0311 said:

I was never an X-Plane fan. The flight models never felt real to me. Always felt like an arcade game.

Last comment from me, as repeating myself doesn’t help anyone. I do think some folks have forgotten the “flight” part and are obsessed with the “simulator” part, and aren’t as concerned with whether they can intercept the ILS or lock a GPS approach and land without visual reference. I love VFR flight, but when I’m under the hood shooting a practice approach, I’m looking at and scanning the panel. I don’t see trees or the ground or anything else.

I’ve logged time on real simulators and the level of detail is actually quite low. The focus is on procedures.  

MSFS was never promoted as a procedural simulator with visuals secondary, so the comparison to a real simulator isn't valid.  

CPU Ryzen 7800X 3D  RAM 32GB Corsair VENGEANCE DDR5 6000MHz
Internal Storage 1TB SOLIDIGM P44 PRO GEN 4 M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD  External Storage Three 4Tb Hard Disks 

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