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About riverreveal

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  1. Will this be available on any other storefronts like ORBX or Just Flight? I try to keep my purchases to as few as possible storefronts. I will certainly buy this, but done mind waiting a few days if it will be available on one of my regular ones. All of the A2A products I own for P3D are all purchased from Just Flight.
  2. Exactly this. Also, MSFS can be so much to so many people. I am not quite sure why there is always a desire to shoot something down so readily just because it could be perceived as not hardcore and by extension a waste of resources. I fly low and slow GA and love it to be hardcore and a sim like experience. My kids enjoy the casual stuff far more and I have spent money in the MSFS eco system just so they can get involved more. Every one us uses MSFS for a different reason. Personally mine is low, slow realistic GA. Others it Airliners. Some use VR. Some will fly online with friends. Some stream. Others make airports and aircrafts. Some will use xbox. Some will have £1000s worth of cockpit gear. It's because MSFS can appeal to so many people it can exist and will continue to exist in the foreseeable future. While we will all want our own individual niche to be the best it can be it cannot and does not exist in a vacuum of our own personal wants and desires, otherwise the sim would not exist at all. I would rather have the sim we have now, which brings so much to so many people, than to go back to 2019 without it.
  3. Excellent tie-in! Looking forward to the 2nd film. Have they said anything about the map?
  4. I am surprised they just dropped this in the middle of the Xbox showcase with no further information beyond the trailer. So many questions. I would be amazed if current addons didn't transfer over and as long as they do I can't wait!
  5. This. Strange to see push back on more open software and future 3rd party releases that may.....improve the sim. If it improves and adds features I want I will buy and if it doesn't I wont. Either way, I would at least like to have the choice and see what 3rd party devs can do.
  6. I watched a couple of your videos and decided on the 140 mainly because of them. Many thanks for your answer.
  7. I am thinking of getting one of these (or both). Question for people who own either - Have they been updated and still working well?
  8. There was a link in another thread to a google drive download for version 2.0.6. Is that the current latest version still? I don't have discord, so not able to keep an eye on updates since they left fs.to
  9. Thank you so much for posting this Michael. I never knew this option existed. Just tried it and it is a wonderful extra to the already fantastic program.
  10. @johnnycaptain Thanks for your insights and providing some useful info in this thread.
  11. New players should head straight to flightsim.to, that's where all the best free mods are in one place. Includes a great UI and quality of life features that makes filling your flight sim world easy and intuitive! Have fun! Edit: Oh, sorry that was a couple of weeks ago.
  12. Hopefully, everything settles down soon. I am massively appreciative of all the freeware that has enriched my flight sim world. I'm also thankful for flightsim.to for allowing me somewhere user friendly to collect all that freeware. At least the owners of flightsim.to will have seen what can happen if they push too far.
  13. Not used MSFS for a while. Do you have to redownload REX Accuseason program to get the optimised SU10 update? Or will the program auto update itself to the latest version? Thanks.
  14. This beta was the first one I have participated in. Will Sim update 10 install automatically? Or do I have to opt out of the beta beforehand?
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