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Everything posted by Sonar5

  1. I guess as far as gathering dust,dreamfleet Cardinal is gathering dust in my hangar.I still enjoy flying my other payware aircraft, but I haven't flown the Cardinal in a few months.I do however fly many of the freeware aircraft I listed in the freeware thread here: :-)http://forums.avsim.net/dcboard.php?az=sho...d=260713&page=4But I also have some freeware aircraft I don't really fly anymore, but most of those I did not list anyway in that thread.Regards,Joe
  2. Bump since it hasn't been bumped lately. :-)Feel free to add new additions since our last batch.Regards,Joe
  3. Are you saying what she said was a verbal mistake?As for polls, sorry, I don't believe polls, for if I did, we would have Kerry as President, The Senate and house would have a dem majority, and the majority of governors would be dems. Nope, I don't hold any integrity for polls. As to your contention as to some alleged majority catching on to his lies. Proof please. We have 280+ million people in this country, and you can't prove that comment true.But I can prove what Blanco said, since it is on tape. Funny how the truth works, huh?Don,She said it twice, once when she thought she wasn't on tape, and then admitted to Miles O'Brian of CNN on Sunday when she said she didn't ask until Wednesday.Funny, how we don't have all these problems in Mississippi and Alabama, who took the brunt of this storm, including Storm Surge. I wonder why?
  4. Nice try, but she used the word SHOULD OF.... And even her Press Secretary appears to say "Yes You Should". She then states her request was actually Wednesday. Sorry, but it's her own words, it's not like there is no context to the questions. They are quite clear.If he would have sent in federal Troops, the dems would be screaming invasion and calling for impeachment.You really don't understand how the law and constitution work, do you?Ever here of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. I suggest you review the requirements, as well as the Stafford Disaster laws to understand what she was required to do.When she asked for a declaration of a state of Emergency she LIED about following her Required State Emergency Plan.Sorry, Don, but even you can't spin on Blanco's own words. Sorry but the only village idiot here is Blanco.R. David Paulison is also the new head of FEMA.http://www.fema.gov/about/bios/paulison.shtm
  5. **Blanco didn't ask for Troops Until Wednesday (CAUGHT ON VIDEO) Smoking GunGo see the VIDEO HERE, which is the Satellite Feed from CNN.:http://thepoliticalteen.com/video/blancoday.wmvFrom not allowing the red cross in, to now admitting on tape her failure to request troops, talking to her press secretary, not realizing the feed was on.I suggest downloading the tape, so you can pause and such, since some words are tough to make out due to her speech abilities.Talking to press secretary Wednesday Morning 6:52 am EST:Quote:BLANCO: I really need to call for the military.Her Press secretary in Crosstalk: Yes you should...Blanco: And I should of started that in the first call....*************Please note she never specifically asked for Troops before this day. 2 days now after the storm made landfall.Miles nails it though in this exchange on Sunday....Quote:Miles: When did you make that request though?Blanco: Miles, I'm lost in the daze (days).....Blanco: I don't even know what today is.....Blanco: I made that request, perhaps Wednesday.Game... Set.... Match.... And all in the Louisiana State Governors own words for all to see and hear.And the hits just keep on coming.....This Governor is the single largest reason people died needlessly in that state, in my opinion. Not Bush, not even Nagin as much as Blanco. So when you talk about who knew what when, and when you talk about when the feds rolled in with troops and why there was a delay, look at Blanco, Not Bush.Talk about a Smoking Gun.....
  6. Found this interesting statement about what the red Cross is saying.What The Red Cross is saying Publicly about NOT being let into New Orleans.Just another example of the Local and State Government taking control of everything, yet claiming they wanted help from the Federal Government, all the while shutting out the very people that can help in this situation.Way to go Blanco..... I really am of the opinion She should be charged with criminal negligence.From:http://www.redcross.org/faq/0,1096,0_682_4524,00.html#4524***********Hurricane Katrina: Why is the Red Cross not in New Orleans?* Access to New Orleans is controlled by the National Guard and local authorities and while we are in constant contact with them, we simply cannot enter New Orleans against their orders.* The state Homeland Security Department had requested--and continues to request--that the American Red Cross not come back into New Orleans following the hurricane. Our presence would keep people from evacuating and encourage others to come into the city.* The Red Cross has been meeting the needs of thousands of New Orleans residents in some 90 shelters throughout the state of Louisiana and elsewhere since before landfall. All told, the Red Cross is today operating 149 shelters for almost 93,000 residents.* The Red Cross shares the nation
  7. Too funny....Type in Google or Yahoo:"Louisiana Emergency Plan" in quotes, and my Article comes up Number One in both.....What a Hoot.....
  8. >ALL levels of government failed. It's that simple. Pick it>all apart, and it becomes most obvious. >>DonI have to disagree here Don.Not all failed as you state.The National Hurricane Center did an Outstanding job of forecasting this storm once it entered the Gulf. It gave appropriate warnings well ahead of when the storm hit, and I believe you have to look at what the Catalysts were for what went wrong when.Once the NHC warned the Local & State officials, it is up to those same Officials to implement whatever plan they have in place.In order for a State of Emergency or Major Disaster to be declared by the Federal Government or President, a Pre-Requisite is that the States Emergency Plan is Implemented. That was not done according to my research.The Failure, if any, of the Federal Government is prefaced by the fact that it was told the States Emergency Plan was implemented by the State, when in fact the State Lied to the Federal Government.You have to have a basic Understanding of the Stafford Laws and the Louisiana Emergency Plan, as well as its supplements to comprehend what I am saying. I suggest you follow my link and read what I have written.If the plan was followed, many lives would not have been lost, IMHO.Regards,Joe
  9. Hi,Go read the Research I did, and you will understand what went wrong and why.I wrote a highly detailed piece that was put out to many and is being used on radio, and multiple cable news shows. Dobbs, O'Reilly, Hume, Rush.I wrote it on Sunday, and was about the first to talk about it.Here it is:09/04/2005 3:48:32 PM PDT
  10. You're right, I'm done with it.Donate if you want folks, if not, whatever.http://www.salvationarmyusa.org
  11. And I would argue that the insensitivity was the reamrk made in Germany while people are dying along the Gulf Coast. But you make no mention of that do you?Thanks for demonstrating my point.typical...
  12. >argh, I knew this would happen. Nobody is thinking there was>little damage done. What is being said is that there is not as>much damage done as during the tsunami. There has been no>attempt to minimize what has happened in New Orleans, in fact,>quite the contrary. But in relative terms the damage does not>come close. >>billg>Yeah actually you are trying to minimize it, in my opinion by making statements you cannot back up with any facts. NONE. With this post and your first one in this thread, You are trying to minimize it by making statements when in reality you have no clue as to what the damage actually is.So I'll tell you what. How about I give you a quote about someone who covered both the Tsunami in Sri Lanka, and this Hurricane in Mississippi. Unlike you, he has perspective and has been in both situations. Although, I suspect that is not enough.Here is what he said, and he is from Norway.http://www.sunherald.com/mld/sunherald/12517707.htm"Kim Riseth is one of those journalists. He works for a newspaper in Norway but is based in New York City. He has covered the war in Iraq, as well as the tsunami in Sri Lanki." "The destruction here is worse than the tsunami," Riseth said at the Emergency Management Agency. "It's exactly the same thing I saw in Sri Lanka. The houses were smaller and not as strong as the ones here, but this place is totally destroyed about three blocks from the beach."Hopefully now, you will stop with your all knowing statements and wait long enough for this disaster to be assessed.Your statement of the damage does not come close is simply based upon ZERO facts here.So again, what amount of death and destruction is good enough for you? I suspect no disaster is bad enough for some to offer help. It matters not, we will survive, this, we will rebuild it, and we will still help others in need. Hypocrisy abounds yet again.If you want images for perspective. I urge you to look at the many images in the Hundreds of posts here in this thread over at FreeRepublic. You need to stop believing what the press is feeding you and take note of what is actually happening. There are tens of thousands still stranded in New Orleans Right now. No Food, No water, no Shelter, nothing. Can you even ascertain that?Katrina Images,http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1...sts?q=1&&page=1There are dozens and dozens of threads about Katrina with eyewitness reports, etc.http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/keyword?k=katrina
  13. >argh, I knew this would happen. Nobody is thinking there was>little damage done. What is being said is that there is not as>much damage done as during the tsunami. There has been no>attempt to minimize what has happened in New Orleans, in fact,>quite the contrary. But in relative terms the damage does not>come close. >>billg>Oh Please.... Open your eyes, and take a look around.Yeah actually you are trying to minimize it, in my opinion by making statements you cannot back up with any facts. NONE. With this post and your first one in this thread, You are trying to minimize it by making statements when in reality you have no clue as to what the damage actually is.So I'll tell you what. How about I give you a quote about someone who covered both the Tsunami in Sri Lanka, and this Hurricane in Mississippi. Unlike you, he has perspective and has been in both situations. Although, I suspect that is not enough.Here is what he said, and he is from Norway.http://www.sunherald.com/mld/sunherald/12517707.htm"Kim Riseth is one of those journalists. He works for a newspaper in Norway but is based in New York City. He has covered the war in Iraq, as well as the tsunami in Sri Lanki." "The destruction here is worse than the tsunami," Riseth said at the Emergency Management Agency. "It's exactly the same thing I saw in Sri Lanka. The houses were smaller and not as strong as the ones here, but this place is totally destroyed about three blocks from the beach."Hopefully now, you will stop with your all knowing statements and wait long enough for this disaster to be assessed.Your statement of the damage does not come close is simply based upon ZERO facts here.So again, what amount of death and destruction is good enough for you? I suspect no disaster is bad enough for some to offer help. It matters not, we will survive, this, we will rebuild it, and we will still help others in need. Hypocrisy abounds yet again.If you want images for perspective. I urge you to look at the many images in the Hundreds of posts here in this thread over at FreeRepublic. You need to stop believing what the press is feeding you and take note of what is actually happening. There are tens of thousands still stranded in New Orleans Right now. No Food, No water, no Shelter, nothing. Can you even ascertain that?Katrina Images,http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1...sts?q=1&&page=1There are dozens and dozens of threads about Katrina with eyewitness reports, etc.http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/keyword?k=katrina
  14. For those thinking how little damage was done, please let us know what amount of death and destruction meets your criteira for helping.Here is the latest: 1:19 P.M. - (AP) Mayor Ray Nagin says at least hundreds of people are dead -- maybe thousands -- in New Orleans.More Updates here:http://www.nola.com/newslogs/breakingtp/
  15. Dillon,While I appreciate what you are saying, I feel our country is mostly alone in this.I suggest the folks around the world that want the real news, and not what is being spoon fed them with an agenda to spin it, take a look at the links I have provided in the Hangar Chat Thread.The ignorance that all have been evacuated is a blatant lie. And whatever news org fed you that crap is ignorant beyond belief.Katrina Thread, lots of news in there.http://forums.avsim.net/dcboard.php?az=sho..._id=21316&page=Read these:http://www.wwltv.com/local/stories/WWLBLOG.ac3fcea.htmlAnd Thishttp://www.wdsu.com/weather/4913354/detail.htmlThis is the worst natural disaster next to 9/11 that we have experienced, in my opinion, and remember, 9/11 didn't lose a lot of housing.Picture hundreds of miles of coast lines where people lived gone. Picture of a city of over 450,000+ 80%-90% under water for weeks. No Electricity, No water, for weeks, if not months.And that is only New Orleans. Biloxi, Mississippi is pretty much spent, but think of the dozens of small towns that no one has been able to get into yet. Picture Gulfport Ms.,Picture Mobile, Alabama where one of our own Moderators has not checked in yet, (Ken) and hopefully he is ok, but he stayed to ride it out. They have barely been able to collect the deceased, since they are still in SAR mode. In Germany , you have people blaiming Global warming and blaming a single person, (Bush), for a Hurricane. How pathetic is that. Instead of sending aid, or offering to help, these idiots do that. Thanks a lot, that really means a lot to us here.No The silence will be deafening, as it is now from abroad.Some people around the world, like 9/11, will probably be thinking we deserved this.Our country will continue to help other countries in future disasters no matter what, and you know what, that is what separates my country from a lot of others. Freedom to help others even while they spit in our face.***************As far as donations, I am sending mine to The salvation Army, since I can decide what the money is used for, and can segment it specifically for this disaster.Unlike other major organizations fronting for relief money only to use it for something else.You decide where your money goes:http://www.salvationarmyusa.orgYou can also go to any United States Based Wal-Mart and donate there. I urge all that can to do so.****************The Good news is the aid is arriving from around the country, and one Guy is in charge the Director of FEMA. Hopefully they will be able to evacuate the City of New Orleans within the next few days, and the dead can be collected for burial, which may be in the thousands, In my opinion.My Prayers go out for the Victims and their Families in this Tragedy. we will survive, we will rebuild, and we will help others in the future who need our help, even while the Hypocrites demand aid from us and give little themselves.Sonar5
  16. May I suggest the following, which differs from other charities, even some with famous names. This one will ensure your funds will go directly to this catastrophe.http://www.salvationarmyusa.orgWhat this means is you can specify what use your money goes to. And it is better to know your money goes to actually help then not knowing and having it used for something else.You can also donate to the Salvation Army through your local Wal-Mart store.Help where you can folks, and say a prayer as well.
  17. From:http://abcnews.go.com/US/HurricaneKatrina/...=1081633&page=1"Aug. 30, 2005
  18. Regarding Prisons and Hospitals.Before I stated how they chose not to evacuate the Prisons and Hospitals.Now, the hospitals are being evacuated. The Superdome needs to be evacuated.And if anyone was just watching CNN, they just showed prisoners outside in the prison yard surrounded by water, and then another shot with them all bulked up on a roadway being surrounded by armed guards waiting to be evacuated.They should have gotten these folks out before when they had the chance.***********From:http://www.wwltv.com/local/stories/WWLBLOG.ac3fcea.html 4:40 P.M. - (AP) State officials say they are working on plans to evacuate inmates from the Orleans Parish prison and the Jefferson Parish jail. Both facilities face a threat of flooding.The state Corrections Department is trying to figure out how to transfer 4,000 inmates from the New Orleans jail and another 1,000 from the Jefferson Parish jail in Gretna.The inmates would be moved to state prisons including the highest-security at Angola. Corrections spokesman Pam LaBorde says it's quite a logistical situation to accomplish. ***********There is no Threat of flooding, it has already occurred.The facility they showed on CNN was already flooded, and the Prisoners were sitting on a ramp in the middle of the road bunched up like sardines. Others within the facility looked like they were sitting on top of wash stations outside, completely surrounded by water.
  19. Bad News From Biloxi, according to Reuters. Hundreds feared dead from surge.Reutershttp://olympics.reuters.com/news/newsChann...px?type=topNewsBILOXI, Mississippi (Reuters) - Hundreds may have been killed by Hurricane Katrina in the Mississippi Gulf Coast city of Biloxi after being trapped in their homes when a 30-foot (9 meter) storm surge came ashore, a spokesman for the city said on Tuesday."It's going to be in the hundreds," Vincent Creel told Reuters. "Camille was 200, and we're looking at a lot more than that," he said, referring to Hurricane Camille, which hit the area in 1969 and destroyed swaths of Mississippi and Louisiana.
  20. Mayor of New Orleans has just ordered an EMERGENCY EVACUATION of anyone left in New Orleans.They can't stop the water from rising.Widespread lotting is taking place, and there are unconfirmed reports from a KTLA reporter of shootings and civil unrest.This is a worst case scenario, and although happening slower than what was initially thought, it is still happening.Superdome is currently surrounded by three feet of water. President Bush is heading back to Washington Today.They are going to try and seal the levee with 3000lb sand bags by helicopter.11:04 a.m.: Looting Out Of ControlNew Orleans police say looting is out of control in many parts of the city. Officials are focusing on the rescue effort, but a crackdown on looting is expected after the martial law declaration. -- WDSU anchor Kriss Fairbairn10:30 a.m.: Martial Law DeclaredNew Orleans is under martial law, according to state officials. The declaration is imposed to restore order in times of war and emergency. It could be weeks before displaced residents are allowed to return. -- WDSU chief meteorologist Dan Milham10:27 a.m.: Blanco Expects Death Toll To Be HighGov. Kathleen Blanco said her office has not confirmed any deaths but expects the loss of life to be high. -- WDSU chief meteorologist Dan Milham
  21. Mayor says 80% of City under water.Straight from the source in New Orleans.http://www.wwltv.com/perl/common/video/wmP...082905mayor.wmvHe talks about significant loss of life, within the city, but they are concentrating on the living right now. Watch this entire interview.St Bernard, over 40,000 Homes Flooded.Folks, there are cities north and slightly east of New Orleans that they have not even been able to get into yet.FEMA told mayor Twin Spans Totally Destroyed. Gone.Superdome now surrounded by three feet of water. Martial Law declared Link:http://www.wdsu.com/weather/4913354/detail.html10:30 a.m.: Martial Law Declared New Orleans is under martial law, according to state officials. It could be weeks before displaced residents are allowed to return. -- WDSU chief meteorologist Dan Milham10:27 a.m.: Blanco Expects Death Toll To Be HighGov. Kathleen Blanco said her office has not confirmed any deaths but expects the loss of life to be high. -- WDSU chief meteorologist Dan Milham
  22. Reggie, I would caution about talking about death tolls. Camille caused about 255 deaths, and we don't even have a grasp on the situation yet. There are many areas that if people did stay, it is not looking good. Here is a page about Camille you may be interested in reading.http://www.geocities.com/hurricanene/hurricanecamille.htmAs far as damage compared to Camille, I fear this one will exceed Camille, based upon initial reports and a study of Camille. The population and build-up of the Gulf Coast since Camille has blossomed the population there compared to 1969, so regarding Camille, that damage will dwarf this storms aftermath, in my opinion.Hopefully the federal government will send in Troops to help in this situation. No local Government can handle this type of event.This storm's effects are in some places yet to be felt. There is so much more potential damage, injuries, and even deaths that can occur after a storm that people need perspective.The News media was concentrating on the immediate storm effects, and the actual damage will take quite a while to ascertain.
  23. According to FOX News, Martial Law has been declared in New Orleans, the levees have broken, and water is rising in New Orleans. Authorities also say they don't know why the water is rising in some places. FNC says at least 4 have broken. And they don't know whether the water is coming from the Lake, or River. The pumps do not work. The Central Business district is being evacuated.FNC said they heard on Emergency radio they are worried about sustaining life for those that remain in the city. At this point it appears at least to me, that New Orleans is going to flood out to the tune of 80% - 85%.The City has said people no longer have civil rights.With No Power, no Potable water, and disease, chemicals, and other things polluting the water, the loss of life may be great.Prayers for all those still there, and hopefully they will be able to get out.*****NOLA Tymes Picayune now evacuation.http://www.nola.com/newslogs/breakingtp/One of the sources I was using is now evacuating their building before they are stranded. The water keeps rising, and they are concerned that they need to evacuate now while they still can do so safely.
  24. You Wrote:It stikes me Sonar very odd cos this time waster I've been foolish enough to get involved with in the past couple of months hates you and has said so to me. He says that he phoned you up and told you so. Well I doubt that that is true but I will say this you strike me as a very honest person.Hi Peter,Not sure who you are talking about but I can assure you I have not talked to anyone from here that had bad words with me, or any negative comments over the phone. NONE. ZERO, NADA, NILCH. :-)I don't know how someone can hate another that they have never met. Seems kind of shallow to me. I don't hate anyone. I don't agree with certain people's integrity and hypocrisy issues, but hate. Nope. If someone said that they talked on the phone to me and had negative words, they are lying through their teeth, and yes, should not be trusted, in my opinion.Feel free to email or message me, since I would love to find out who is lying since it involves me. You've perked my interest. :-)My only point above was really a subtle suggestion only that you may want to consider just listing what you were looking for, and not a bad experience with a prior team member who didn't work out. As far as scaring off non-experienced personnel, I suggest you list out specific objectives or experience you would like the team member to have.Such as(only example):1) Worked for prior developer2) have 2-3 verifiable references from people within the industry and can be verified.3) examples of specific work that the person has done on projects.4) Specific code experience, and written code examples not attributed to others.etc.....List it up front in the dev or design forums, that way one of two things may happen. 1) you will find the person you are seeking.2) Someone will refer you a lead that will work out, or pass on your post to experienced persons.Don't feel bad about being burned in business, it happens to many. You can recover, but it's the way you approach it. Don't dwell on the failure, concentrate on what you are trying to achieve.Also if others you trust say don't trust someone, you may want to evaluate the risk in bucking that trend. Trust is earned, and it's nice to give people chances in business, but if a person has past trends in business, there is a strong possibility they will continue on in the same path, and that is not good for your business.Anyway, I'm sending you an email. I look forward to your response.Regards,Joe
  25. Well, It's not over yet, moving North Still and will affect a lot of the countries weather this week.Damage Assessments are premature at this point until they get aviation assets in the Air hopefully tomorrow.The Dome survived thank goodness, but lost part of its outer shell. And that was due to the storm eye tracking East of Downtown, and storm weakening by the time it arrived in that area. New Orleans still has a lot of damage, and we won't know the extent of this storm until later in the week.Mississippi seems to have taken the brunt of it, and Governor Haley Barbour seemed very worried today about his state concerning the storm surge and the winds.How the Rigs did will also be of interest but it seems most of the fields were west of the storm.Regards,JoePS - Ken, you ok down there?
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