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Mike A

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Everything posted by Mike A

  1. 🤣 The reality is that a lot of Americans, whether recently or multiple generations ago, have come from somewhere else. So if USA does not advance, loyalties then usually go to the countries where your ancestors came from. I can only speak from my own personal experience here in the Bay Area for the last half century, but there’s a lot of interest in football/soccer here with amateur leagues representing teams organized by ethnicity. My brother, who was 20 years older than me, was a goalkeeper for the Greek American team here in San Francisco back in the 1950s. So it’s not “only right” that we should support the England team. But who knows. You can always try asking me again when the Elgin marbles return home 🇬🇷🏛️🇬🇷 🤣😆😂
  2. This one takes the cake; I actually enjoyed reading it. Someone went to a lot of trouble to write this 😆. ? Do not omit to commit all that to memory! What's going to be in your wallet soon? A $10.7 million dollar ATM card! Really? Five asterisks? Or did the AVSIM filter censor it? Outstanding!
  3. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/elon-musk-nickname-twitter_n_637880fee4b0a97fec7cd681?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
  4. Ah, I was just pulling your leg a little bit, Fr. Bill, couldn't help myself. One of my favorite programs when I was a little kid was watching reruns of "Whirlybirds": My response had more to do with what it involves at my location. My wife is terrified of anything medical, has to do with childhood incidents of hers. Anytime anything medical is on the screen, she turns away. Even when drug commercials come on, she mutes the TV. Or if she comes into the room & I'm watching something that shows anything like that, she says "Why are you watching that? You know how that upsets me!" So even though the time on-screen details of injuries is minuscule, I have to "weigh" (hence the scales above) the possibility she would look at the TV at the wrong time and freak out. And, of course, I will never live it down if that happened 😱.
  5. Yes/No: Do I like helicopters enough to include open fractures?
  6. While not involving AI technology, I experienced something along these lines. Many years ago, my next door neighbors were an elderly couple, Charlie & Mary. Mary was very musical; she played the piano, and would also sing opera. She was a small woman, but could really belt out those songs. Mary passed away before Charlie. A few weeks later, while I was home, I suddenly heard singing from next door. For a few seconds, I thought I was hallucinating, as it sounded like Mary, just couldn't believe it was happening. I listened awhile longer, then realized it was their parrot Sid singing. It was stunning how much he sounded like Mary. For the next few months I heard Sid singing like this. Eventually it stopped. I always wondered how Charlie felt about it. I just didn't have the heart/nerve to ask him about it.
  7. Steelcase Leap, outstanding. I had back surgery in 1989, so I’m real careful about how I sit. The best one for me: https://www.steelcase.com/products/office-chairs/leap/
  8. Maybe it's time for a remake of "The Birds" set in Hawaii.
  9. https://earthsky.org/space/its-not-a-ufo-its-nasas-new-heat-shield/?mc_cid=122d3a7568&mc_eid=4f3be4a484
  10. It's a cool photo, and I get it that they're divers, but still .... you want to picture your Navy on the bottom? It's like those Ukrainian memes about the cruiser Moscow being promoted to submarine 🤔
  11. My first calculator, circa 1973, Texas Instruments SR-10
  12. I actually met him also, but it was when I worked on the Military Police Desk at the Presidio. I was working there one 4th of July, which was always the craziest day of the year on the Presidio. Lots of activities & crowds eventually leading to the fireworks show (speaking of crazy, imagine the phones ringing constantly for hours, where more than 50% of the callers ask "when/where/best place to see the fireworks". After hours of this, I hit my limit. A woman called and asked "I'm in Berkeley, which direction will the fireworks be shot?", and I answered "That will be straight up in the air, ma'am". As I finished, I regretted what I said, but luckily she started laughing, I apologized explaining how many times I had to answer that question.) So anyway, a local radio station was sponsoring a show with music & celebrities at Crissy Field. The station told the performers & celebrities to check in at the MP Station, and that transportation would be provided for them from there to the stage area. The desk sergeant, while not exactly a spitting image, kind of looked similar to the guy who played George Jefferson on The Jeffersons TV show: This guy comes up to the desk, and when the Desk Sergeant makes eye contact with him, says with a sheepish grin "Hi, I'm Scotty from Star Trek.' The Desk Sergeant looks him over and replies "Oh, yeah? Well I'm Kareem Abdul-Jabbar!" I look at him, and this is around thirty years after the original Star Trek was aired, and I hadn't seen any recent pictures of him. I told the Desk Sergeant "Hey, you know what, that is Scotty from Star Trek!" So he came up onto the desk and hung out with us for about 20 minutes until his ride came, very gracious guy and seemed to enjoy being there. Even with all he MPs who came in, saw him and said "Hey, Scotty, beam me up!"😆
  13. Yeah, that's it! I actually went to a Star Trek convention around 30 years ago, which was held at a hotel next to KSFO. Brent Spiner, the guy who played Data, gave a talk. Lots of costumes. One guy was wearing a Star Fleet uniform, and there was something wrong with it, but I just couldn't put my finger on what it was. I think during Spiner's speech, or just before, he asked all those wearing costumes to come up front and stand together. It then hit me what was wrong. I told my friend who was with me: "See that guy with the uniform that's somewhat off compared to the others? I know what happened now. The only reference material that poor guy had was a VCR tape of a Star Trek episode. Look how the color on his uniform is different from everybody else. The tint control on his TV was out of wack!" 🤣
  14. Imagine you're a Space Force officer. You and several of your colleagues are assigned to attend a NATO meeting in Europe. Your group arrives at the check-in station for the meeting, where a security guard tells you: "Gentlemen, I'm afraid you're at the wrong location. The Sci-Fi convention is at the hotel three blocks down the road to your right."
  15. Mike A

    SS Warrimoo

    Maybe I'm confused because I'm tired now, but wouldn't west of the International Date Line be a day ahead of east of the line? Maybe the ship was headed southwest instead of southeast as depicted?
  16. Space Force officer candidates attend the Air Force Academy. If West Point freshmen are known as plebes, and Naval Academy students are middies, how are Space Force candidates addressed as to distinguish them from their Air Force classmates? Could it be they are called …………………(wait for it) ………………… Space Cadets? 🤪 https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=space cadet
  17. The U.S. Space Force now has an official song: I don't know about that. Kind of reminds me of theme songs from Japanese animated shows from the 1960s:
  18. I found this video comparing Tobii & TrackIR informative:
  19. "My name is spelt Raymond Luxury-Yacht, but it's pronounced Throatwobbler Mangrove"
  20. On a selfish note, I hope you'll drop in here at Hangar Chat once in awhile to let us know how you're doing. I've always enjoyed the enthusiasm you exhibit in your posts.
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