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Everything posted by jkeye

  1. OK got it sorted by copying files to new directoryJay
  2. Hi all I'm having trouble getting the UT2 bridge to work in P3D 3.4. Has anyone had success? Jay
  3. Hi all I'm having trouble getting the UT2 bridge to work in P3D 3.4. Has anyone had success? Jay
  4. Hi Leo This is not a mic recognition issue as mine has been set up in advance. BW Jay
  5. Hi I'm trying the v7 beta with some success in P3D 3.4. However ATC keeps saying last aircraft say again and it takes about 4 or 5 replies to recognise Any help appreciated. Jay
  6. I'm posting here the message I sent on the VoxATC feedback form I'm trying the v7 beta with some success in P3D 3.4. However ATC keeps saying last aircraft say again and it takes about 4 or 5 replies to recognise Any help appreciated. Jay
  7. I'm feeling the same way here. I sent a feedback form regarding an issue I've had with the controller not recognising my communication but have yet to hear anything from the developer. So support seems to be a one way street. I'm not going to pay for this product if support is not forthcoming at the outset. Jay
  8. Hi Alex! Thank you so much for your fantastic little tool! This will help me taxi to my runway! And in my HTC Vive it is very friendly on frame rates! Jay
  9. You could go to the flight planner and create a new flight with the new destination-when asked if you want to move your aircraft click no. Then load the new flight plan into AS2016. Would that work? Jay
  10. If you fly in virtual reality with Flyinside (as I do now exclusively),FSX-SE is the way forward.(Along with P3D) The boxed FSX version performs poorly in VR. And with the frequent Steam sales (I got mine for the price of a coffee) FSX SE is definitely something I will be using for a LONG time! Jay
  11. I personally use UT2. It requires a bit of tweaking of dll xml files but works fine. The AI models are quite detailed. You can do a search of the forums. There's plenty of info to help you make your choice. Jay
  12. The sickness gets better-take a break if it gets bad. Don't fly the f22 in acrobatic fashion. You'd get sick in REAL life if you did that! My VR sickness was mainly using Vorpx for games like bioshock and GTA5 which I don't do anymore. Does your system give good framerates? Jay
  13. I don't think you can get dynamic clouds without ASCA. I use AS2016 and ASCA in my VR headset and am always impressed with the realism Jay
  14. Or you can go into the sim's world-map menu and find the ATIS frequency at the alternate and tune in Jay
  15. This update is a game changer for me-I fly in VR exclusively and with Flyinside the improvements are significant. Jay
  16. Thanks for the heads up! I was struggling to get Radar Contact working and then voila I saw your post-perfect timing! Jay
  17. I think the new cinematographer view in Prepar3D 3.4 does most of these things by default! Jay
  18. jkeye


    Ok found it!Thanks!I'd forgotten to add the .zip extension. Are there any freeware SR71s with VC? Thanks again! Jay
  19. jkeye


    That search returns no results:-( Jay
  20. Just my two cents but there is hardly anything in the release notes that would make me jump on a upgrade. I fly solely VR now-so this is a BIG DEAL in my book! Jay
  21. Could the moderators please look at this post and decide if this is trollingJay
  22. Hi there.I've not seen the developer on these forums or had any reply to emails-is there another forum you are talking about? Jay OK disregard- you meant Pilot2ATC not Vox
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